Which computers have the Pentium Pro in them? LOOK!

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Which computer contains the Pentium Pro processor?

  • The top one.

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • The bottom one.

    Votes: 47 77.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
Quito, Ecuador
OK, just wondering how 'trained' you (the person reading this - that means YOU....) are in identifying the computer with the Pentium Pro in it.....

Your challenge (should you decide to accept it) is to correctly identify the one with the Pentium Pro in it simply by looking at the case as suggested by Moo in this post - http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/posting.php?mode=quote&f=46&p=145813#pr145813

The two computers below are both made by Compaq, both made in the late 80s and are both "Deskpro" models.... They both weigh about the same.

"Deskpro" was a pretty popular title with Compaq.

Let's see if you get it right!

if i had to guess. id say the one on the bottom. for some reason, im thinking the on board USB ports came along after the PP was replaced. this may not be right, but ive never found one in a computer with those on board ports.
Geo said:
if i had to guess. id say the one on the bottom. for some reason, im thinking the on board USB ports came along after the PP was replaced. this may not be right, but ive never found one in a computer with those on board ports.

That was what I thought also.

They are Compaq Proliants

Well the cases look like Proliants, the bottom one is the one with the PP in it. Unless you have removed it already.

I took out an entire server farm of old Compaq Proliants with PPs in them, I believe that's why Compaq called them a Pro-Liants I believe.


dead givaway.......

the power supply & the key lock on the bottom computer.

as you see the top computer has a newer power supply & a agp video card (no lock)

easy to choose when there is only 2 to choose from
Well it's none of the ones in the second picture as they are PIII
and Celeron processors. The top PC in the first picture has USB ports
and I doubt that a PPro processor would be in a PC that has that new
a motherboard as the PPro's normally were P133 to P200 Mhz.
I didn't consider the computers in the second picture, he said they were not the computers in question.

If you look at the two in the first picture, the bottom one has all the right connectors for a computer that came out of the mid to late 90s. If they were made in the 1980s they would not have come with Pentium Pro chips. I believe if I remember right, the Pentiums came out in either 95 or 96.

The post is a little confusing. If you are saying that the two computers in the first picture were both made in the 80s

The two computers below are both made by Compaq, both made in the late 80s and are both "Deskpro" models.... They both weigh about the same.

If that were true, there is no way either could have come with Pentium Pros.

But the bottom one, by just looking at the case, looks like a Compaq Proliant, which did come with Pentium Pro CPU's. Compaq had that molded heavy duty ABS plastic server cases. Pentium Pro's were also mostly used in server applications, or high end graphic applications like CAD work.

So what is the bottom computer?

Lots of interesting comments - and some, actually correct (while some are a ways off..... ;)

I want to leave this mystery out there for a couple days, then I'll post the FRONT shot of the two computers so you can see that, for one thing, they are both 'Deskpro', and another, what I call the "pizza resistance" :roll: definitive way to identify these machines....

btw, this is not 'trickery' (i.e., I haven't pulled the processor....), just a fun thing that seems to be a question for newbies (and others) and since I had these two 'similar' units, I thought I'd post the pics (the units are long destroyed...). Although the "late '80s" comment is quoted, it is from the link shown from Moo - who basically made statements that triggered this thread. I have to say that I did not look at the dates on them, simply using his info (if it is incorrect, I apologize profusely for propagating misinformation!)

Keep your "here's why this is the one" hints coming - I think it is great and I'm learning a couple things to look for as well!

Frontside pic coming in a couple days......
I chose the bottom one just based on the case quality. Reasoned the high end processor would be in the higher quality case. The bottom case appears to be better made and with better materials.
Well, I will give one hint......

If you look at the votes, you will notice that at least ONE person got it right! :lol:

And, here's another bit....



That's the motherboard slot the PPro came out of...... (yup, a slot board, which could be either of the computers......)
Okay, obviously you posted this because it's not what most people would think, or assume.

And you have hinted specifically that one person voted for the right one, so...

If I were going by what you have said, it would lead me to believe the top one is a Pentium Pro.

But your post isn't really fair to begin with. The Deskpro that had the Pentium Pro was the same exact case that was used for the Deskpro that had a Pentium II Celeron and the K6. And to make things worse, there were Pentium Pro's used in servers that had cases very much like the one of the bottom. Matter of fact, during the period of time that Compaq was selling computers with Pentium Pros, they used the same cases for many many other computers as well. There is no way to tell by looking at the back, unless there is a sticker or specific model information, if the board inside has a Pentium Pro or not.

SBrown said:
Okay, obviously you posted this because it's not what most people would think, or assume.
Can't say I agree that it is 'obvious' nor that I'd necessarily agree with the rest of that statement, though you are certainly free to think or assume what you like (as for anyone reading any of these opinions, you hopefully will find it interesting that they vary so much!)

SBrown said:
And you have hinted specifically that one person voted for the right one, so...
I didn't "hint" at anything, I "specifically" stated
you will notice that at least ONE person got it right!

