What is AP

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Assuming your trying the copper chloride leach, HCl, and dilute peroxide, and these are the reagents you used, except your peroxide was stronger 9%, you added a lot of oxygen to the mix which can attack the gold, as well as the copper, putting both metals into solution, also you spoke of adding ram sticks, if these were whole memory and not trimmed fingers you also have tin in solution, this tin and dissolved gold can make a mess to deal with, the gold can form colloids, this and oils and dirt on the ram and copper in solution, can be a hand full for a beginner to learn to deal with.

I am not sure this is what you have, but from what I can gather from the posts it sounds like it to me.

you could have diluted the peroxide with water, used less and used air as the primary oxidizer from a small fish tank air pump, you could have also trimmed the finger off the memory sticks and avoided the tin in solution, have you visited Laser Steve's web site and learned from him how to get the gold off of the memory fingers? If you follow his instructions you should have no trouble getting gold from the memory fingers and processing it to refine a nice pure button of gold.
I was reading and watched Lazer Steves video on AP with fingers. Awesome to say the least ! I also saw a post in here somewhere, that said you cant do cell phones in AP. You'd would lose value. I only had a few fingers and some cleaned cell phone boards. And a few green, very thin pieces that had paper thin, dark brown transparent film that was stuck to it. Easy to tear off. They had the smallest little fingers I have ever seen. All together everything weighed about 5 Oz's. I used 1 1/2 hcl and 3 oz %3 Peroxide. All in a Powerade bottle. Just an experiment. Shaking hard over 2 days. Most of the visible gold is floating around in the emerald mix. I see millions of pieces ! So small they can pass through a coffee filter. :oops: I see why you'd loose value. Maybe three dollars in gold. My question now is if this were a large amount of gold, can it be evaporated down and dried ? Even if it can be done, there is green stuff from the thin board with the stickies. And pardon my Ignorance, but what is that transparent film with micro looking wires in it ? Thank for any Answers.
5 min after I ask a Question I read on to see Lazer Steves answer to Questions about AP. I'll Read that now. Will still listen to an answer though. Even if only It's go read NuckleHead. :mrgreen:
hi everyone
i noticed at the top of this post that hcl and peroxide is the best thing for processing electronic scrap .
thats great for me because im processing computer parts and cell phones , curcuit boards and pins.
now my question is :

my daughter who is a hair dresser can get peroxide that is 12% which is a higher percentage than ive seen mentioned on this post so far .
will this be ok and how do i use AP ?
do i still soak my material in nitric first , or is that what AP is for ?

from what i can figure out , AP is used prior to using AR


is AP used instead of AR

Check out the Guided Tour below and all links therein for details on processes and what they are used for as well as many other required reads.

lazersteve said:

Check out the Guided Tour below and all links therein for details on processes and what they are used for as well as many other required reads.

oh never mind
i did say yesterday that i found the guided tour confusing ,
ill just wait till someone else asks the same questions and ill get my answer then
goldpete said:
lazersteve said:

Check out the Guided Tour below and all links therein for details on processes and what they are used for as well as many other required reads.

oh never mind
i did say yesterday that i found the guided tour confusing ,
ill just wait till someone else asks the same questions and ill get my answer then

goldpete said:
my daughter who is a hair dresser can get peroxide that is 12% which is a higher percentage than ive seen mentioned on this post so far .
will this be ok and how do i use AP ?

As long as the peroxide that your daughter can get looks like water (not the cream type of peroxide) then you can use it, may supply is from a hairdresser, 12% like you are talking about, works fine.

Please see the quote from Butcher earlier in this thread.

butcher said:

Assuming your trying the copper chloride leach, HCl, and dilute peroxide, and these are the reagents you used, except your peroxide was stronger 9%, you added a lot of oxygen to the mix which can attack the gold, as well as the copper, putting both metals into solution,

you could have diluted the peroxide with water, used less and used air as the primary oxidizer from a small fish tank air pump

goldpete said:
do i still soak my material in nitric first , or is that what AP is for ?

