Time To Get The Gold!!

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Jul 27, 2013
Ok, I've watched the youtube videos, etc. i need to make some extra money these days and gold is money!! So can someone please tell me exactly what I will need and how to do it? I know that gold is worth a lot, even for small pieces. So every bit will count. I'm starting off with some old cell phones and laptops!! I can't believe people throw that stuff away!! But then again, better to keep it between us, eh? :p

Can't wait for the money to start comin in...
Gettinthegold said:
Ok, I've watched the youtube videos, etc. i need to make some extra money these days and gold is money!! So can someone please tell me exactly what I will need and how to do it? I know that gold is worth a lot, even for small pieces. So every bit will count. I'm starting off with some old cell phones and laptops!! I can't believe people throw that stuff away!! But then again, better to keep it between us, eh? :p

Can't wait for the money to start comin in...

:roll: :roll: :roll: i would love to help you with that. go to www.goldrefiningforum.com and register. after that, find a member with a link to C.M. Hoke's book "refining precious metal waste" and read it several times. then you can read the forum to get an idea of what you might need. then you can spend much more than you will make acquiring all the needed equipment.

good luck.
It is true that small bits of gold are worth money, it is true the scrap can contain a very small amount of gold, but it cost money to get it, any way you look at it there is a lot of work, and many times cost to mine these metals, no matter where you mine them from, if you think it is easy money think again, I believe most of the time a man could make better money getting a steady job at McDonald's hamburger joint than he can from mining electronic scrap, if you consider the time you need to educate yourself, and finding or buying the scrap materials, chemicals and supplies, your time and so on, actually the pay is really not that good. but try telling that to someone with gold fever, it will go in one ear and out the other and not even slow down.

Spend a few years studying every day, work hard to find scrap, and you may find you can at least break even with your idea.

Time to study then you may get to the gold.

That yellow shiny metal does not have a high price for no reason, it is rare, hard to acquire, and takes a lot of hard work. and the electronic trash is not really worth that much or people would never have threw it away, I kind of think of the circuit boards like the soda can, it is worth a little money, but some people still throw them away after they finish the soda, but if that soda can was worth hundreds of dollars you would never find one in the trash, and look how much that soda would cost to buy in that can.

I could be wrong, but I have not proved it to myself yet (at least on this hobby).
Gettinthegold said:
Can't wait for the money to start comin in...
You, sir, have the wrong attitude. If you're here to make big money, you'd most likely do better flipping burgers at McDonalds. How sad is that?

Do not misunderstand my reply. There are several on this board who have done their homework and have made a niche for themselves in the precious metal market. For the most part, each of them have spent a huge amount of time learning the theory, and have dedicated hours of their time to learning the mechanics of refining. You appear to be eager to avoid that part of the process, and, I assure you, that won't work.

Pursue this vocation as a hobby (don't give up your day job). If you discover you are adept at handling the chemicals and enjoy the work involved, you, too, may be successful, but if your objective is to immediately fill your pockets with cash, you're in for the shock of your life.

My advice to you is to read Hoke's book. Read it again. And again. Read it until you understand what she teaches. If you attempt to refine before you do, there will be no end to the stupid questions you will ask---and the answers are, for all practical purposes, in her book. If you find her book interesting, that's a good sign you'll succeed. If you find it dull and boring---look elsewhere to strike it rich, as what she teaches is what you must know and do.

This looks like a good place for me to park a link.
Thanks for responding, guys. I hear what you're saying and obviously I'll need to learn how it all works. That's why I'm asking for someone to help me out and tell me exactly how it's done! Sounds like there might be a few hours of reading to do before I can really get started. I can live with that. There's no such thing as free money!!!

I have a friend who says he can get me all sorts of chemicals and I even have a spare room in the house to do this all in. Some people use spare rooms to do illegal things to generate cash. I'd rather do a legal method.

And gold is real money! Not paper fiat currency! I'd rather have gold/real money. And if some people can make money from this then I see no reason why I can't.

Who in the heck is Hoke? A woman??? Is she on the forum?? Maybe she can give me some much needed info...if anyone has her contact info...

Anyway, anyone have a list of stuff I should get? And which chemicals should I ask my friend for??

