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sulfuric acid and sodium chloride

Gold Refining Forum

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I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I've been wanting to compile a list of platinum and PGM contain lab apparatus for you all here. Looking through the laboratory, I've seen ounces of platinum...in electrodes, in foils, in crucibles, in wires, in combustion boats, surface tensiometers etc.
Sounds like I need to enroll at several of the junior colleges in chemistry for a day! :lol:

Are you leaching your honeycomb whole? I was under the impression that it all had to be crushed up real fine to expose all the pgm's. Maybe I misunderstood when you said "It all floated up thru the vanes in the honeycomb as soon as I added the HCl." I'm still trying to learn all I can about this and would love to see your dvd about pgm's. Please let me know when it comes out.


I've leached honeycombs whole and crushed, I had better results with the whole ones. The crushed ones tend to bunch together and protect the material from the acid. The whole ones let the liquid pass thru and get to the surface metals. I think the crushed material will have high yields, but I haven't done enough to know for sure.


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