ugliest gold....

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
I could use some help. The material is the powder produced from the acid removal of pins from p4 processors.

Filtered powder, acid washed and water washed 3 times. Liquids from wash are clear.

Powder added to acid/bleach (HCL). Dissolved, filtered, dropped with smb.

Decanted liquid, # HCL washes,3 de-mineralized water washes. Powder looks blonde but does not clump when dry.

Redigest with HCL/bleach. POINT> over 1/2 the powder does not dissolve, (added small amounts of bleach and acid, stirring

like mad, let it sit, still does not redigest) Filter AU/CL 3 HCL washes 3 de-mineralised water washes. Still does not clump well when dry.

Decided to melt. Preheat dish, added a small (.38) gram BB i had made earlier and added heat.

Could not melt the powder. Tried heating the melting dish with a propane torch on the side and mapp torch on the metal for 45 minutes,as well as both torches on the metal.

The mass would not melt, although it did agglomerate slightly. It is 1.28 grams total. It broke when I tapped it to knock off the borax and is full of tiny bubbles.

Here is the stannous from the first batch of AU/CL.

Here is the dish.

Here is what I ended up with, front and back.

Can any one tell me what this is? I was not expecting much but I was not expecting this.
Was the dish setting on the fire brick? I elevate mine with a coil of fiberglass rope stove caulking. Clumping is overrated. The button is the proof. If your gold dropped as a VERY fine powder, it won't clump.
You mentioned "acid removal". What acid & what method?
After digest - did you make sure ALL chlorine evaporated?
How long did you heat the metal DIRECTLY?
Were you using MAPP or MAPP/Pro? I didn't pay any attention the first time - I just bought the yellow tank. It'll work, but takes longer. If it says, "3X hotter than propane" it really means "not as hot as MAPP, but D.O.T. restrictions are bypassed."
Just some ideas ...
It looks like it's not getting hot enough.

Sometimes it helps to turn the gold powder over in the melting dish after you've clumped it together like that, for some reason turning it over helps to melt the gold if your torch cant get it hot enough.

After about 1 hour of use i clean my torch head, it builds up a white powder from impurities in the brass line where a small copper mesh filter sits and this restricts the gas flow severely. I remove the copper mesh (It's about the size of a match head) and wash it in Isopropyl Alcohol to flush the white gunk away, it works like a charm after a good clean.

It's not a quick thing to clean by any means and you need to be able to break down the torch head and put it back together again but i just thought i'd mention this for those that thought these torch heads can't be cleaned and for those that might have a dirty torch head.
Are you using a "turbo" style torch? Turbo style torches are loud when they operate because they mix air with the gas in a venturi style carburetor. If you happen to be using an old school plumbers torch, i doubt very seriously you would ever get enough heat to get your melt going.
OK i will try reheating. It was my first try with this new torch.I did heat directly with 2 torches for at least 15 minutes to get this to where it is. I will insulate with fiberglass rope. I have some left over from trying a piece as a wick.

The acid used for all the process was HCL. Bleach removed with heating until bleach smell gone.

I did notice when trying to melt that small silver coloured crystals formed in the molten borax, not a good sign I know. What could they be?

Would twice digested, 6 times washed powder carry silver thru the whole process? I did not suspect silver so I did not do an ammonia wash. Guess I should have.(silver coloured crystals in borax)

I like my little mapp/oxy torch but even with careful control of the oxygen the 2 oz cylinders only last about 30 to 40 minutes. They are very expensive for what you get in my opinion. It melts gold very fast.

Is it typical for twice digested gold powder to loose over 1/2 its volume? I was surprised when the dropped powder would not digest in the HCL/bleach,(second refining) as over half the dropped powder remained.

Any guidance on this appreciated.

I will keep at it!

Here is the torch.

I had the same problem. Try use something like steves mini firebrick furnace where one torch will heat crucible from bottom, to make it red hot and another directly on gold from top. I was trying to melt the same shape and form you have and had success only when I turned that halfmelted buton over few times. Not enough heat.

Btw. I liked that gold. It looked to be more than if melted properly. :)
Got it melted. thanks for the info. It still took 2 torches to melt. 1.19g little button.
glondor said:
Got it melted. thanks for the info. It still took 2 torches to melt. 1.19g little button.

How many P4's did it take to get your button?

Hey Jim. I have 19 grams so far from 30 pounds of fingers. I think I have at least 2 more grams to go on the 30 pounds. I will know soon. Thanks for asking, I am having a fun if not sometimes frustrating time with this. I need a little more patience. The help here has been fantastic and for sure I need it.

I am working on the p4 processor pins right now as well as some ceramic cpu's. I do not have any amounts on them yet, But I am working on it! How much gold per pound of P4's should I expect?

My work space is kind of tiny so I must revolve everything around in a cycle and I get a bit confused at times when I keep moving stuff around. I hope to have a larger space soon to set up properly. Going to keep on plugging till I get it right.
glondor said:
How much gold per pound of P4's should I expect?

I don't know that is why I was asking. From my understanding they are a hassle to process, and gold yields are small. I usually just sell mine for about 25¢ each.

Well I have the pins off of all of them, about 7 pounds of pins.. I am trying to get rid of the kovar with some hot HCL baths. I want to eliminate as much as possible. The kovar seems to kill the acid fast. It is time consuming with the settling and filtering however the concentration of foils is starting to look like something.

I had a very accurate count of all the weights and measures but my notepad with my notes ended up at highschool with my daughter and never returned. Unless i find my notes I will not get an accurate amount regarding the total amount of fibers processed.

I will keep you posted on what I do get tho.

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