SBrown said:
If I were going by what you have said, it would lead me to believe the top one is a Pentium Pro.
So, shall I say "obviously, then we can think, or assume" that you have voted for the top one? (if so, then, my statement still stands - "at least ONE person got it right!")

SBrown said:
But your post isn't really fair to begin with.
:?: Not sure how posting a picture of two computers can be considered 'fair' or 'not fair' - really lost me on that one.....

SBrown said:
The Deskpro that had the Pentium Pro was the same exact case that was used for the Deskpro that had a Pentium II Celeron and the K6.
Alone, I would consider this statement to be a fact that you wish to add to justify your guess, though since it was begun with the 'not fair' statement, I think you mean it to be justification of how 'not fair' I am? That being the case, your use of the word "was" seems like you are confirming (or repeating) a known fact, though certainly not from any statement I have made, or read.

As you have in so many posts, pointing out to many on this forum, I'd like to remind you of being careful of the words you use as they can cause a spread of mis-information (your response is stated so 'matter-of-factlly' and in such contrast to all other posts clearly stating opinion and justification, I felt compelled to bring this up so any newbies would hopefully see this is just a mini-competition and everyone is entitled to their opinion and open posting justifying their point of view).

SBrown said:
And to make things worse, there were Pentium Pro's used in servers that had cases very much like the one of the bottom. Matter of fact, during the period of time that Compaq was selling computers with Pentium Pros, they used the same cases for many many other computers as well. There is no way to tell by looking at the back, unless there is a sticker or specific model information, if the board inside has a Pentium Pro or not.


Great justification discussion - it will be interesting to see just which is right - the opinion above, or those posted before (and any that anyone else wants to post!), including the original post that spured me to do this in the first place, when Moo suggested he could tell the Pentium Pro computers by looking at the back.... http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/posting.php?mode=quote&f=46&p=145813#pr145813

We'll all know the full story - once the front picture is posted (another day or so....... :twisted: 8)
I was hoping not to have to argue semantics.

Okay, here we go...

First I want to clarify a few things...

I guessed the computer on the bottom of the picture based on the fact that it uses older technology for keyboards, mouse, (PS2) than the one on top. Also because it has the heavy duty ABS plastic that was used in the higher end computers and servers. I dealt with a lot of deskpros at the same time I was dealing with the Pentium Pro servers. All the deskpros I dealt with were not Pentium Pros, and the backs looked exactly like the back of the one in the top picture. Because you asked us to identify, and not guess.

MMFJ said:
Your challenge (should you decide to accept it) is to correctly identify the one with the Pentium Pro in it simply by looking at the case

I identified the one on the bottom in the picture, and I stated it as fact. I have already made this statement, there is no justifying it if I am wrong, and I can handle being wrong, I am a big boy. I don't need to justify why I was wrong, if I am.

Since then the thread has been developing, and people guessing, and you have been adding your comments. Because of what you have said, I am now leaning towards the top computer being the Pentium Pro. You said:

MMFJ said:
If you look at the votes, you will notice that at least ONE person got it right! :lol:

When I caught that statement, there were only 2 votes for the computer on the top of the picture. This after the other had accumulated many votes. If you said that only to be cryptic so that someone would bring it up so you can argue semantics, then congratulations you did very well. If you said that to throw people off the scent on purpose, then congratulations again, it obviously worked in my case, you could have very well tricked me. This is your post, and you can handle it in whatever way you like, but if you are going to ask people to commit to one or the other in the picture then saying things to throw people off, on purpose, isn't really far. If your point is for just your personal enjoyment, to see how far you can take this, then the question wasn't fair in this sense as well.

MMFJ said:
:?: Not sure how posting a picture of two computers can be considered 'fair' or 'not fair' - really lost me on that one.....

You asked specifically:

MMFJ said:
Your challenge (should you decide to accept it) is to correctly identify the one with the Pentium Pro in it simply by looking at the case

If both cases were also used for models that had Pentium Pro's, then your questions isn't fair. Do you know for a fact that one of these cases absolutely did not come with a Pentium Pro? If you don't, then again it is not a fair question. If you were fishing around for someone to say it, then there, I have, and you proved how wrong the person who gave you the idea for this post was. If that was your intent, then congratulations, you did very well.

Dependent upon the front of the cases and if they were made the same year, either or both could have been a model that used a Pentium Pro. I do have a picture of the back of a deskpro that did have a Pentium Pro, and is identical to one of the two in your picture, and I have a picture of a Compaq with a Pentium Pro in it, that looks like the other one. I also have a picture of a Deskpro that has a K6 that is also identical to one of the cases in your picture.

SBrown said:
If I were going by what you have said, it would lead me to believe the top one is a Pentium Pro.

MMFJ said:
So, shall I say "obviously, then we can think, or assume" that you have voted for the top one? (if so, then, my statement still stands - "at least ONE person got it right!")

