Turkish coler mud from fiber cpu?

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2010
Hello GRF!

When i all of my pins have fallen of, using 30%nitric, ive stuck with this gray/turkish coler mud with my pins? What is it, and how do i desovle it, to get rid of it?
I tryed to mix mud/pins with HCL to wash it, it looks like it desolves the mud but now all my pins have turnet black instead..?

Allso only some of the pins seems to get hollow, what to do with the ones that dossent get attacket? Just boil in HCL? Maybe with the pins that have gone black to?

here a pic of the mud/pins in water trying to wash them. They dont even look like gold no more.



Thanks guys :mrgreen:
I cannot see the picture, but sounds like the strong peroxide is dissolveing your gold with base metals, this complicates matters when you are trying to recover gold.
there is possibly tin in solder that and disolved gold can give purple color, the base metals can push gold out of solution as black powder, the small tubes (legs or pins) can be hard for acids to get deep inside as bubbles of acids seem to block the entrance, but a weaker oxidizer and patients works. as long as you have undissolved base metals here your gold will plate out onto them. heating may help, do not add more oxidizer for now, the HCl you already have will dissolve more copper, I would not add anymore Hcl yet as long as the solution stay's green, and not brown, heat will free some oxidizer and concentrate the HCl in solution.
I cant see he mentioned peroxide. From my understanding he was soaking cpus in nitric and then washing in hcl. If there was nitric still present then AR was created and this complicated process. Now there is mix of dissolved base metals solder and gold.

My process is simple. It is time consuming but I have plenty of time. I put cpu in straight HCl for few days. If I want that faster then I introduce very small amount of 3% H2O2 (usuall ratio for AP is 3:1 HCl:H2O2 but I go way less on H2O2 to prevent dissolving of gold). I see square foils from monolithics in your mix. They do not dissolve in HCl. I usually get rid of them when pins just fall off base and keep them separately. (These foils dissolve in HCl/Clorox). Pins then sit in HCl or for speeding process using crockpot or weak AP. You can easily see if they are hollow or not by lightly swirling mix in bucket. Foils float easily if they are hollow.
Once you have used nitric acid on pins, it's not a good idea to change to HCl. That creates aqua regia, which will tend to dissolve some of the values. You should continue using nitric until no further action is detected upon addition of fresh nitric. Pins that are copper based alloy (brass) that have not yet dissolved should not be taken to the next step. You should eliminate all of the base metals before even thinking about HCl.

Once you have dissolved all of the base metals, if you'd like to give the material a wash in HCl before digesting the values (always a good idea, for it helps eliminate substances that make filtration difficult), you should incinerate the material fully. In order to do so, this is the procedure:

Once dissolved with nitric, the material should be diluted with water, then allowed to settle well. When the solids are all on the bottom, the solution should be siphoned, then the rinse repeated at least one time. At the end of the rinse cycle, after siphoning the majority of the solution off, get the balance of the material in a filter, to eliminate all water.

When it has filtered, it should then be incinerated (filter and all) to insure that you have eliminated all traces of nitric.

The material can then be given a wash in (heated) HCl. Follow the same sequence of rinsing, but at the end, leave the solids in the vessel (which should tolerate being heated----Pyrex, or the equivalent).

I strongly advise you do the HCl wash after the nitric. It insures that the resulting gold chloride solution will filter without issues. When you have included traces of solder, as it appears you may have (the crud mixed with the gold), it often contains tin, which makes filtration nearly impossible.

If you have base metals (un-dissolved pins, for example) in the mix when you dissolve the values, you risk losing some of your gold unless you dissolve everything metallic. Base metals left in the presence of gold chloride will cement gold until consumed, or until all of the gold has been cemented. Your objective should be to get all of the gold in solution. That is best done by eliminating, completely, all base metals.

Hope this helps.


edit: I have corrected the sequences to avoid confusion. No change in content otherwise.
thanks all. Especiali Harald

To make a short story of what i will try to do now is:
1.Wash all my grayish mud from nitric hell in water.
2.Wash and rins all mud in HCL-maybe add heat. multible times
3.Filter and save the "cake" in filter.
4.Incinerate filter and all
5.Wash in HCL
6.Wash in water
go to toHCL-CL methode..

next time ill only use HCL for cpu´s and then cook them in a pot i think...

Which color is "Turkish"? I realize this my be an inaccurate translation from Google, but I'm curious as to actual color described.
TheGarbageManCan said:
thanks all. Especiali Harald

To make a short story of what i will try to do now is:
1.Wash all my grayish mud from nitric hell in water (including the gold foils).
Filter remains after siphoning, dry, then incinerate (including the filter)
2.Wash and rins all mud in HCL-maybe add heat. multible times (note that the gold foils will be included with the mud)
You will not filter this material again until you have dissolved the values, below.
go to toHCL-CL methode..

next time ill only use HCL for cpu´s and then cook them in a pot i think...

It is VERY important that you understand that there MUST be an incineration after the first line in your sequence. Regardless of the number of times you rinse, you will still have traces of nitric present. Only by incinerating to a dull red heat will you insure that is not the case.

You had mixed up what I said, thanks to my poor wording. Follow the instructions above.

Only after you have incinerated should you use HCl. Is that clear?

Harold_V said:
TheGarbageManCan said:
thanks all. Especiali Harald

To make a short story of what i will try to do now is:
1.Wash all my grayish mud from nitric hell in water (including the gold foils).
Filter remains after siphoning, dry, then incinerate (including the filter)
2.Wash and rins all mud in HCL-maybe add heat. multible times (note that the gold foils will be included with the mud)
You will not filter this material again until you have dissolved the values, below.
go to toHCL-CL methode..

next time ill only use HCL for cpu´s and then cook them in a pot i think...

It is VERY important that you understand that there MUST be an incineration after the first line in your sequence. Regardless of the number of times you rinse, you will still have traces of nitric present. Only by incinerating to a dull red heat will you insure that is not the case.

You had mixed up what I said, thanks to my poor wording. Follow the instructions above.

Only after you have incinerated should you use HCl. Is that clear?


Yes should be clea now thanks.

I have now siphonet all water from my mud, dryed it in filter and incineratet all- now all this (some ash, some dark gray pawder and foils) is simering in hcl at low heat to wosh it, until no more coler chances, when frish hcl is addet... Than HCL-CL when my smb is arived :mrgreen:

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