Old timers hardly ever assume, they know it makes an ASS out of U and ME....
They rather follow tried and proven methods that may possibly be refined themselves, but sticking to whats known is not that bad.
Especially for new inexperienced members who read a lot, get lost in the fine differences between these processes and the reasons why things are done a certain way.
If you want to develop a new method, and you are knowledgeable and experienced enough to recognize all variables and risks, feel free to experiment and share your results here.
They will be duplicated, tested, tried and reported back on or get debunked.
Thats how consensus is reached in science. Try to have some respect in your expressions and comments. Wisdom comes with age.
If the 'old timers' say it probably won't work or even that is has passed the revu, please don't continue bothering them, if you don't want to take the advice of the most experienced, go try it yourself and find out.
If you actauly find out the old timers are correct, have the decency to admit to that and write off your own theory in your own thread to stop confusing more new members.. It saves us soooo much time.
Most test balloons fall back to earth.
Disinformation can be dangerous and is a waste of time.
No disrespect intended.