today i using DTA + MSDS +CuSO to leaching , near 6 hr

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Hmm. That's kind of like saying "I need to cut paper, but can't use anything metal." You might find something that works, but there's a fair chance it'll cost more time & money than a pair of scissors or a knife.

Also, safety. Just about every chemical process involves gases and/or vapors*. Just because you can't see it or smell it doesn't mean it's not there. Example: a majority of people cannot actually detect the "bitter almond" smell of hydrogen cyanide gas (which is also colorless). What you're using may actually wreck your washroom, health, and/or your loved ones.

*Fine, chemists. Many of the chemical processes used in PM refining ;)

Edit: Dave beat me to it, and did so much more succinctly.
I just see my staff and I see it is good . but not like the first time nothing happen , some board the gold plating is dissovled. I think I need to add Heating Pipe

This thread is going nowhere, I don't know if it is because English is not your first language or you have no ability to follow the suggestions offered.

So here's the deal. Tell us in detail what you have done and the results and we will try to assist you. If you cannot do that, you will be wearing out your welcome here and your tenure will soon end.
First leaching Is using Ethylenediamine+Sodium thiosulfate+copper(ii) sulfate pentahydrate, but near 24 Hr , just few board dissolve the gold.
Second leaching is using NH3·H2O, Sodium thiosulfate and copper(ii) sulfate pentahydrate, now near 24 hr , also few board dissolve gold .
so I am using Thio-ammo-copper leaching method , now still wait the result
Our members here tend to learn their refining skills using proven technology before they venture off into the exploratory phase of refining. You seem to want to use the less documented methods before you even know what you are doing let alone what yields to expect.

I seriously doubt that any members have even tried the method you are questioning in this thread. I suggest you do some experimenting with proven methods which you can find detailed in many excellent threads on this forum.

But then I see you have posted a thread soliciting scrap from members. Let me get this straight, you haven't yet successfully recovered any gold from e-waste and you expect our members to send their material to you for processing? Then I looked up all of the other posts you have made and you are asking for help on processing with various other leaching systems, including cyanide!

I see you as someone who has no idea as to what you are getting into yet you aren't really interested in learning. You present a danger to yourself, the environment, and also a loss of money to any of our members who are duped into sending you material for refining.

There are many members who came here knowing little about refining and have carved out a niche in refining based solely on information they learned here on this forum. Everything you need is here for you as well, but you have yet to avail yourself of this valuable free resource.

I will make a simple request, stop posting and start reading, and stop soliciting scrap from our members until you learn what you are doing. If you do this, I will not ban you and allow you to learn from this valuable resource. If you continue on your present path you will be banned!

Try clicking the link below and going to the library to start learning.
4metal , thanks your comment , I will learn .
But all the material for KG is cheap and easy to get in HK , but over tones is hard to get .
Cause I am ordering the machine for the refining system , all auto recycle tones of scraps per day.
I am trying for myself some less harm method . but not good enough, so Keep learn it .

Listen to 4Metals, and the other forum members trying to help you.

Lets say you wished to fly, and knew nothing about it, would you just buy a big jet engine and attempt to build a plane, setting it up on a very tall cliff, and then just jump into it and start the engine and drive it over the cliff, without learning first how to build and fly the plane, or learning about the safety or what to do when things go wrong? I think your smart enough to know better and would try to learn before you hurt yourself doing something so stupid.

Do not get the gold fever, and lose your mind, and do things that are just stupid, dangerous or just a waste of your time.

Learning this is not easy (at first) and it does take time to learn, but as you learn it becomes easier.
There are many resources, and help for you here on the forum, but to learn you must start at the beginning, not with your home made jet ready to go over that cliff.

Read the posts and you will begin to learn where to start your journey safely, you will learn what you need and why, you can get a good education and learn the skills you seek, and learn more about gold, or other precious metals, than most men on earth ever had a chance to learn since the beginning of history.
Study is the true treasure map, and that is how you will learn the fastest...
You also have many members willing to help you as you study (if your smart enough to take their advice), you will do well in learning what you seek, and fact much more than you can even dream about.

Trying anything with chemicals before you learn is just as stupid as trying to fly that jet with no understanding, not only are you making it harder to learn, you will just waste your money, doing dangerous things, that you do not even understand the dangers of, losing your values, and possibly your health, or the health, or even the life of those around you.

Put away the chemicals, forget what you think you know about flying, or gold recovery and refining,do not waste your money...

Begin the true way of gaining the knowledge and understanding, start your study of this very valuable treasure map.
Doing it the easy way.

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