Thanks again, gents!!
Stop worrying about chemicals and apparatus. While it may not look like it to you, you've already scheduled your piano recital and you have yet to strike a key. Don't you think it would be wise to learn to play a simple tune first?

Must I tell you how insulting it is to have you suggest that you will know these processes without effort, when some of us have dedicated years to our learning?

I'm inclined to tell you to lose the idea of refining in your dwelling. Fumes can kill, and they know no boundaries. Yet another reason why you need to start paying attention to what you're being told.

I'm getting a mental picture here. You think that if a reader will give you a few sentences that you'll be off and running. That isn't going to happen, not even if a reader gives you explicit instructions. You must understand the instructions before they'll do you any good, and precious few do when first they are introduced. It's time for you to stop asking and start doing what you've been told.

You've been given a link that will lead you to a free download of Hoke's book. Whether you gain the knowledge contained within from that source, or from other sources, even if some of these folks give you instructions, all you're going to do is wear out your welcome. You'll do that because you're going to continue to ask for guidance, making it obvious you know nothing, and making it all the more obvious that you refuse to help yourself. That doesn't fly here, and tends to result in my banning the individual. You must be willing to dedicate your own time to learning, and not put the burden on the shoulders of those who have done it the right way. That, my friend, is the piano recital I mentioned, above. You are not ready for that.

Start reading, and don't stop until you understand the processes involved. Once you've digested Hoke's book, start by obtaining a few of the essentials, and do the tests she recommends. That will familiarize you with how these things work, so you'll be able to make decisions and know how to handle chemicals that can be fatal.

We suffer from many who come here with an entitlement attitude. Their time, here, is short.

Yes, I'm dead serious. Start reading Hoke's book, and read it until it makes sense to you.

Gettinthegold said:
Thanks for responding, guys. I hear what you're saying and obviously I'll need to learn how it all works. That's why I'm asking for someone to help me out and tell me exactly how it's done! Sounds like there might be a few hours of reading to do before I can really get started. I can live with that. There's no such thing as free money!!!

I have a friend who says he can get me all sorts of chemicals and I even have a spare room in the house to do this all in. Some people use spare rooms to do illegal things to generate cash. I'd rather do a legal method.

And gold is real money! Not paper fiat currency! I'd rather have gold/real money. And if some people can make money from this then I see no reason why I can't.

Who in the heck is Hoke? A woman??? Is she on the forum?? Maybe she can give me some much needed info...if anyone has her contact info...
Please stop! I seriously am worried about your idea of doing any of the processing in your house or attached building, the chemicals we use are at best highly corrosive and dangerous and at worst deadly if not handled with care and some decent extraction.
Read Hoke and visit the safety section here on the forum and read both all the way through several times, you don't have hours of reading to do but weeks before you start using any chemicals. This doesn't stop you collecting material to process when your ready but I fear that time is months hence not anytime soon.
I see Harold beat me to this but I'll post this anyway to reinforce his message.
I like to think of Ms. Hoke as the writer of the Bible that all refiners must know per-batem to even understand what they want to do here.
Until we understand what she teaches us, we are unqualified to ask for explanations of what she so clearly teaches.

Or read to understand the answers we usually offer to questions.
Just my half cent after taxes.
Gettinthegold said:
Ok, I've watched the youtube videos, etc. i need to make some extra money these days and gold is money!! So can someone please tell me exactly what I will need and how to do it? I know that gold is worth a lot, even for small pieces. So every bit will count. I'm starting off with some old cell phones and laptops!! I can't believe people throw that stuff away!! But then again, better to keep it between us, eh? :p

Can't wait for the money to start comin in...
This is a description on how to get money out of e-scrap fast, easy and the money will start coming in almost instantly... Just follow this link.
A little slower but probably more profitable place.

If you stay on the forum to refine yourself, be prepared for months or even years of study before even seeing a profit.
During your studies just accumulate materials for the day when you start refining.

And DO NOT REFINE INDOORS without a working fume hood. The acid vapours will attack both your health and any metals in the area. Members of this forum has spent time in hospital when accidentally inhaling toxic fumes.

