What is AP

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gary492 said:
What is AP
Hydrochloric acid mixed with hydrogen peroxide.
This is one of the best processes to remove base metals from electronic scrap before trying to process the gold.

try this link: http://goldrecovery.us/forum_search.php
AP gives 3,520 hits on GRF alone.
This is the best search engine to get the answers you are looking for.

Welcome to the forum.

Have you read all of the links in the Guided tour below?

Please do not start a new thread again! Since you have been here,5 days,you have started 8 threads.
What is Smb
Gold plated parts
First time with cellphones
AR Help
Right way video
What do i do now cellphone BIG HELP NEEDED
What is AP

You have been advised several times,to download and read,Hoke's book.You have also been advised several times to use the search feature at the top of the page.The catagories that we have on the main page,are there for a reason,so that members know where to go to find an answer to a problem.The search feature is also there for a reason,so that members can utilize it to also try to locate an answer.I understand you're eagerness to get started,and unfortunately your age is actually working against you in this situation.You need to slow down a little and breathe man,you have plenty of time still to learn all of this.But I am warning you,by you starting all of these threads and asking redundant elementary questions,you are creating the most frusterating situation that we members deal with.....not listening.When I see contributing members giving you good advice,it is a slap in their face when you pay no attention.And you are doing this because they are not telling you what you want to hear.But you had best understand this,they are telling you what you need to hear.Because most of us do this on a daily basis,we know what needs to be done.I am sorry that I cannot make your gold magically appear for you,believe me,we all wish we could do that.But you have to start at the bottom of the learning chart and work your way up,and unfortunately,using chemicals is a ways off for you.
Several years ago,I found myself addressing a new member(much like you),that was hell bent on working with chemicals,without the proper knowledge that ones needs first.I will tell you what I told him........If you hurt someone,hopfully it will only be you.Could you live with yourself knowing that you hurt,or worse killed,someone you love all because you refused to take the time to learn what is being offered to you for free?
I know you don't know me because you have not been here long enough,but I am very mean when it comes to new members not listening to good advice.However I am trying to remember your age and not get too frusterated with you.Most everybody here(myself included),is old enough to be your father,or grandfather.So slow the heck down and listen to what is being told to you.I give you my solemn promise,if you are given bad advice,someone will catch it and fix it.With your eagerness,and desire,you need to be right here on this forum where we can all keep an eye on you,and help you.The gentleman above me(Steve),will be one of your biggest assets since you are starting from scratch.He has an incredible website,with links,and documents,and videos,and he also sells most of the equipment you will need to do this,but that is down the road a little ways still.Like he said check out the "guided tour" in his signature line,and read the forum handbook.And here is some of the best advice you will get on this forum.............download and read Hoke's book! There is a reason why you have been told that so many times before.It will become your,recovery and refining bible.On that note,it is very late here,and I am tired.I will keep a close eye on you,as will others.Best of luck young man.
Gary take the above post in the way it's meant Mic / Johnny has been around here for a long time and has seen and done it all, he also has a short fuse for those that won't listen, take advice or rubbish respected members. Be grateful he's taken the time to tell you how it is and given you the benefit of doubt.
As he stated you seem keen and obviously you aren't stupid so harness that eagerness and do the necessary reading and research while keeping a keen eye out for any material that might yield some values....once you know what to do with them!
sorry i got ahead of myself i love you guys u care so much i will read cm hokes book thank you everyone :p
Hi Gary , how are tricks today?
I hope your well!

gary492 said:
sorry i got ahead of myself i love you guys u care so much i will read cm hokes book thank you everyone :p

No worries chief , you'll get there if you really want to , 8)

Ms C. M. Hoke ; 'Refining Precious Metal Wastes' , http://tinyurl.com/mfnyhs

All the very best with it , and kind regards ,
Chris :mrgreen:
gary492 said:
sorry i got ahead of myself i love you guys u care so much i will read cm hokes book thank you everyone :p

That's all that we want to hear Gary, be warned this hobby can be very addictive and chemistry interesting when you can hold some gold or another precious metal in your hand won by your own efforts 8)

I am counting on you to show us you can become one of our better forum members, you have started out a bit eager, and have ruffled a couple of feathers, but I think once you settle down get some study under your belt you can find a home here, these are all a great bunch of men, and all can be your friend, but you will also need to give them the respect of when you ask a question, and they give advice, pay attention to that advice (or else do not waste their time asking a question you really do not want to hear the answer to), I think you will really enjoy Hoke's book, funny thing is every time I pick up that book I find something in there I did not see the first time I read it, it is kind of like a good movie, you see things watching it the second time you did not notice the first time.

Your apology and willingness to buckle down and read Hokes is showing me your headed in the right direction and on your way to becoming an accepted member of this forum, and that you can learn to recover and refine.

