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My friend showed up with chemicals today. He's really a very nice guy. His cousin works in a chemical supply store or warehouse or something. He brought sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid and ammonia. And some other stuff as well. Stuff I'm not as familiar with. Lye and stump remover or something.

I thanked him profusely. I told him to take them all back to the warehouse. I kept some sodium bicarbonate.

Refining Precious Metal Wastes written by Calm Morrison Hoke has bound up quite nicely. I'm actually quite pleased with myself. It's a proper book now. And considering it's out of print (as far as I can surmise, anyway) it's kind of neat to have a copy of it, properly bound and covered, sitting in my hand for me to read. :) So now I can take it with me on the train or read it in bed, etc. and write notes in the wide margins. I don't need to be sitting in front of my computer. I'll make a nice jacket for it at some point, when I've got some spare time.


Question: I went to download the other literature which was recommended. Namely, the Forum Handbook, Vol I and II. I used the links which the forum member Gold so helpfully added into his signature. Vol I downloaded just fine. Vol II took me to a Scribd page where I may freely read it. But to download and print it, I must pay for a subscription. Am I missing something? As I did with Hoke's book, I would far prefer to have a hard copy of all this literature, that I may take with me and write notes on. Also, Gold's link to a source for free chemistry books seems to be dead. Once again, am I missing something? And also, where might I find a link to Amman's book? Someone mentioned that earlier on in the thread but didn't leave a link. Who is Amman? It sounds like ancient Egyptian or something...

And lastly, my other friend has mentioned a big pile of old modems that are being junked at his work. Can anyone weigh in on how much there is to salvage in old modems? Or am I better off just taking anything and everything he has on offer?

Thanks again, fellas.

And Scott, if you don't want to talk any more, that's ok. You already said plenty, and I read it all. I don't even want to know what it feels like to beat a dead dog with a stick. I can't imagine it would be a whole lot of fun. And if talking to me makes you feel like that, then by all means, give it a miss! Same goes for you, Harold. You came, you wrote, and I read. If that's what's on offer then that's what I'll gladly take. So thanks for that. And I'm still keeping a lookout for speeding locomotives. ;-)
The fact of the matter is, look how far I've already come in only a few days!!! Everyone else who's still willing to chat, I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, heck. I posted that last post from the laptop, which a guy I know was still logged into, I guess. He's the one who showed me this forum, on this laptop. Ugh how confusing...if one of the guys in charge here could fix that if possible, it would be helpful...
Gettinthegold said:
Oh, heck. I posted that last post from the laptop, which a guy I know was still logged into, I guess. He's the one who showed me this forum, on this laptop. Ugh how confusing...if one of the guys in charge here could fix that if possible, it would be helpful...
I commend you for your new approach. You will come to understand that we have been trying to look out for your best interest.

If you read Hoke and you have questions, I wouldn't mind at all trying to answer questions if I can. I just don't feel I can add anymore value posting on this particular thread. I'm also pretty sure that most people on this forum who enjoy answering questions or posting what they know, would be equally willing to post on new threads you might make with questions about what we do here.

By the way, your book looks real nice, glad you got it printed and bound. There are reprints of Hoke, there are several places you can purchase them new. You can also buy a used copy off ebay, amazon, etc if that's what you want.

I don't want you to feel that I am ignoring you, that's not the case at all. I wish you the best of luck.



  • 18083243-Gold-Refining-Forum-Handbook-Vol-2-62409-.pdf
    2.5 MB
she had another title as well, comrade. Ms. Hoke was a communist. of coarse it was long before calling someone a communist was like calling them a curse word.
Hello Gettinthegold,

Welcome to the forum, I am new here too, and I have lots to learn, when i read this post, I thought oh no,
again someone who wants to put some chemicals in a mix and thinks he's going to get rich fast and easy,
making some troubles here and not willing to listen to the sometimes hard, but correct replies from the more wise people here on the forum.
I (we) have seen that before :cry:

But, ... you printed the book(C.M.Hokes), and the others, AND you returned the chemicals your friend had for you :!: :!:
My hat off for you sir :!:
All I can say, for me there is fun and pleasure in the learning and reading, the forum and the books even the things I don't understand.
Until your ready , there is fun in searching and collecting all the stuff that is needed to start, get the modems and other stuff, dismantle them keep the parts
that contain precious metals and put them sort by sort in boxes, ram, pci fingers, pins, and so on.....

I hope you have a pleasant stay here and enjoy the learning, the forum and eventually The Gold 8)
Nice job on the book, keep up the good work, I do not know of a download for Ammens book, it is more geared towards recovery of metals from ore, I like his book, I bought mine from action mining, you may find one cheaper somewhere else, I am providing a link to their catalog and web site, if nothing else just for the educational value.


Ammen's book is copyright protected, thus a download won't be found on this board.

While I am not versed enough in the process of recovery and refinement as many of the others here that responded ro you post I can weigh in on an aspect you touched on regarding accumulating scrap. Anything that you come across do yourself a favor and take it apart. Learn what the metals are and their values, precious or not they all have some value. I strted out as a part time scrapper whos interests have turned to refining .

I was as wide eyed as you watching utube and gathering alot of information that turned out to be false, misleading and outright dangerous. I found this forum and have not looked for information anywhere else since. I downloaded and read Hoke, read the safety section, msds sheets, both volume i and 2 and anything else that I can absorb. I continue to read everyday. Trust me when I say the work you put in will be worth it.

There are good people here who are willing to help if you get stuck but you have to be willing to do the work as well. Keep at it, I can see the differece in your attitude change from your first post to your most recent and it seems you are moving in the right direction.

Edit- if you want to see what I accomplished and how long it took me go to the gallery and look for my post. That is what studying and patience will do for you.

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