U said yes,he said no,i said yes they said no:confused

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some one earlier asked if i understood what samual wrote on top
yes i do thank you

gentlemen I think it's time for food and sleep
very bad time to play with chemicals
no rush
i will talk at you guys on the flipside

thank you again
steyr223 said:
hay mic if u go to
Correct format,and I was unaware that you had been searching.The simple fact that you are getting overwhelmed,proves just how much info we have all put on this forum.Try not to get overwhelmed if you can.Trying to learn something,when your brain does not want to,is useless.Just relax and take it one small step at a time.We aren't going anywhere.
steyr223 said:
thank you mic,jimdoc,palladium,geo,goldenchild,samual hope i did not forgett anyone
you guys are my new family
so don't hold back i'm good with critics
You are welcome.....I am most likely the worst critic you will have to deal with on here,though I doubt you will have any further problems.You have displayed the ability to apologize,something most newbies are incapable of doing.You will do well here,enjoy your dinner,and rest.
thank you mic

my background a couch workbench some plywood

opps ok enough humor
Plumber/contractor-almost 40 years (dad has business)
started scrapping metal including steel 4 years ago when the economy hit bottom for work
never went back
devry city of industry ca 1984 computer science (ibm 360/370 main frames) pc came in 1985
rio hondo whittier ca 1986 geology,paleontology,minerals and crystals more computer stuff
fullerton ca welding,networking,programming
chandler gilbert az 1993 a+ ,ccnp, ccna
1999 chandler az hired on with compucom T2 tech support for cisco
2003 back to california
my truck just broke this why i have so much time to study but
i wii buy anotherin 3 or 4 weeks
1 month ago i was making $200-$300 a day simply driving into business areas and asking for
metal and maybe a dumpster or 2
and the e-waste i don't even have to mention how thrilled people are when i take away for free
any ways i'll shut up now

sounds like a "my kind of people person". 8) good starting background for this kind of hobby and a good supply of material is a must. people see the connectors and fingers in computers and think there must be a small fortune in each one not knowing that the gold they are looking at is thinner than a human hair (by alot). ive torn down over a thousand PC's right here, granted most was before i found this forum and was selling the fingers and pins to a wiser man for $16 a pound. at the time it was a lttle extra after selling the copper and aluminum and steel....if i only knew then what i know now.... isnt that how the song goes?
hi geo right on
I was kind of concerned i said to much

(but i never do that) :lol:

I found about 3 years ago shall we say a large blue container
full of auto recall parts (publicly accessible) I am now friends with the security

after my friend told me what were standing on (cats) 100's :shock: :shock: :shock:
anyways i was getting $69-pre, $121-low grade, $179-small, $261 -regulars
the price has dropped now from $49 to $121 even though the prices went up
my last batch 13 netted $1261.00 pretty good so i thought
until i started doing this
now i see my huge loss... if i only knew than what i know now

they only toss once a month now security will call me and
you guys will for sure be hearing from me

I cant weight( education and profit at the same time) ye ha

geo : whats your background if you don't mind me asking

O ya what ever became of your first time nitric acid bath with pins
i noticed id was finished a long time ago
is there another thread where you pick up at the incinerate process
I am about to copy your thread procedure I have 350 grams so i should be ready
im curious of the yield esspecially
thanks steyr223

Ps where did the nick geo come from
my family has been recycling metals before the word "recycling " was understood. i remember as a child watching my father set fire to a dozen or more cars at a time because the scrap yard payed more if you burned them first.i grew up in this atmosphere of making a living off the refuse of polite society.scrapping is in my blood. married at 22 and have some how remained married to the same woman for 26 years. she too cant stand the idea of throwing something away that can be reused.we never discard anything unless it is completely broken.we have two boys together, she had two boys when we met and i had a daughter for a total of five children. I've worked for all the individual scrap yards at one time or another in north Alabama.i have no formal training and dropped out of school when my girlfriend got pregnant with my daughter and got a job. after that failed relationship it was too late to finish school so i am basically self taught. i love to read and catch myself reading the dictionary when i run out of sci-fi. i did manage to pay in enough social security to draw disability because i did terrible things to myself years ago trying to refine, first gold from small mining adventures with my father and later E-scrap with my father and friends. i was blind and in the dark. i had no idea what i was doing or how to do it. i had text books to go by but not a bit of chemistry knowledge and only an eighth grade education to call upon. i totally ruined my lungs by making nitric acid and am SO happy to see the way safety is stressed on the forum.i cant say i never did the wrong thing, i very much did the wrong thing.partied too much and studied too little.any young people that may read this just let me say to you, you are not indestructible.things you do now will effect you down the line either physically or mentally.be safe,work safe,try to do the right thing. remember, if you have to decide whether something is right or wrong, more times than not it will be wrong.when something is right you know its right.
very interesting : at this age geo i don't call it partying
i call it medicating.
my time is spen as a lone as i can get other than my pitbull
I love people and am always the one they come to when needing....
but i hate people for they seem to make my life very difficult
never been married never had a kid I was raised good and given all i needed never
what i wanted
and yes i did bad thing to my body also . my motto use to be i heal for free after
i saved a property from damage with my body

started wearing gloves 43
started wearing eye protection 46 ( and i'm talking like in front of a grinder)
started wearing respirator 2 months ago ( not the nitric but the A/R got me good)

when i started welding a lot 6-10 hrs a day I was under the impression
if you aint pukkin or shi*n or getting a headache then your good
I was so wrong By the time i read up on welding diseases not sicknesses
but diseases (IS THAT EVEN POSSABLE) i had already passed the threshhold
by 300% guaranteeing me alzheimers , ms , parkinsons

how stupid is that hind site is 20-20
but forsite learned is even better

hay thats all mine pretty good hu
but look on the bright side were still kicken

steyr223 ps were did geo come from
funny you should ask,(your the only one by the way). Geo is a moniker i got in my days playing D&D as a "geomancer" as a kid i was into science fiction more than today as i hardly have time to read. more recently a new group of people call me Geo for a wholly unrelated reason aside from this forum. i play wow,world of warcraft, and since i couldn't get my name on my character (jeff) i used Geoph and variations thereof,Geophrey,Geophery, so everyone that knows me from the game calls me Geo which are quite a few as ive been playing for five years now.
hey geo

me said:
rio hondo whittier ca 1986 geology,paleontology,minerals and crystals more computer stuff

i did work in the field a couple of summers as a paleontologist (santa ana mountans-holtz shale- the ladd formation)
thats why i asked

for a long time i wanted to blow things up so to get accepted into the new mexico institute of mining technology
they suggested i get a degree in geology

i like sci fi to but read more reference science or math

speaking of books i have some books you guys would die for but have no means to upload i want to give them to the
form who do i talk to

thanx steyr223
mic said:
steyr223 said:
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine is my favorite word.
I would not want that as my favorite word simply because of how dangerous it is.
My favorite word is gold,but my second is Methylchloroisothiazolinone.That is a safer product,it is found in a lot of shampoos and conditioners(Don't ask how I know that).

My favorite word is freedom. Although technically not one word but a series of words, my second favorite is aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly. It sounds like it could possibly be some type of scrap we might deal with and the process/reagents used to recover/refine it. Its used in deodorant. I know that from reading the back of mine :lol:
hay goldenchilld

I have to agree with freedom
a lot of people have never been restrained against there will
and will never understand that freedom even above love is the highest hi you will ever feel

nice word to almost sounds explosive


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