Hi, I have read mixed information as to what colors show for certain metals using stannous chloride. If anyone would be willing to give their opinion on these tests I'd really appreciate it!
Often tests are easier to read if you use paper strips or cotton buds, dipped in solution in stead of spoons, spot plates and similar.Hi, I have read mixed information as to what colors show for certain metals using stannous chloride. If anyone would be willing to give their opinion on these tests I'd really appreciate it!
Red is with concentrated solution dilute will be yellowish.Three things here:
1) "One thing strange is you ended up with a brown mud after the first drop". Perhaps I wasn't clear.... the first few beakers of Shor AR mixed back in May of 2022 was golden color (after filtering). Then I dropped the gold with the Shor Product and recovered and rinsed the brown precipitant (which I called mud in the above post). I never saw a red liquid. That was back in May of 2022.
Where did the copper come from?2) Fast forward to September 2022 where I am now .... I recovered the brown sediment from the bottom of the "pregnant bucket" weeks after the addition of the copper. This brown sediment is what puzzles me and caused me to start this thread.
3) I did not test the integrity of my stannous on a known gold solution.... However, I have another, newer bottle of stannous that I will try later today.
Did you dissolve ALL base metals?It is kind of complicated (and procedurally messy) so I will be terse. I am a beginner and I want to be respectful of your time, so here goes:
1) In several iterations, I placed a couple of pounds of circuit boards and assorted gold plated devices (with significantly visible gold) in a beaker and used the Shor International Product (I know it is frowned upon here) to create AR. All went well and I observed plenty of purple stained stannous tests.
No comment.2) I then used urea (I know, that too is frowned upon here) to denox. I still had plenty of purple stained stannous tests. Frequent filtering the solution is implied here.
All ok, but why use a product that is waay more expensive than the clean product.3) Dropped the gold with their product (Shor Quadratic Precipitant). So far, so good....had brown mud at the bottom of the beaker.
I have never used Ammonia or had the need to use it.4) Cleaned mud with ammonia and then distilled water (as they suggested). Now everything goes south...
How did you end up with 3 gallons???5) I attempted to refine this accumulated mud even further using the same procedures above. This left me with approx 3 gallons of green AR with no precipitant and NO gold in solution - all negative stannous tests.
Was this the “quadratic precipitant”?6) I added lots of SMB and no change.
Did you have air bubbling or other circulation going in the bucket?7) I then added clean copper pieces to the 5 gallon bucket (hoping to cement out the gold) and after a couple of weeks, I recovered quite a bit of brown precipitant.
No comment8) I HCL rinsed it (warm) and Distilled rinsed it (warm) until it was clear - and then dried the brown powder.
Nitric substitute only?9) I used the Shor Product (a nitric acid substitute) one more time with 10 grams of this newly acquired power - then heated it about a hour.
Dark to clear may mean false positive or too much oxidizer(Nitric).10) Then this Stannous test went from dark brown to clear in 2 seconds.
You “know” when it tests positive with stannous!11) I know there is gold in there and I do not want to discard it.
Thanking you all in advance....
I did not see the Copper comment tge first time, sorry for thatHello Yggdrasil,
"Can you please go in detail what you have done?"
Yes, Steps #1 - 10 listed above, are the details to the best of my recollection. Is there something
in particular that I need to further explain?
"Where did the copper come from? You said nothing if copper?"
I added high quality copper tubing to my 5 gallon AR bucket when I saw no precipitant and no gold in solution (#7 above).
When in doubt, cement it out?
Thank you.
No, there were pieces of copper remaining, probably also nickel, solder, silver and other commercial metals. See photo (items #1 and #5Did you dissolve ALL base metals?
It came with the starter kitAll ok, but why use a product that is waay more expensive than the clean product.
The woman (with a really nice voice) in their video, suggested it. BTW...it did clean up the mud fairly well.I have never used Ammonia or had the need to use it.
I mixed many different batches of Shor AR and it just accumulated to ~ 3 gallons. Total powder may have been ~ 20 grams (educated guess). I am weighing everthing now. My gold plated parts have copper base metal.How did you end up with 3 gallons???
How much powder was there?
One tell tale here would be the green color, which means it has Copper in it, where did the copper come from?
Good question.. I first used their version of SMB (called quadratic precipitant), then I foolishly used a ton of actual SMB in my desperation.Was this the “quadratic precipitant”?
Did you check that the solution still was acidic? Since it was 3 gallons, was this the full AR or diluted?
No air bubbling - just occasional stirring outdoors.Did you have air bubbling or other circulation going in the bucket?
This morning, I mixed 50 ml of 31% HCL with 50 ml distilled water and added 10 grams of Shor MX3 (their Nitric acid substitute). Their MX3 does not mix well at 31% HCL. I stirred till dissolved then added exactly 10 grams of the brown powder that was at the bottom of this 5 gallon bucket and heated it. Unlike past mixtures, this time it did NOT fume excessively.Nitric substitute only?
I have been guilty of adding too much Nitric in the past (lol)Dark to clear may mean false positive or too much oxidizer(Nitric).
It may be further back in the process.
How much boards did you strip?