Most all of us have been ahead of ourselves, this gold fever seems to have a way of making a sane man look crazy.
After seeing the direction this thread has taken,I could not be any happier.Two very big thumbsup Gary.
mic said:
Please do not start a new thread again! Since you have been here,5 days,you have started 8 threads.
What is Smb
Gold plated parts
First time with cellphones
AR Help
Right way video
What do i do now cellphone BIG HELP NEEDED
What is AP

You have been advised several times,to download and read,Hoke's book.You have also been advised several times to use the search feature at the top of the page.The catagories that we have on the main page,are there for a reason,so that members know where to go to find an answer to a problem.The search feature is also there for a reason,so that members can utilize it to also try to locate an answer.I understand you're eagerness to get started,and unfortunately your age is actually working against you in this situation.You need to slow down a little and breathe man,you have plenty of time still to learn all of this.But I am warning you,by you starting all of these threads and asking redundant elementary questions,you are creating the most frusterating situation that we members deal with.....not listening.When I see contributing members giving you good advice,it is a slap in their face when you pay no attention.And you are doing this because they are not telling you what you want to hear.But you had best understand this,they are telling you what you need to hear.Because most of us do this on a daily basis,we know what needs to be done.I am sorry that I cannot make your gold magically appear for you,believe me,we all wish we could do that.But you have to start at the bottom of the learning chart and work your way up,and unfortunately,using chemicals is a ways off for you.
Several years ago,I found myself addressing a new member(much like you),that was hell bent on working with chemicals,without the proper knowledge that ones needs first.I will tell you what I told him........If you hurt someone,hopfully it will only be you.Could you live with yourself knowing that you hurt,or worse killed,someone you love all because you refused to take the time to learn what is being offered to you for free?
I know you don't know me because you have not been here long enough,but I am very mean when it comes to new members not listening to good advice.However I am trying to remember your age and not get too frusterated with you.Most everybody here(myself included),is old enough to be your father,or grandfather.So slow the heck down and listen to what is being told to you.I give you my solemn promise,if you are given bad advice,someone will catch it and fix it.With your eagerness,and desire,you need to be right here on this forum where we can all keep an eye on you,and help you.The gentleman above me(Steve),will be one of your biggest assets since you are starting from scratch.He has an incredible website,with links,and documents,and videos,and he also sells most of the equipment you will need to do this,but that is down the road a little ways still.Like he said check out the "guided tour" in his signature line,and read the forum handbook.And here is some of the best advice you will get on this forum.............download and read Hoke's book! There is a reason why you have been told that so many times before.It will become your,recovery and refining bible.On that note,it is very late here,and I am tired.I will keep a close eye on you,as will others.Best of luck young man.

butcher said:

I am counting on you to show us you can become one of our better forum members, you have started out a bit eager, and have ruffled a couple of feathers, but I think once you settle down get some study under your belt you can find a home here, these are all a great bunch of men, and all can be your friend, but you will also need to give them the respect of when you ask a question, and they give advice, pay attention to that advice (or else do not waste their time asking a question you really do not want to hear the answer to), I think you will really enjoy Hoke's book, funny thing is every time I pick up that book I find something in there I did not see the first time I read it, it is kind of like a good movie, you see things watching it the second time you did not notice the first time.

Your apology and willingness to buckle down and read Hokes is showing me your headed in the right direction and on your way to becoming an accepted member of this forum, and that you can learn to recover and refine.

Most all of us have been ahead of ourselves, this gold fever seems to have a way of making a sane man look crazy.

Thank You gentlemen for putting this young man on the correct path to his success and safety! John.
minirctopics said:
Now i know! Thanks for ur post.:)

No Thanks for your spam

3 spams right out the gate. He is banned, thanks Palladium and Jimdoc.
I have done a little test with the ap process and I guess it didn't work to well. My solution turned thick like washing up liquid. Does anybody know why this happened?
Monkey-boy said:
I have done a little test with the ap process and I guess it didn't work to well. My solution turned thick like washing up liquid. Does anybody know why this happened?

I think you will have to give a little more information.

Hi jim, I put 150ml of nitric acid in with about 50ml of hydrogen peroxide 9% (unable to find 3%)
It bubbled and fizzed for about 10 mins and then turned to a thick substance. I only had 3 ram sticks in it and it's not done much.
Monkey-boy said:
Hi jim, I put 150ml of nitric acid in with about 50ml of hydrogen peroxide 9% (unable to find 3%)
It bubbled and fizzed for about 10 mins and then turned to a thick substance. I only had 3 ram sticks in it and it's not done much.

I hope you mean 150ml of HCl! :shock: Nitric IS NOT used in AP. I'm thinking that maybe you need to put everything up and do some reading and studying before you blow yourself up or poison yourself!

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