White Powder in auric cloride

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Jan 23, 2011
Hello my name is jim im from rhode island i am droping gold from auric cloride and i noticed a bit of white powder on bottom of cup does anybody know what this is do you think i should filter it off or add more bleach thanks for your input
If you followed lazersteve's cell black powder process to the letter, you have 2 options:
1. try adding water - if the HCl-Cl is too concentrated, sodium salts can precipitate out. If they dissolve - EZ fix.
2. If they still don't dissolve, you probably have carried some lead over from the cell - its impossible not to. Just filter the solution before precipitating.

If you didn't follow the procedure, you could have other base metals. But I wouldn't worry. Dilute the solution with 3-4 parts ice water, or just ice, & filter anything that is still undissolved.

If super purity is your goal, you can dissolve the powder again & re-precipitate.

Make sure you post some photos of your end product.

good luck!
exoticinfusion said:
I will do that, I have followed as directed. I do appreciate your valuable time.
Most of us learn as we do - at least you're willing to learn some then ask logical questions.

keep us posted & good luck!

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