The red I referred to was when you re-digested the brown mud, that much gold, would turn the acid red. Because it is substantial gold and few other metals. This is gold that indicated positive in solution from a stannous test. (Question, is the test actually labeled stannous chloride test solution or is it Shor magical mystery juice #1). You precipitated a brown mud after using urea using the Shor precipitating agent (actual chemical name unknown). After the metal dropped you filtered and washed it and soaked it in ammonia. That will get any residual silver chloride and copper out. Did the liquid tint a little blue?1) "One thing strange is you ended up with a brown mud after the first drop". Perhaps I wasn't clear.... the first few beakers of Shor AR mixed back in May of 2022 was golden color (after filtering). Then I dropped the gold with the Shor Product and recovered and rinsed the brown precipitant (which I called mud in the above post). I never saw a red liquid. That was back in May of 2022.
Oh bro thanks for this post as I didn't know how to explain my problemIt is kind of complicated (and procedurally messy) so I will be terse. I am a beginner and I want to be respectful of your time, so here goes:
1) In several iterations, I placed a couple of pounds of circuit boards and assorted gold plated devices (with significantly visible gold) in a beaker and used the Shor International Product (I know it is frowned upon here) to create AR. All went well and I observed plenty of purple stained stannous tests.
2) I then used urea (I know, that too is frowned upon here) to denox. I still had plenty of purple stained stannous tests. Frequent filtering the solution is implied here.
3) Dropped the gold with their product (Shor Quadratic Precipitant). So far, so good....had brown mud at the bottom of the beaker.
4) Cleaned mud with ammonia and then distilled water (as they suggested). Now everything goes south...
5) I attempted to refine this accumulated mud even further using the same procedures above. This left me with approx 3 gallons of green AR with no precipitant and NO gold in solution - all negative stannous tests.
6) I added lots of SMB and no change.
7) I then added clean copper pieces to the 5 gallon bucket (hoping to cement out the gold) and after a couple of weeks, I recovered quite a bit of brown precipitant.
8) I HCL rinsed it (warm) and Distilled rinsed it (warm) until it was clear - and then dried the brown powder.
9) I used the Shor Product (a nitric acid substitute) one more time with 10 grams of this newly acquired power - then heated it about a hour.
10) Then this Stannous test went from dark brown to clear in 2 seconds.
11) I know there is gold in there and I do not want to discard it.
Thanking you all in advance....
So nobody reads Hokes anymore or search the forum??Oh bro thanks for this post as I didn't know how to explain my problem
I burned a couple of ribbons and some cellphone boards too and use hcl and nitric acid but I didn't have enough nitric acid, I probably had about 500ml or less.
After I did that I added some water, and urea. Left it for about 4 hours
Then because I didn't have filter paper I used a cloth and filtered all the hard particles then smb, the next morning got all the muddy stuff under,
The liquid still bluish green tho so I ordered more nitric acid, hcl, urea, smb.
I want to know should I add urea first?
Or should I add more smb?
I didn't have stannous but will have this time so I'm not sure what in there I'm only suspecting there gold because of the کلر
The good thing I didn't use all the boards just a few to see what was going to happen
As I asked Seny, have you read C. M. Hokes book or tried searching the forum at all???No, there were pieces of copper remaining, probably also nickel, solder, silver and other commercial metals. See photo (items #1 and #5
in the photo). These large pieces and other solids were filtered out before adding the urea.
Bad news, much of the Gold has probably cemented out on the remaining base metals. This is the reason we usually diossolve the base metals completely before touching the Gold.
It came with the starter kit
The woman (with a really nice voice) in their video, suggested it. BTW...it did clean up the mud fairly well.
It will take the AgCl and some Copper depending on the time.
I mixed many different batches of Shor AR and it just accumulated to ~ 3 gallons. Total powder may have been ~ 20 grams (educated guess). I am weighing everthing now. My gold plated parts have copper base metal.
Still How did you end up with 3 gallons from 20g of powder?? Did you pour off the liquid before trying to refine it? I can't quite wrap my head around what you did here.
Good question.. I first used their version of SMB (called quadratic precipitant), then I foolishly used a ton of actual SMB in my desperation.
I have sinced learned to settle down.
I just ordered a PH kit, so I do not have that answer yet.
No air bubbling - just occasional stirring outdoors.
This morning, I mixed 50 ml of 31% HCL with 50 ml distilled water and added 10 grams of Shor MX3 (their Nitric acid substitute). Their MX3 does not mix well at 31% HCL. I stirred till dissolved then added exactly 10 grams of the brown powder that was at the bottom of this 5 gallon bucket and heated it. Unlike past mixtures, this time it did NOT fume excessively.
I have been guilty of adding too much Nitric in the past (lol)
I agree - that is why I added the copper tubes to try to cement it out.
I added maybe a kilo of boards and lots of pieces #5 in the photo (maybe 500 grams of these pieces).
So at best you will have around 0.5 to 1g of Gold, most likely a lot less sinc much is cemented in the boards. In a gallon it will be practically invisible. You relly need to do AP on this kind of material.
The good news is that this is just a small test that I truely screwed up. I will scale it up once I gain more knowledge.
Thank you.