Better not to soak in nitric just in case there is solder present, tin in nitric is a nightmare, but you can remove it from the mix by pre soaking in HCl with added heat.

goldpete said:
from what i can figure out , AP is used prior to using AR

With fingers and foils you can dissolve the gold with HCl /Cl which is an easier process for newcomers to use as the chlorine can easily be removed if you add too much, just heat, don't boil, and the excess chlorine will be liberated.

goldpete said:
is AP used instead of AR

AP is a recovery process, releasing the gold from the substrate, AR is a refining process, dissolving the gold plus any remaining base metals and then selectively precipitating the gold from solution. Therefore AP isn't used instead of AR as the two processes are used to obtain different results in the overall processing of material.
goldpete said:
oh never mind
i did say yesterday that i found the guided tour confusing ,
ill just wait till someone else asks the same questions and ill get my answer then

What portion of the Guided Tour is losing you?

Your feedback is important so I can fix problem areas with the post.

martyn111 said:
goldpete said:
my daughter who is a hair dresser can get peroxide that is 12% which is a higher percentage than ive seen mentioned on this post so far .
will this be ok and how do i use AP ?

As long as the peroxide that your daughter can get looks like water (not the cream type of peroxide) then you can use it, may supply is from a hairdresser, 12% like you are talking about, works fine.

Please see the quote from Butcher earlier in this thread.

butcher said:

Assuming your trying the copper chloride leach, HCl, and dilute peroxide, and these are the reagents you used, except your peroxide was stronger 9%, you added a lot of oxygen to the mix which can attack the gold, as well as the copper, putting both metals into solution,

you could have diluted the peroxide with water, used less and used air as the primary oxidizer from a small fish tank air pump

goldpete said:
do i still soak my material in nitric first , or is that what AP is for ?

Better not to soak in nitric just in case there is solder present, tin in nitric is a nightmare, but you can remove it from the mix by pre soaking in HCl with added heat.

goldpete said:
from what i can figure out , AP is used prior to using AR

With fingers and foils you can dissolve the gold with HCl /Cl which is an easier process for newcomers to use as the chlorine can easily be removed if you add too much, just heat, don't boil, and the excess chlorine will be liberated.

goldpete said:
is AP used instead of AR

AP is a recovery process, releasing the gold from the substrate, AR is a refining process, dissolving the gold plus any remaining base metals and then selectively precipitating the gold from solution. Therefore AP isn't used instead of AR as the two processes are used to obtain different results in the overall processing of material.
awesome , so does that mean if AP is a recovery process ...... then i should use hcl/cl and then filter , wash and then use AP ?
no it mean you should use AP to free gold from contaminant(witch are the board,other base metal,plastic etc etc...)
hcl/cl is a refinning process (or cleaning your gold if you want) after that there is no need for another AP
edit you would use hcl/cl to dissolve your high purity gold 95%(just a number to show the idea),filter to remove big impurity like small plastic or board piece,or dirt,or silver and lead sulphate(when you will be there).
and than precipiate with smb to have clean gold powder
ericrm said:
no it mean you should use AP to free gold from contaminant(witch are the board,other base metal,plastic etc etc...)
hcl/cl is a refinning process (or cleaning your gold if you want) after that there is no need for another AP
edit you would use hcl/cl to dissolve your high purity gold 95%(just a number to show the idea),filter to remove big impurity like small plastic or board piece,or dirt,or silver and lead sulphate(when you will be there).
and than precipiate with smb to have clean gold powder
oh ok thanks , so basically i use AP instead of a nitric soak ? , then i use hcl/cl as AR . then evaporate etc
exactly :mrgreen:
except that hcl/cl doesnt need to be evaporate to a sirup ,just heated a little will drive the clorine out of solution
ericrm said:
exactly :mrgreen:
except that hcl/cl doesnt need to be evaporate to a sirup ,just heated a little will drive the clorine out of solution
thats awesome , thankyou so much ,
thats exactly the kind of info i needed , your a legend
if you could remove the legend commentary plz ,i feel like other newb will take it as a positive mark on me when i have and still say a lot of eroneous thing,i would apreciate it

also those kind of info are here all around,you just need to read alot to get them(when i mean read a lot ,i realy mean it pass a few 100hour here you will have all the base knowledge,after that you will be able to go real and gain experience

go read the number 4
once you read number 4 click on 'Acid Peroxide Must Read' just under

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