Would this dissolve the gold...????

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malikjob07 said:
but i saw Moose Scrapper in some of his video recovering gold with only HCL and air....no use of hydrogen peroxide .....like he said " no fear of dissolving gold...


Correct - note what I underlined

The "air" from the bubbler is providing the "oxidizer" to dissolve the copper in the HCl - with out the air (oxygen) the copper would not dissolve in the HCl "alone"

because the "air" is such a weak oxidizer - it only dissolves the copper due to the fact that the copper is a more reactive metal then the gold

H2O2 (peroxide) is a bit stronger oxidizer then just air - therefor it has a bit more "potential" to dissolve gold - which is why only a "very" small amount of H2O2 is recommended to "kick start" the production of the CuCl2 - then the air bubbler is added to maintain the oxidation of the copper with the CuCl2 - with out the concern of dissolving (oxidizing) gold also

So yes you can do it with just the bubbler & "no" H2O2 --- it just takes a little longer for the process (of dissolving the copper) to kick start

last not least ,let's break the news :lol: .....well i' used HCL with air pump as AP to recover the gold from the raw material :| ...the solution turn out to green color , so after the flirting process i saw in the bottom of the container a black sand with gold foils......so is the black sand a cemented gold , nickel or copper ? since to my knowledge the raw material that i use was composed of copper " 85 %" , nickel "14%" and gold plated "0.01 %" ..... :roll:
cheers :arrow:
It would be impossible for any of us to say. Did you use any peroxide on this material? If you did, there may be some black gold powder but it will be no larger than a fine flour and surely smaller than granulated sugar. If the material that's left is as large as beach sand, it is a base metal. Add some fresh HCl and replace the air to bubble through it. It takes between 5 to 7 days to complete the process at optimum performance.
Actually i am guilty.... i did use hydrogen peroxide to start the process than i use the aquarium pump ....and yes the black sand is like you said Geo no larger than a fine flour and smaller than granulated sugar...it could be gold ?
NobleMetalWorks said:
A aquarium bubbler works very well. Some aquarium stones will dissolve or fall apart in AP, just find the right one.

Personally, I only use H2O2 when first starting an AP solution, then I switch to air stones and an aquarium pump.


Instead of using a stone, just use a piece of "non-flexible" aquarium tubing. Cut it long enough to reach the bottom of your container/bucket, heat it up near the top and bend it slowly. (Heat gun works fine or even a lighter.) Try not to bend the hose shut.

Here's what I do. I drilled a hole in the top side of my bucket, a tiny bit bigger than the non-flexible tube, so that when I attach the flexible hose to it "from the inside of the bucket", I can push them both partially back out through the hole and have a tight fit. Just squash the flexible hose and push it through to the inside, so you can attach it to the non flexible one.

You might even be able to heat and bend the non-flexible tubing along the entire inside bottom of your container. Then all you'd need to do is melt the end shut, put a couple pin holes in it and have bubbles all the way around. If you lose too much pressure that way, you can just run it across the bottom middle.
Grelko said:
Instead of using a stone, just use a piece of "non-flexible" aquarium tubing. Cut it long enough to reach the bottom of your container/bucket, heat it up near the top and bend it slowly. (Heat gun works fine or even a lighter.) Try not to bend the hose shut.
I would suggest using the metal tube bending trick--insert something into the tubing that you can retrieve later, to keep it from collapsing. A lubed piece of thick copper wire would work. Then remove the wire when you're done.

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