Toxic smoke control in inceneration

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2009

After reading posts on pyrolysis and incineration, I had an idea, please advise, a sealed steel bucket, filled with shredded circuit boards, the fire like shower head spurts from the above to the circuit boards, then ant smokes would come up you be burned off directly by the flame above?

I wasn't going to chime in on any of your threads didn't want to be the debbie downer...

But you might want to be careful with everything that you're doing. I don't think Uncle Sam really cares about small scale backyard kinda stuff, but when you start incinerating large volumes, the EPA might come knocking. I know there are tons of restrictions/Air Quality issues with the big refineries here in the states.
Morning, personally I'd put the holes in the bottom, any nasty halogens will want to react with the ash, the extra heat derived from the combustion of the off gases will speed things along, and it tends to burn cleaner.


Kevin, will you be so kind and keep everything in ONE thread? What is the purpose of making one new thread every day about pretty much the same thing other than cluttering forum and making it hard to navigate?
Ouch... my eyes hurt from that yell.!!!
But hopefully well worth it.
In starting yet another post, you've added to the clutter of the forum. And, you will probably realize you are trying to reinvent the wheel here.
There are many posts on this subject. As well as other forums filled with ideas.
Please stop typing and do some research on the subject.

Thank you

As said above. I wouldn't be smelting pcbs. I've read most of your post and you state your not a home refiner. Your gonna have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to process pcbs.. There is a reason all this scrap is sent to third world countries.The EPA is strict on this kind of pollution. Sorry if I come across rude or harsh but if I lived near you and knew you were smelting pcbs. I'd call the EPA on you.
bigjohn said:
As said above. I wouldn't be smelting pcbs. I've read most of your post and you state your not a home refiner. Your gonna have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to process pcbs.. There is a reason all this scrap is sent to third world countries.The EPA is strict on this kind of pollution. Sorry if I come across rude or harsh but if I lived near you and knew you were smelting pcbs. I'd call the EPA on you.
Those ""tens of thousands of dollars"" won't even pay for the EPA's permits, let alone purchase any equipment.

I don't know where you live, but here in California the EPA's fine for incinerating with-out a permit starts around $104,000.00 for this type of activity, plus what ever else they can nail you with. That was 25 years ago when we were caught burning copper wire. I'm sure it hasn't gone down since then. :shock:
This is why I am frustrated with him creating whole bunch of threads, things are being lost in many of them and sadly he do not realize that it is bad mainly for him. He said in some of his many threads that he is in some of the middle eastern country. If that would be in one original thread about his refining adventure there would be less answers about EPA (which are warranted as burning motherboards is dangerous procedure).
Tomorrow there will be another new thread Kevin will post with yet another question but related to previous one or to what he is trying to do. I think that it would be good idea if some moderator decide to merge all his threads in one as it was done with some other topics.
Thats my whole point. This is a impossible venture unless hes got tons of cash to throw at. Being a electrician I have stripped my fare share of copper wire. Never burned it, all stripped by hand.
patnor1011 said:
This is why I am frustrated with him creating whole bunch of threads, things are being lost in many of them and sadly he do not realize that it is bad mainly for him. He said in some of his many threads that he is in some of the middle eastern country. If that would be in one original thread about his refining adventure there would be less answers about EPA (which are warranted as burning motherboards is dangerous procedure).
Tomorrow there will be another new thread Kevin will post with yet another question but related to previous one or to what he is trying to do. I think that it would be good idea if some moderator decide to merge all his threads in one as it was done with some other topics.

His location shows as USA. Not sure if thats accurate or not.
I'm glad you guys have posted like this. It echoes my own thoughts. I've been wondering for a while about all these threads and the reality of how much money is being sunk into it to make it work. There either has to be a huge amount of cash needed to do it properly and legally, or it's out in some yard in India or another unregulated country. And I'm not seeing any posts about the legal side of what's going on.

Also as has been pointed out before, he's trying to reinvent the wheel and chopping and changing from one idea to another without any forward planning whatsoever. One stage done, then how do I do the next bit? It would be great to get them all into one thread. It would equally be great if Kevin actually took any-body's advice that didn't say what he wanted to hear.

To Kevin, please excuse the bluntness but it becomes very hard to help sometimes when you make it difficult to understand what's really going on.

My 2 cents worth.


Fellows, I thought this category is about fume control, hence my topic here. I am a business owner in Dubai, not a very restrict EPA here and no smelting company either. So I was looking for a. Home made after burner to smelt 1 metric ton of pcbs per day.

What do you expect, your profile says your location is in USA, of course you will get answers as if you were operating in USA. :!:


I will take care of my profile, but back to the topic, I found two posts regarding using medical incinerator for pcb incineration,but all need after burner, so I will just look into that.

I believe the little bit of information we put in our profile is important.
Using deception in a profile, can lead others to see you as deceptive, even if you are an honest person.
Your location, can help others to understand where you are from, (It does not have to give your exact location), this can be helpful to others, like understand if English is not your language, it can also be helpful to others who wish to give you answers which may be different in different parts of the world.
Try doing some reading here:

I've been reading it and other posts because I'll be starting to build an incinerator very soon.

Take care!

I have read that post, sadly, it didnt conclude, so I sent a sample of shredded boards to this local company that make waste incinerator it has after burner, I will post the result.


Today I used a waste incinerator unit incinerate 2 kg of shredded electronics boards, no smoke came out, and after 30 ,inutes of burning, all ICs turned to white color, and rest of boards were light gray in color.

The unit,

And this was boards after 20 mintues into the burning,


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