I am not sure what this was all about, I think I was pretty clear in saying that "IF" I were to go on what you have "SAID" it would lead "ME" to "BELIEVE". I did not say anything about being obvious, or assuming. I thought what I said was pretty clear, I didn't play word games. I didn't vote for the top one, I was the first to vote, and I voted for the bottom one. If you read my posts at the start of the thread, you would see which I thought was the Pentium Pro, and which was not. It's what you have said since that has me thinking that the top one might have been the one you pulled the PP out of, although EITHER could have housed it, just by looking from the back. Both case designs were used, to house Pentium Pro processors.

SBrown said:
The Deskpro that had the Pentium Pro was the same exact case that was used for the Deskpro that had a Pentium II Celeron and the K6.

MMFJ said:
Alone, I would consider this statement to be a fact that you wish to add to justify your guess, though since it was begun with the 'not fair' statement, I think you mean it to be justification of how 'not fair' I am? That being the case, your use of the word "was" seems like you are confirming (or repeating) a known fact, though certainly not from any statement I have made, or read.

No, I wasn't saying that to justify my guess, my original guess, and once again let me refer back to what I have written in this thread, was that the bottom computer was a Pentium Pro. After I made my guess I stated that the question wasn't really fair. I said the QUESTION was not fair. I used the word "was" to express past tense, as it in a time before now. I stated it as fact, because frankly it is fact. I can post proof after this thread has come to it;s conclusion.

MMFJ said:
As you have in so many posts, pointing out to many on this forum, I'd like to remind you of being careful of the words you use as they can cause a spread of mis-information (your response is stated so 'matter-of-factlly' and in such contrast to all other posts clearly stating opinion and justification, I felt compelled to bring this up so any newbies would hopefully see this is just a mini-competition and everyone is entitled to their opinion and open posting justifying their point of view).

If you are referring to my statement about the Pentium Pro case that was the exact case used for the Pentium II Celeron and the K6 CPUs, then you are right, I am stating it as fact, and I can prove it, back it up, with pictures. I am not misleading anyone in stating that fact. I am also not misleading anyone when I say that Compaq used the same cases for many different models. Matter of fact, because they allowed for personalized configurations there really is not telling what exactly will be in a case until you open it up.
EDITED: There is no way of telling what is in the case by looking at the back, until you open it up.

SBrown said:
And to make things worse, there were Pentium Pro's used in servers that had cases very much like the one of the bottom. Matter of fact, during the period of time that Compaq was selling computers with Pentium Pros, they used the same cases for many many other computers as well. There is no way to tell by looking at the back, unless there is a sticker or specific model information, if the board inside has a Pentium Pro or not.

MMFJ said:
Great justification discussion - it will be interesting to see just which is right - the opinion above, or those posted before (and any that anyone else wants to post!), including the original post that spured me to do this in the first place, when Moo suggested he could tell the Pentium Pro computers by looking at the back

I know I have said this a bunch of times now, but one more time. I chose the bottom computer originally, and voted that way. I was the first person to vote on this thread. Right or wrong. I know for a fact that the case on top did come with a Pentium Pro, a Celeron II and a K6 CPU as I am sure others did as well. I state these three because I know for a fact, and have pictures, and can prove it. Still, I chose the bottom one for the reasons I originally stated.

I know sometimes my posts are long, and difficult to understand. I tend to over explain myself to help compensate for my problem with explaining things so that other people might understand what I mean. I'm sorry if my posts on this thread were not clear, but I can try again to clarify them if you would like.

I did use some sarcasm in this post, I'm fond of it, and whenever someone opens to door, and is sarcastic with me, I like to respond in kind if only to keep up the friendly banter. If it bothers you let me know and I'll not be sarcastic in any other responses to this thread.

If you would like to argue semantics, lets start a new thread and go at it. It can sometimes be interesting, but I don't see any point if everyone knows what was meant arguing anything but the point of the post. And like I said, I am more than happy to clarify anything that isn't clear already.

Well, it is interesting......

More and more people viewing, but only a few voting???? What's up with that?

Come on, people - take a stand! Cast YOUR vote!

As of this posting, we can say that at least 3 people got it right......

Time is running out to cast your vote and/or post your opinion on which one of the pictured computers had a Pentium Pro in it (yes, there was only one of these - the other had a slot processor in it).

Picture of front will 'tell all' - yup, there's a pretty 'tell tale' sticker there that you just can't miss.......

So, POST your ideas and CAST YOUR VOTE!
tek4g63 said:
Is there a prize? Would get more votes if their was. :mrgreen:

OK, how about for everyone that votes correctly (of which I have no idea exactly, since the 'poll' doesn't give me that info....), you get a FREE copy of.....
link deleted by Harold 7-5-12
tek4g63 said:
How much longer till the big reveal?
Let's just see how it goes tomorrow.....
With my luck I probably voted wrong :) but I'd still love a copy of your book, been looking at it, but haven't been able to find that many pennies :lol:
