White creamy like peroxide

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Well-known member
May 6, 2012
Supermarket was out of hydrogen peroxide today so I got some at a hairdressing salon. Its unlike anything ive seen before.white creamy like Can I use this for a A/P solution?
Personally I'd say no because the gel is likely to cause problems, I'd suggest just adding a bubbler to the system it might take a little longer but it will work.
Please understand I'm not an expert with e scrap but I take the view rubbish in rubbish out, why take the chance and maybe have problems later, also the peroxide is only there to kick start the reaction if you have an old AP solution add some of that to get the new one started to remove the copper. Some of the guys that run AP often would perhaps advise differently so hold fire until they chime in.
Yep pharmacy was out too patnor :) not much luck lately. Have since added a bubbler.

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