Mine jobs are a little boring. I would liken a big placer operation to a construction site. Pretty much the same thing, only instead of building something, you get a paycheck of Gold at the end of the day. I have only heard one story in my life, of a guy seeing a big nugget laying on the ground. He jumped from the dozer to find a 9 oz. chunk. It is now in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. It is known as the Turtle Nugget. Had the Sun been at a different attitude, he may have missed it.
There are a few nuggets left in placer operation tailing piles. Most placer operations rely on minus 1/2" material. I would bet 90+ % of operations screen to this mesh size, before washing.
Long story short, I find most mine jobs REALLY boring. Yeah, you can find a little Gold in a pan, but you have to run volume to make money, A LOT OF VOLUME! The fun part is in the clean up room. You have to build trust to work there.