What is salvagable in memory stick?

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
Is the fingers on cpu memory sticks the only gold present or is there some more on the stick or even in the chips?
-Trim fingers cleanly, process them with AP or diluted Nitric 37% (I use Nitric cause its cheap for me here), dissolve in HCL-CL (4/1), precipitate with SMB and follow the steps for washing the precipitated gold.
-Collect the chips for further processing or sell them if you have many.
-Don't throw the PCBs, keep them for further processing if they are plated.
I read somewhere that you can sell PCBs by tons even if they are unpopulated.
i keep them for future and i always use one as heat blocker when i solder components with heat gun so nearby components don't get affected.
OK, but what is the gold yield please. Memory sells on eBay for almost $9.00 a pound. That means you would have to get over 1/3 of a gram of gold from a pound of fingers to may it worth it to pay $9.00 per pound for them.
ebay you will spend more on scrap, than you will recover, best to find another source free if possible, remember this is( or at least was) trash items unwanted by puplic.