What is SPC?

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Dec 25, 2009
I read an article from Shor that said to use SPC (Silver Precipitant Crystals) I'm not sure what that is. Is it something common or is it for sale only by Shor?
I don't know what SPC from shore is, they keep there top secret formulas hidden, if you can talk to there dog rufuss he might devulge the secret, most likely it is some everyday common chemical, many of us use here and get for the fraction of the price, and we are not tied to a company with the secret formula, and all the answers, that is if rufuss can even talk and will tell you the family secret. usually money talks but here dog bones may work. oops I am sorry that dog was on a bean comercial, I guess that dog can't help either, well I bet you can figure out what SPC is by buying some and studying the different precipitants used to precipitate silver, compare reactions and chemicals, one your fairly sure most chemicals can be tested to figure out what they may contain. man has been recovering metals and refining for an awful long time and I really do not believe there are that many magical new formulas that have been invented, most of it is century old technology, heck some of it goes back almost as far as the caveman.
It could be borohydride, but after one try with this compound I think it's too expensive and too trouble making stuff for metals precipitating.
anybody useing shor obviously has not been doing their homework reading the forum, and have not read hoke's book, otherwise they would not care what shor had to sell, and would not be asking us to tell them how to get there gold out of a mess.
I looked on ebay and nobodys selling it there. May need a business license to buy it.
dick b said:
I looked on ebay and nobodys selling it there. May need a business license to buy it.

I think it's fairly new. I hadn't been on the Shor site in a while ad this is the first time I had seen it.

Expect more Shore innovations soon after appearing on GRF.


Not cheap but it's not tech grade either.

The Bad Guys of Shor International.......They are the life image of the Devil....they love secrecy and money....they idolize Machiavelli,"the aim justifies the means".
SPC=Silver Precipitant Cristals=Hydroquinone=Common B/W developer
You can get hydroquinone very cheap in photo stores.
Do not allow Shor Interntaional to strip your money.
Best regards
I got a response from Shor Int. concerning SPC. They said it was stannous chloride crystals and they do not sell it. If I recall, stannous chloride crystals can be formed with tin and muriatic acid? Is this a good precipitant, and better than copper? What's the hazards using stannous chloride in a silver nitrate solution?
??? are they trying to lead you off the trail??

I can't imagine it to be stanous chloride, if it is used to precipitate silver,
As tin and HNO3 would make slime, silver would try to precipitate, but may have a hard time falling to bottom with the slime.
I have not tried but thats what I would guess.

beside you would make a form of aqua regia.
I would not trust Shor, (forget them learn to do it the easy way).

why not use HCl or table salt, if you want silver chloride?
but then you wil have to convert back to metal before melting,
use copper would best can melt it directly.
I am new to a lot of this. I've been using copper to precipitate (cement?) the silver. I've got some 70% nitric I bought locally and had some trouble with not putting enough Sterling into the solution. I started trying to cement with copper and only succeeded in dissolving a lot of copper. I got on the forum and OZ told me to add more silver. I did and it helped a lot. When Iused copper again to cement, I got a lot of bluish tinted residue on the bottom. When I tried to rinse, I never got rid of the tinti but finally the rinse water came clear.

This morning, I melted a little bit of the powder in melting dish and had traces of copper in the silver. Also, I have a hard black coat on the silver. I think it may be borax from the dish. I've got the nugget sitting in some concentrated H2SO4 hoping the black coating will come off. I may have to be more precise with my nitric/sterling ratios.

That's why I am looking for another way to get silver metal. I've watched LazerSteves videos but he is saying that using the copper is the best way.
are you diluting your 70% HNO3?
you wont get all the copper out completly , without useing a refining cell and fairly pure silver anode, your best bet here, study GSP posts on silver, He is the pro here, Harold has made some very fine posts on silver also and I remember a cell desighn in one of his and GSP post, also Juan in mexico another member to follow when studying silver, from reading these members posts there is no reason you would not be able to produce some very fine silver. they could probalbly tell you the same thing that they typed already on the forum, but it took two years of typing to get what they have said so far, from them, already in print here.
As per OZ, I am now diluting the nitric 50/50. He also had a recommendation for how much silver to put in the solution. I will look for GSP, Harold, and Juan. It seems sesnseless to go through the refining process and not get the purest silver possible. I do have an electrolytic cell I use for silver plate stripping. I've had pretty good luck with that process.
silver refining cell is a little different than a plating cell, if you have a small amount of undissolved silver after heat you would most likely know that you did not overdue on nitric usage, and can save that bit of silver for next run.
dick b said:


Not cheap but it's not tech grade either.


It's easier to make up the solution as you need it with Formic Acid and Sodium Hydroxide. Formic Acid is available on Ebay...or you can collect Ants come Spring.

Wood ash and Ant Stew, anyone?
Irons said:
dick b said:


Not cheap but it's not tech grade either.


It's easier to make up the solution as you need it with Formic Acid and Sodium Hydroxide. Formic Acid is available on Ebay...or you can collect Ants come Spring.

Wood ash and Ant Stew, anyone?

Oak ash waiting and the fire ants will be back before you know it.

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