Hey guys,

Ok I think I've upset some people. If so, I apologise for this. I'm just quite enthusiastic. I've heard people talking about this for ages and watched the vids and I want to do it, too!! I don't mean to be insulting. It's just, someone here had answered that many people here had dedicated hours of their time to learning refining. So I said I was willing to spend some hours, too. But now I think that statement was taken as belittling or condescending or something.

I downloaded that Hoke book. I'm getting some sort of a PowerPoint error but I'll figure it out. I used powerpoint a lot in my old job. I know the DOS stuff, and dll stuff with ethernet/Internet, etc.

Ok so in the meantime, like you guys said, I'll start collecting materials. My friend asked what chemicals I need and I said I wasn't sure. But he said he's pretty sure he knows what I'll need and he's bringing some.

As for my room, there's a couple of windows and there's a fan in one of them so it gets some pretty good ventilation. I have some safety glasses I use in the shed and a really good pair of leather work gloves. I'll be careful!! I've used hydrochloric acid years ago to wash bricks, and chemicals don't get much worse than that!!

And like I said, I've got a few cell phones and a couple of old laptops so that's all good. Can anyone tell me how much I'll get from that? An ounce? Maybe more??

All right that's all for now. Once again, I don't wish to upset or insult anybody. And I really appreciate you guys setting me on the path to enlightenment (pun intended!!). Really, thank you.
Hey guys,

Hey :)

Ok I think I've upset some people. If so, I apologise for this. I'm just quite enthusiastic. I've heard people talking about this for ages and watched the vids and I want to do it, too!! I don't mean to be insulting. It's just, someone here had answered that many people here had dedicated hours of their time to learning refining. So I said I was willing to spend some hours, too. But now I think that statement was taken as belittling or condescending or something.

Most of us have been that enthusiastic, I think. Every week come new enthusiastics, with the same questions and many of them can't be helped, because they only believe what they want to believe and do not listen. I don't think, you are one of them.

I downloaded that Hoke book. I'm getting some sort of a PowerPoint error but I'll figure it out. I used powerpoint a lot in my old job. I know the DOS stuff, and dll stuff with ethernet/Internet, etc.

You need a PDF reader to open the book. You can also use the search function for the printerfriendly version.

Ok so in the meantime, like you guys said, I'll start collecting materials. My friend asked what chemicals I need and I said I wasn't sure. But he said he's pretty sure he knows what I'll need and he's bringing some.

Store only chemicals AFTER you have read the safety section AND the msds for ALL the chemicals you want to store, - also HOW they have to be stored.

As for my room, there's a couple of windows and there's a fan in one of them so it gets some pretty good ventilation. I have some safety glasses I use in the shed and a really good pair of leather work gloves. I'll be careful!! I've used hydrochloric acid years ago to wash bricks, and chemicals don't get much worse than that!!

Wrong. Much, much worse. Imagine a reaction done wrong: a fountain of hot, highly oxidising fluids shoot up or crack the vessel and you are covered with fluids that within seconds eat deeply through your leather, skin and flesh....not as bad as the fumes and gasses, that will damage your lungs for the rest of your life....btw. did I mention you are most likely blind,because the fluids ran down your head under the goggles into your eyes? ...maybe nobody hears you screaming and a little later you are dead, because your lungs are filled with water or because a big part of your skin is burned and you get into a shock.

This is only one scenario, which is absolutely possible, if you blend these chemicals without knowing exactly what you are doing and how to avoid the dangers.

And like I said, I've got a few cell phones and a couple of old laptops so that's all good. Can anyone tell me how much I'll get from that? An ounce? Maybe more??

serach function: cellpone yield

An ounce? I am not sure, if there is an ounce of copper in it...nobody can calculate without seeing the material, but that sounds of not even 0,5 g gold.

All right that's all for now. Once again, I don't wish to upset or insult anybody. And I really appreciate you guys setting me on the path to enlightenment (pun intended!!). Really, thank you.

Be patient with us. This forum is very helpful. And they all just want to help you. And listen to the old ones!
Gettinthegold said:
Hey guys,

Ok I think I've upset some people. If so, I apologise for this. I'm just quite enthusiastic. I've heard people talking about this for ages and watched the vids and I want to do it, too!! I don't mean to be insulting. It's just, someone here had answered that many people here had dedicated hours of their time to learning refining. So I said I was willing to spend some hours, too. But now I think that statement was taken as belittling or condescending or something.

After you spend some time on this forum, you will see things very differently than the way you do currently. I don't think people believe you are belittling or condescending, I think that other forum members think you are not listening to the good advice they are giving you. At least that's how I personally see what you have posted thus far.

Gettinthegold said:
I downloaded that Hoke book. I'm getting some sort of a PowerPoint error but I'll figure it out. I used powerpoint a lot in my old job. I know the DOS stuff, and dll stuff with ethernet/Internet, etc.

I don't think it's PowerPoint, I believe it's in .pdf format would would require adobe reader.

Gettinthegold said:
Ok so in the meantime, like you guys said, I'll start collecting materials. My friend asked what chemicals I need and I said I wasn't sure. But he said he's pretty sure he knows what I'll need and he's bringing some.

That's nice of your friend to offer to bring you chemicals. However, and this might sound stern, you have no business playing around with any chemicals or acids yet, specially when you are not sure what is required and your friend is only pretty sure. You need to stop what you are doing, stop thinking about processing material, stop trying to sidestep of leap over all the other steps you need to take before you get to this point. You are not taking any of this serious, so let me put this into perspective for you. The gases given off when you dissolve metals in Aqua Regia produce NOx gases which can at the very least cause you extreme harm if the correct precautions are not taken, and at most could cause death. Not only that, but the chemicals, acids, solutions could in many different ways cause explosive solutions, solutions that give off harmful or deadly gases, materials that will combust without notice, and the list goes on and on and on. You don't seem to be taking this seriously at all. This may be the reason you think you are insulting people because you do not understand why their responses have been so strongly worded. The reality is that they are trying to prevent you from making a terrible mistake that could end in tragedy.

Gettinthegold said:
As for my room, there's a couple of windows and there's a fan in one of them so it gets some pretty good ventilation

A couple windows are going to do you NO GOOD, NOx is a heavy gas and takes awhile to dissipate. Being heavier than air will cause NOx to fall towards the floor. If there is any carpet or other materials it could soak into them, and over time could cause the organic material to become flammable. You could potentially be causing nitrocellulose, although if you had that much NOx in the room, you would probably end up dead or in the hospital before that point.

And if you think your fan is enough, you haven't learned about the gases produced during the process of dissolving metals with acids. NOx is highly corrosive. Your fan, unless specially built to operate in an acidic environment, would be attacked by the NOx gas, and any metals exposed would quickly oxidize including but not limited to the electric motor. So if you are working and gases are being produced in a room with a few windows, and the fan goes out, what do you think is going to happen?

Also, you are not considering the gases soaking into the walls or furniture. And then coming into contact with those items and what would happen to anyone who did.

Gettinthegold said:
I have some safety glasses I use in the shed and a really good pair of leather work gloves.

You need the correct type of safety glasses. If the safety glasses you have are made to not shatter when struck by flying metal or wood, they might not be the correct type, you should get a pair that huge the face and prevent any liquids from coming into contact with your eyes.

You can also leave your leather gloves in the shed, they are going to do you NO GOOD in protecting your hands from the highly corrosive acids you will be using to recover and refine precious metals. You should be using the proper gloves to protect your hands from the acids you will be using. For example, it's not a good idea to use Nitric Acid with Nitrile gloves, because they could cause the gloves to ignite. But your leather gloves? You should already possess the knowledge that leather gloves are the WRONG gloves for the types of acids you will be using.

Gettinthegold said:
I'll be careful!! I've used hydrochloric acid years ago to wash bricks, and chemicals don't get much worse than that!!

These are the type of statements that make those of us who understand, cringe. You are so very wrong, and yet you have absolutely no clue how wrong you are. HCl or Hydrochloric Acid is by far, one of the lesser worrisome acids you will be using. Try reading about Nitric Acid, and then after that read about Sulfuric Acid. Once you have done that, come back here and try to convince any of us that Hydrochloric Acid is worse. You have no clue what you are doing, and you need to stop before you start!

