white flakes after precipation

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My first go at this, didn't go as planned, but it was a learning process. Ran accross this site after I spent money on shor's acid refining kit. Mixed the subzero and muratic acid. Dissolved most gold but not all. Apperently some pieces were too thick. Melted them down today and thinned them down to 1mm wire. So after precipation with storm I have white flakes in with gold mud. Did a search on this web site and read that they are mono-atomic. Ph above 7 seems to be the cause. Correct? Also radioactive when heated. Any advice? Should have read hokes book before ordering chemicals, live and learn I guess.
Did a search on this web site and read that they are mono-atomic. Ph above 7 seems to be the cause. Correct? Also radioactive when heated.
You got that information on THIS website? The GoldRefiningForum? This is not an alchemy forum. We deal in reality.
gt1 said:
My first go at this, didn't go as planned, but it was a learning process. Ran accross this site after I spent money on shor's acid refining kit. Mixed the subzero and muratic acid. Dissolved most gold but not all. Apperently some pieces were too thick. Melted them down today and thinned them down to 1mm wire. So after precipation with storm I have white flakes in with gold mud. Did a search on this web site and read that they are mono-atomic. Ph above 7 seems to be the cause. Correct? Also radioactive when heated. Any advice? Should have read hokes book before ordering chemicals, live and learn I guess.

I do not know about any mon-atomic stuff, but, ph above 7 will not make anything radio active even when heated.

Yea on this forum, only thing i could find on the subject. Unless i misunderstood this post. It's some old scrap jewelry 10k & 14k mix. So any suggestions?

Part of the post on this website.

by rainmaker on Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:09 am

4. Gold:
Gently raise leach pH to near but not over 7 with Sodium Hydroxide (lye solution), pH will continue to rise as gold falls out. White precipitants are Mono-atomic.(you got the pH above 7)
Wait to complete drop, gold should fall out
Filter with 3 coffee filters to clear

Mono-atomics: Become radioactive when heated. It's best to just discard them, it is very unlikely that any of us amiatures can coax it back to a non mono-atomic state
Welcome gt1!

James, GSP and eeThr forgot to say welcome but I know they meant it. :lol:

If you survive the sometime a bit harsh environment here you will learn anything you will ever need to know about gold refining and a lot more about everything else. One thing that you just noticed is that we will always pounce at every misconception and straightening out the facts.

The part you cite about white mono-atomic precipitate and radioactivity is from a dubious sounding iodine leach. As pointed out later noone tried it and one of the steps produces nerve gas, phosgen! It has nothing to do with your problem.

The topic it appeared in is Iodine 7% Leach for Gold

If I might take a shot in the dark I would guess your flaky white precipitate is copper chloride. Try to wash some of your gold powder with hydrochloric acid and see if it dissolves.


Edit: spelling
in my opinion,you cant make an atom radioactive only by heating..you need much larger ammount of energy

because of quarks bonded in hadrons (i.a.protons, neutrons) by their strong interraction.carriers of a strong interraction quant are gluons
quarks have "color"(its something like a charge (+/-)),but between quarks
hardons have neutral color
interraction between hadrons in nucleus is a residual strong interraction - soft interraction(much weaker than strong interraction)
carriers are mesons
there is a coulombic barrier in a nucleus, but much weaker than soft/strong interraction, but in heavy atoms A>210 causing instability of a core(emission)
because core relieves particles to acquire lower energy status (more stable)
radioactivity comes from nucleus

these interactions are much much stronger than electromagnetic interraction between atoms to make molecules
so when you make some compounds, you only play with electromagnetic interraction and you dont have enough energy to affect interraction in cores

so you cant make a radioactive core (atom) from stable core(atom) only using electromagnetic interraction

an example

weight of the proton is 1,672 .10 exp -27 Kg
weight of a mosquito is 0,000002 Kg

in LHC(large hadron collider), they accelerating hadrons to energy of 7 TeV
kinetic energy of a flying mosquito is 10exp-8 = 0.63 TeV

or when you take two protons and two neutrons, there is released energy of 28 MeV
you read correct.2 protons and 2 neutrons is 1/22000 of a kinetic energy of flying mosquito
so try to take a half kilo of protons and a half kilo of neutrons...
that is the beauty of core

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