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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i took 5,8kilos of(plastic) pentium 1 and withdrew 1,8 kilos of cover lids---with the 4kilos i added ar---the ar reacted and cleaned the pentium of its gold--when filtrating the ar ,i was left with 120grams of a magnetic powder with visible gold in it---- i took this 120grams and boiled with nitric1:1 and distiled water---when brown fumes ended(about 1hour) i withdrew the becker from the heat and added more distilled water---here happened something (for the first time i ever saw),the reaction revived and almost boiled over the becker.i filtrated the liquid and was left with 49grams of powder---to the nitric liquid i added naclo3 and plenty of red palladium powder formed--to the 49grams left i added ar again and precipitated the gold with smb----to the initial ar (the 4kilos) i added urea and then smb and leaved to rest till today--the various funny thing that happened:1 the precipitating the 120 grams of magnetic powder-2 the reviving of the nitric reaction just by adding water3-the original ar did not fizzles when i added urea--- probably i will get little gold from the original aqua regia solution because the larger quantity was in the 120grams(49grams) and probably i will have more pd in the original ar solution---today i will have the numbers (results) for gold and palladium in 5,8kilos (with lids) or 4 kilos (without lids)
the result for the 5,8kilos of pentium 1 was:16,7grams of gold(2,879grams per kilo) and the pd gave 1,3grams total=0,224grams per kilo--------------------the bulk of gold (14,2grams)came from the precipitated magnetic powder(120grams) as well as the 1,3grams of pd.the original ar had precipitated 2,5grams of gold and no pd in the ar--------perhaps the urea made the pd precipitate in the magnetic powder(i do not know)---a few days ago i asked the forum an estimative of how much gold in pentium 1 and a very educated man told me that there was many threads about my question---i did not find many------any way, here is a correct number obtained---2,879grams of gold per kilo

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