Gettinthegold said:
And like I said, I've got a few cell phones and a couple of old laptops so that's all good. Can anyone tell me how much I'll get from that? An ounce? Maybe more??

Where in the world did you ever get the idea that a couple laptops and a few cell phones would give you an ounce? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you might get enough out of those items to buy a happy meal, but that's the only happy thing you are going to experience if you attempt anything before you learn what it is you are proposing to do. There is about 0.00265 ounces of gold PER POUND of Cell Phones. Right around 5.3 ounces per TON! Where in the world are you getting your information?

Gettinthegold said:
All right that's all for now. Once again, I don't wish to upset or insult anybody. And I really appreciate you guys setting me on the path to enlightenment (pun intended!!). Really, thank you.

I wasn't going to post on this thread when I first saw it, I knew others would be posting and was surprised that Harold took the time to himself. You should be happy in this, the people who have already posted on this thread are some of the most knowledgeable on this forum. They are not going to tell you that, but they are. You are taking them far too casually, you should be grateful they took the time to answer you, and you should be heading the advice they have been giving you for free.

If you do not head the warnings and help that has been freely given to you up to this point, and you attempt to do any of this without first learning what you need in order to be successful, you will make mistakes that could end up harming you, those around you, your living space, or worse something even more terrible could happen.

I can't believe you think leather gloves are good enough, or that Hydrochloric acid is the worst thing you are going to deal with, or that a few windows and a fan are enough to ventilate your work area. And then you joke about it as if it's not as serious as it really is. You really, honestly, have no idea, no clue, you are in fact utterly clueless and it's scary. At one point while taking the time to answer you in this thread I thought there might be a possibility that you posted this as a big laugh, and not serious about anything you wrote. That's how utterly ridicules this sounds to me. If this is a joke post, you need to express that now before it goes too far.

Please don't feed the trolls, folks.

3/10, Gettinthegold. - Too obvious. And I only give you a 3 for actually getting so many to bite after your 2nd post.
there are many more chemicals and combinations of chemicals that are far and away worse than hcl fumes. i literally destroyed my health when i was younger by breathing NOx fumes. so your room has a window? ever watch the news and see when the police find an active meth lab? hazmat suits and all the people in the area have to be decontaminated. its basically the same chemicals used in refining.

some people are hell bent on destroying their life or hurting the people they love for a little scrap metal. i spent almost a year on the forum before i could successfully preform an AR dissolution and get my gold back from the solution. i may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but if it took me that long gain enough understanding to do it right (even with a little prior knowledge of the chemicals), the least you can do is read the forum and search for your own answers before you start asking to be hand fed information.

watched a few videos did you? you think the people in these videos learned what they know in a few weeks? the videos are just the final product of all the time studying and experimenting. im still learning stuff on the forum almost every day. im sorry but i do feel a little insulted that someone would assume they can learn in a few days what its taken me all this time to learn.
If your real, (upon which some doubt has been cast), as someone who is fairly new to this myself I can offer up this.

List of what you need?

Hoke's book.
Ammen's book.
Read them.
Read them again.
Browse the tutorial sections of this forum, read them, read them again.

Fume hood in a seperate building from where people live, or do this outside, downwind from people.
What you will be doing can kill people. Not kidding.

Gloves made for acid handling.
Eye or even better full face sheild.
Apron made for acid handling.
And now that you think your ready, stop and read the books again.

If you read and understand even half of those books and the forum posts then you can avoid posting questions that make people think your an idiot. Or worse, don't care.
Good points.

I'd like to add acid proof safety shoes or something similar, if you are working with amounts of liquids, that could spill on the floor and soak your shoes.
It is important that someone respond to posts such as this, as the casual reader may not understand the ramifications of pursuing the recovery of gold without proper knowledge and equipment. Thus, even a troll requires a response.

I've said all I'm going to say to this individual. I see one more post from him alluding to the idea that he wants to refine without spending the necessary time to do his home work, he's gone. From that moment forward, he'll have no alternative but to study if he hopes to process, as he will no longer be able to post his moronic comments.

I do not suffer fools gladly.


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