unusual button form

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
NW Missouri
Here's the button crystalAu1 005.jpg
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I started with these Elwyns stash 008.jpg and stripped them in sulfuric cell, about a kilo
before the solution heated, so I stopped, then processed the powder the next day after it had settled well.

I siphoned off the clean acid, placed residue in 5-6 times amount of cold water, let settle then siphoned, added distilled water, stirred & let settle twice. I noticed, though, that the concentrated sulfuric settled with the powder, so rinse wasn't very complete.
I remembered reading in The Foundry, Penton Pub. Co., 1905, that to completely rinse sulfuric from residue, a 1:1 ratio of alcohol : water could be used. So I added 70% Isopropanol with enough distilled water to equal about 1/2 liter of 1:1, stirred thoroughly & left to settle.

The solution became cloudy as sulfuric was pulled into solution, then when settled, I poured it into filter, rinsed it down into bottom of filter, then incinerated filter & all in steel skillet.crystalAusteps 002.jpg

Following incineration, there were 2 distinct colors of residue - black powder & golden brown looking flakes. I processed all with HCl-Cl, but after long time, the golden brown flakes refused to dissolve. I filtered these from Au-Cl4 rinsed & processed these seperate from precipitate. crystalAusteps 006.jpg crystalAusteps 011.jpg

They took forever to consolidate, then finally became perfectly round, smooth shiny sphere, which when cooled looked like above. here's the dish after melt. I'll have to add that in another post. too many attmts.
A suggestion to your postings;
If you keep all related posts under one topping it will help keep the questions and answers in one place.And hopefully less confusing.

I merged them for you.

I would avoid mixing organics with sulfuric acid.

When you incinerate, do not melt the gold.

The dirty black powder from the cell dissolves very easily in HCl-Cl when it's processed as listed here:

Black Powder from the Cell

thanks for the merge!

I didn't melt - i put the filters & filtrate in a steel frying pan & put them on the burner of my outdoor propane grill, & it was the upper section, exposed to the air, which was golden, not the bottom :? its the d***edest thing I ever saw!

One thing I noticed on this last batch is there seem to be visible pieces of gold plating coming off, they're tiny pieces, relatively speaking, but bigger than powder ... ?? Maybe ???

here's the reference:
Is your question why the pattern?

Note that if you sprinkle borax on a button as it cools, it will fuse on the surface. Each glob tends to form its own pattern. If your button was flux covered before pickling, I'd attribute the pattern to that.

I must say, none of mine every turned out so pretty!

For the first few years I delivered gold to my customers as a button. Only when I started double refining did I begin casting shot. Up to that point, I melted buttons on a fairly regular basis, so I'm comfortable with the idea that you've created something that you likely won't be able to duplicate. Your timing, in my estimation, was perfect.


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