Still in need of help

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Active member
May 28, 2021
So I just tried aqua regia for the second time. And again I yielded absolutely nothing. I made two videos. I need someone to review them and tell me what I did wrong. This is wasting my money. I'm out 200 dollars and I'm thinking about 2 grams of gold.

The first batch I yielded only silver. Nothing precipitated. Someone told me to denoxx so I did and it didn't change. No precipitation.

I'm uploading two videos, I'll post them in a bit to this thread. If anyone could help that'd be great.
You know all that green liquid you are splashing everywhere. That is actualy a contact Poison now that there is dissolved metal in it..

I am leaving the rest for Someone else.

I'm shocked from seeing that!!!!
Everything your'e doing is sooooo wrong.

I'm not going to write you a book on what to do and what not. There is enough to read. You just seem to want a shortcut to succes without having to understand what you're doing.

Once more:
That green liquid you're spilling over the garden table and floor: Poison! Toxic! Carcinogenic. :shock: :shock:
And sticking your hands in :shock:

The money is not all your'e losing... it's your health and your family's health you're taking serious risks with.
You ignored all our advise and warnings and this is the last warning you'll get from me.
Really? Your kid and wife next to that?

Prepare for some LARGE medical bills.
Good morning,

In my opinion you should talk with a doctor because the toxic substances you come in contact with. Your right hand thumb seems to have nitric acid burns.

If I were you I would store all the acid solutions in robust plastic bottles, then I would be patient starting to read every thread of this forum. You have to learn the difference between Recovery and refining.

Always Wear personal protective equipment such as long pants, shoes, and gloves. The gas mask does not protect you enough from big amounts of toxic clouds. Work outside in a well delimited area different from where you live, do not mix them. If you have childrens or pets near to you... stop any activities.
again , be patient

Have a good day
Well now, it seems we have an example of idiocy in motion. Someone wants a combination of lung, kidney, and liver failure. Have fun with that. Time for more coffee.
Iamdrainbows said:
If anyone could help that'd be great.

OH MY GOD :!: - just watched your video :shock:

Do you REALLY want help/advice :?:

If so - then the BEST help advice I can give you is --- TO STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW :!:

You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are doing :!:

EVERYTHING you are doing to recover gold from that kind of scrap is WRONG (you have NO idea)

EVERYTHING --- WE do to recover gold from that kind of scrap is a VERY TOXIC process (you have NO idea)

The chemicals are "toxic" - the fumes are "toxic" - the waste you create is even MORE TOXIC (you have NO idea)

THEREFORE - in order to do this - you MUST have a proper PLACE to do this along with being properly set up to deal with handling the "toxic" chemicals "toxic" fumes & TOXIC WASTE

Your back patio is NOT the place to be doing this :!:

You are not only POISONING your self - but POISONING everyone that comes & spends time on your back patio

That mask you are wearing does NOTHING to stop the TOXIC part of the fumes --- the TOXIC part of the fumes go right through that mask --- you are still breathing them --- you just don't smell them

What are you NOW doing with the TOXIC waste you are creating :?:

Just because you see other people (on you tube) doing what you are doing - DOES NOT make it safe --- it just means they are doing the same STUPID things you are doing :!:

I am not saying that you can't do this & do it safely - what I am saying is until you FIRST do A LOT of research to learn both how this is really done AND how to properly set up to do it --- you NEED to right now STOP what you are doing

ALL the information you need to learn to do this AND how to properly set up for doing this is right here on this forum

Start by doing LOTS of reading - look for info posted by long time members that have posted MANY detailed posts about recovery/refining - members like goldsilverpro, 4metals, Lou, butcher, Shark, Palladium, g_axelsson, Martijn, Geo, the things I have posted & the many others you will find when searching those members

After &/or during the course of doing LOTS of reading you can start asking questions (before you actually start doing anything) & we will be more then glad to help you in making sure that what you are doing is being done right --- so that when you do it you succeed in what you do

Until then STOP what you are doing - because right now EVERYTHING you are doing is WRONG :!:

kurtak said:
Iamdrainbows said:
If anyone could help that'd be great.

OH MY GOD :!: - just watched your video :shock:

Do you REALLY want help/advice :?:

If so - then the BEST help advice I can give you is --- TO STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW :!:

You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are doing :!:

EVERYTHING you are doing to recover gold from that kind of scrap is WRONG (you have NO idea)

EVERYTHING --- WE do to recover gold from that kind of scrap is a VERY TOXIC process (you have NO idea)

The chemicals are "toxic" - the fumes are "toxic" - the waste you create is even MORE TOXIC (you have NO idea)

THEREFORE - in order to do this - you MUST have a proper PLACE to do this along with being properly set up to deal with handling the "toxic" chemicals "toxic" fumes & TOXIC WASTE

Your back patio is NOT the place to be doing this :!:

You are not only POISONING your self - but POISONING everyone that comes & spends time on your back patio

That mask you are wearing does NOTHING to stop the TOXIC part of the fumes --- the TOXIC part of the fumes go right through that mask --- you are still breathing them --- you just don't smell them

What are you NOW doing with the TOXIC waste you are creating :?:

Just because you see other people (on you tube) doing what you are doing - DOES NOT make it safe --- it just means they are doing the same STUPID things you are doing :!:

I am not saying that you can't do this & do it safely - what I am saying is until you FIRST do A LOT of research to learn both how this is really done AND how to properly set up to do it --- you NEED to right now STOP what you are doing

ALL the information you need to learn to do this AND how to properly set up for doing this is right here on this forum

Start by doing LOTS of reading - look for info posted by long time members that have posted MANY detailed posts about recovery/refining - members like goldsilverpro, 4metals, Lou, butcher, Shark, Palladium, g_axelsson, Martijn, Geo, the things I have posted & the many others you will find when searching those members

After &/or during the course of doing LOTS of reading you can start asking questions (before you actually start doing anything) & we will be more then glad to help you in making sure that what you are doing is being done right --- so that when you do it you succeed in what you do

Until then STOP what you are doing - because right now EVERYTHING you are doing is WRONG :!:


Thanks for the suggestions. I will take furthered precautions. Is there anything going on chemically that prevents it from forming?

Would it be because there is not enough gold in the solution?
lanfear said:
You know all that green liquid you are splashing everywhere. That is actualy a contact Poison now that there is dissolved metal in it..

I am leaving the rest for Someone else.


I made a second video with no results. Does anyone want to watch and tell me then? I mean some more advice about the chemical side of things rather than safety.

I will stop and read. I just have absolutely not guide to doing it. I love chemistry and such and would like to master it. Any suggestions on what to do?

If there is too little gold in the solution willit not drop?
galenrog said:
Well now, it seems we have an example of idiocy in motion. Someone wants a combination of lung, kidney, and liver failure. Have fun with that. Time for more coffee.

At this point - from what I see - there is not likely any need for GREAT concern (concern yes - just not GREAT concern --- YET)

However --- IF (the big IF) he continues down his current path --- it will SOON become a matter of GREAT concern

Hopefully he will take our/my advice & STOP what he is currently doing & our/my advice to spend LOTS of time researching/reading - asking questions along the way - investing in getting set up to do it properly - before he continues to move forward in his current direction

You are far more gracious and polite than I, Kurtak. However I do know a bit concerning this. I can trace my current kidney problems to an ill advised home experiment with mercury done over 30 years ago. The effects of being stupid may not show up today, or tomorrow. Do the wrong thing with chemicals or heavy metals, and the effect will show up, and be a plague the remainder of one’s life. Time for more coffee.
galenrog said:
You are far more gracious and polite than I, Kurtak. However I do know a bit concerning this. I can trace my current kidney problems to an ill advised home experiment with mercury done over 30 years ago. The effects of being stupid may not show up today, or tomorrow. Do the wrong thing with chemicals or heavy metals, and the effect will show up, and be a plague the remainder of one’s life. Time for more coffee.

Alright I'm slowing down with my attempts. It might seem like a pipe dream. But this is my second time. I will do better about it.

Big question is there a chance I used too much ar? I had a stannous test passing for gold then added sulfamic acid. And it failed the test.

So now there is no gold I guess? Or is it too dilute with AR to read?
There is no gold in that solution to drop. All the gold have cemented back out. You would know this if you had studdied before hand. You used the worst possible aproach to this refine. Again, you should have reasearched this first.
Save all your solutions in safe container. Continue to depopulate and sort your scrap while you researh. This is not something you can jump in to. I know you are eager to see a ressult from the money you spent, but I promise you thats not possible at this point. You dont know enough yet. The ressult at this point WILL be the loss of your gold and you and your families healt.
DUDE! wtf? You need to PULL DOWN that video OFF YouTube. Just to keep other people from doing things backwards, and potentially poisoning themselves.

First those fiber chips have very little gold. The "gold" dots are thinner than a human hair. The pins on chips just look golden, they are an alloy called "kovar," gold and NICKEL (very very poisonous).



THEN, AND ONLY THEN, you would have been justified STARTING with AR.

IF THE GOLD IS FLOATING IN YOUR AR, it is NOT dissolved INTO SOLUTION. From what I could tell, your solution is loaded with copper (which is why it is green).

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but your approach is "Ready, FIRE, aim." Not the correct order.

Sorry that I can't upload exactly what you need to do. It would take far too long.

Do what other people keep telling you to do. PUT THOSE SOLUTIONS INTO STORAGE. I hate to tell you to watch MORE YouTube videos, but that may help.

YOU ARE STILL IN THE RECOVERY PHASE, AR is for refining (and for those ancient CERAMIC Pentium chips).

Sorry, but the mess you created will take a lot of learning to sort out. There IS NOT THAT MUCH GOLD at all. UNLESS you have 100lbs of those chips, and the surface gold is just 1/3 of it (in older chips)

If you had a shoebox of RAM chips you would be looking at some gold content. Also you need to search for "AP" which is just HCl with a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide. It dissolves the underlying copper that allows the gold to be used for the contacts.
Like this:
20170810_165421 (Small).jpg
THEN after "AP" and filtering (coffee filters) you would see this:
CAM01430 (Small).jpg

This is what CLEAN AR or HCl + bleach with gold DISSOLVED IN SOLUTION looks like. Notice that is is NOT green.
2013-12-11 15.39.38 (Small).jpg
dissolved gold.jpg

There is an old computer geek saying that is apt, "garbage in, garbage out."
Is there a such thing as too little gold that won’t let the gold precipitate. I had a pass for gold 8n a solution then a fail and I can’t recover. Does this mean there is not enough gold in the solution? Used 1 l Aqua Regia. 120 pinless processors. Lot of ar for a little bit of processors. First attempt I got silver and nothing else?
Iamdrainbows, please stop starting new threads about the same process. It's easier to help when you keep your posts about the same process in a single thread. I've combined your last new thread with this one.


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