Stainless Steel Silver Cell _smallsilvercell_

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Really? would you mind explaining because i have produced hundreds if not thousand of oz with just that design.
I think this is not the first time you have told someone they are wrong.
An electrolyte concentration of 300 grams silver per liter for a stainless steel cell is mentioned earlier in this thread. This is well beyond the 30-150 grams generally quoted in the literature. This will reduce the internal resistance of the cell, but are there any other benefits or problems resulting from the high concentration? Just curious.
amesametrita said:
the worst cell design i've ever seen
From your past posts, it is obvious you are quite anal about what you consider to be the perfect cell. I must admit I found your posts on the subject quite interesting - I even printed them out and I rarely do that. Technically, you are most probably right but, practically, for a hobbyist running a very small cell, one goes with what works. It's the old, "the proof is in the pudding" thing. Palladium has had great success using a stainless bowl as the cathode, so why knock it just because it doesn't meet with your severe standards? It works, doesn't it?

On the forum, the use of a stainless cell first came from Harold. Had you insulted him as you did Palladium, you would likely already be banned. I also have seen references to the use of large stainless cells in industry.

If you really want to be helpful, you could provide details on exactly how you would set up and run a very small 1 to 3 liter cell. They present problems that aren't found in larger cells. I warned you before that, if you thought someone was wrong, you should explain why. Your bedside manner sucks.
kadriver said:
Today I am going to convert my silver cells from glass with graphite electrodes to a stainless steel bowl (6 inches deep and 8 inches across) with the entire bowl serving as the cathode.

I've got all the materials to make the cell and a nice 30 volt, 10 amp power supply to run it.

I am going to take some photos of the cell as I build it and post them later today.

Palladium claims that his "runs like a Ferrari" and that I will "throw rocks at the graphite cathodes" once I get the stainless bowl setup running - hope its true!

hahaha cool looking forward to see it all ways looking to lurn somthing as im heading down the road of growing a gold mine lol but silver is also great love to know more thnks for all the help
how much di your power suply cost you i need to get me one and where did you get it thanks
rickwood said:
how much di your power suply cost you i need to get me one and where did you get it thanks
Here is the link where.
kadriver said:
Here it is
Yeah i'm not even going to argue with you about how wrong your thinking really is. The one thing i do know is i produce some of the highest grade materials you will find and this is proven by scientific means of assay and icp. All this i do in a little redneck laboratory, without a chemistry education, with inferior equipment, and a staff of 3 cats. Maybe it's the cats that do it when i'm not looking, who knows. The one thing i do know is it works regardless of what you, mickey mouse, or some book says.
Palladium, I wanted to say something earlier, but after reading more of this, I will.

Your method works and although someone thinks the setup isn't pretty or scientific to their mindset, your method works. I'm going to make one one day too. Any, and (or) everything can be improved, if there is an improvement to it. But for what you're been doing and what you've accomplished, I say you did an excellent job in demonstrating your silver cell.

Palladium, ask the doubter(s) if they would like to have your refined silver for free, or even half priced. You and everyone else knows what that answer WILL be.

Shucks, I made my own vacuum pump/siphon out of a squeeze ketchup bottle and some 3/8" in tubing and it siphons well for me, for the time being. It's nothing fancy, and it cost me only the cost of the empty ketchup bottle. The tubing I got for free, but it can be gotten for less than the cost of the ketchup.

I like the design you made and I will someday make one myself. You also told me just recently about using stainless (300 series) for my nitric acid (I never knew it), but your information is sound and founded to be amongst the most credible members here on this forum.

Keep up the great work. You have earned it too, respectfully and by proven methods. Nothing can out-top that. Nothing.

His arguments remind me of academic teaching in the universities. No No No says the professor! It will never work! Didn't you see the book said so. Your wrong because......... Reckon how much talent has been squashed by people who think their way of academics is the only way their is. How much talent has been suppressed because of the fact that if the main stream academic community doesn't agree then it holds no viability. Science is all about learning and pushing that frontier to its edge to see what's there. Without that free spirited sense of exploration then we might as well say if it ain't in the book then it's not possible. I like the guy and i like the information he posted when correct, but the one thing i can't tolerate is when you suppress or hinder the spirit of education or experimentation. If it works, it works. Period!
I have already said what I think of your cell several times and my view hasn't changed, it's easy to make, cheap, easy to find the items to construct and it works. Perfect it might not be but to most of us that doesn't matter, it does what it says on the box and produces good results for little money or effort.
One of these days (ahem) I plan on building a "Bowl Cell", I have the bowl and everything else I need except the important things......nitric and silver :lol: But I have everything else.

amesametrita said:
Now I see how some people believe in a snake oil.
Electroplating cell Palladium has built is not electrorefining one.
If you want to follow this fault design, than follow.
I just recommend to copy Harold's one

The cell design works, i use the same setup and consistantly achieve .9995+ results. It does not have to be pretty, it does not have to be designed by a team of scientists, it does not have to cost thousands/millions of dollars, it does not have to be bought from a store, it simply has to work, and work simply it does. You do not have to use this same setup, there are many to choose from, you dont have to like this setup, but in my opinion you should respect the choice of the members here who have chosen to replicate and use this system. Each man/woman here uses the system that works for them, we are not here to impress anyone other than ourselves.
And let me be clear.
I've never said that this setup doesn't work.
I said "the worst cell design I've ever seen".
amesametrita said:
And let me be clear.
I've never said that this setup doesn't work.
I said "the worst cell design I've ever seen".

Take a nail instead of cathode.
Forget anode bag.
Use pure silver for the anode.
It will work.

At electrolyte concentration 300g/l forget one day to put silver as anode.
Put some graphite instead.
It will work again, even without anodic silver.

You can take a hammer and dig up the garden.
But it is better to do it by a shovel.

Solution: Dont look at it.
amesametrita said:
And let me be clear.
I've never said that this setup doesn't work.
I said "the worst cell design I've ever seen".

I guess using that same logic and the laws of thermodynamics the same could be said about the internal combustion engine, but yet how many millions of them operate daily?

Regardless let it be. This was Kadriver's thread about learning something and we done trashed it up. Back to learning.
Palladium said:
I guess using that same logic and the laws of thermodynamics the same could be said about the internal combustion engine...

Don't generalize.
Some engine designs are good, some are bad.
You can't compare Russian Lada to German BMW.