Using the Melting Dish Tutorial: Comments

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There is no rest for the weary, the show must go on! This site is truly a labor of love for me. I work on this stuff well past midnight on a daily basis and hold down a full time job during the day.

Oh i know the feeling. Don't wear yourself out. I know how quick your moving, because i'm always tring to keep up with you. lol I've been backing up and trying to tear some of your methods down. That's why i ask all the questions sometimes. I am planning on doing some video sonner or later. :shock:

But mine is not really about the refining part so to speak. You have that covered. :wink: I'm going to try and show some of the science and the varying effects that different Processes and procedures have on the science aspect of refining. Your teaching them all they need for the recovery. I'm just trying to stimulate free thought, But by using gold to do it. That's why i have not refined my ever mounting pile of scrap. I need something to use for the videos ( just added 15 computer boards and 6
T-1 boxes to the list. ) I also out of the blue ran into the vice president of i guess it is tech services , of Nortel.

He has like 150 + technicans under his control. We got to talking and he tells me that when the techs bring in boards and such from repairs that they pile them in the warehouse until they get in the way and then chunk them in the trash. :shock:

Oh hell no . I have the inside track on that now. :wink:
He said they did a college in G.A. about 3 months ago and it was in their contract to dispose of all the old stuff computers and all. He said he had to pay someone to take it off. I have hear others having trouble finding scrap. Sorry guys i'm not looking, it just finds me. Go figure.