your honest opinion please

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Thanks guys.

I've shotted with mapp, but as was mentioned by dannlee the crucible was heated from below. Thanks for the input.
I'm late to the party, but I would definitely give that another refine if I were you. Filtering is crucial the more impurities you get out filtering the easier washing is. I drop, then boil 3× in water, boil 3× in hcl, then 3 more times in water and melt. It's also important to have a clean dish the borax will capture some impurities if there are any, then when you melt again and roll your molten gold around in the dish you can pick these back up and will have that hazey oxide look on your Au.

Just my humble opinion
I guess we're all just wondering now what you're getting at. I think you've heard the honest opinions of some experienced members and they happen to concur with each other. I’ll add mine for good measure: It looks like gold, and may well be up around 99%, which is respectable if you’re selling to some buyer in the chain and you or the buyer has the capability to do some assay (even if just XRF) and can agree on a price. But it’s most likely below .999 purity.

Can you be more specific about the feedback you’re looking for?
i brought the 20g button to a high end jewelers at the yorkdale mall in toronto today, they have a XRF

touch stone test said 14 - 18k

was told the button was 81% gold or about 18k.

i had a grf member recover this for me, i was told (by them) that i will be getting 22k or 23k gold back.
looks like i got lots of copper & iron for the 20% they charged me, really feel ripped off !!!!!
necromancer said:
i brought the 20g button to a high end jewelers at the yorkdale mall in toronto today, they have a XRF

touch stone test said 14 - 18k

was told the button was 81% gold or about 18k.

i had a grf member recover this for me, i was told (by them) that i will be getting 22k or 23k gold back.
looks like i got lots of copper & iron for the 20% they charged me, really feel ripped off !!!!!

I don't know who you had refine/recover this gold but MAYBE they would be willing to re-refine it again. I'd hate to think that one of our members KNOWINGLY ripped you off. I know it is hard to please everyone but if they really believed they were selling 22-23K gold and it turned out they got some contamination, they might want to make it right.

Of course, now that it has been remelted, there is no real way to tell where or when the contamination happened. Look at it from the seller's point of view. If you truly believed you sold 22K gold and the buyer states they got 18K instead, who is right?

You are probably stuck with what you got. Consider it as the cost of education and move on with fixing it. At least let the seller know how you feel (if you haven't already) and then go from there. Might not hurt to have it tested somewhere else if you can just to rule out a bad XRF reading. You never know, maybe that high end jeweler expected you to sell it to them and they ... You never know.

Good luck whatever you do.
its still the original button, never touched.

it goes beyond me being satisfied, when your told "you will get 22-23k" thats what i paid for & paying 1/5 of the total amount for an amateur refining job.

sad thing is that this person is using this forum & other forums to make money and doing a substandard job for others.

a question for every person here, "who wants to pay 1/5 there gold to a amateur backyard refiner & get 18k gold back" ?
necromancer, have you contacted this "Backyard refiner" so he could have a chance to make the deal good with you?
Or give Him a chance to re-refine your gold?

It does not sound like he was trying to refine it to high purity, or that you had expectation that He woulddo so, with this in mind the impure will have base-metals and oxides from the melt that would show up on the surface of the button, these will show up pronounced in the XRF scan, as mentioned above by other members.

The XRF would only be as good as the machine and its operator, and also some gold buyers may try to lower the value of your button to get your gold cheaper, with this in mind it may not be all the fault this "backyard refiner".

I really do not know.

If this is a fellow forum member I would try to work out this problem with Him, nobody wants to be cheated,and not everybody wishes to cheat another, although their are many who do not follow what is right.

It would be a shame to smear another members name for something that is not his fault, then again if this member is short changing you and other fellow member it should be known so that others are not cheated...

I would try to work this out with the " backyard refiner" and also make sure that the gold is as low of a quality as the man who scanned it with the XRF stated it was...

Barring a fire assay, have you had it tested with a stone and gold karat needles?
i am going to call tomorrow

will let you all know how it turns out. then i will be naming this person so no one else gets told they will be paying 20% for "22-23k fine gold" and really getting 18k

then all those others that have paid this person will know what they really got for there hard earned money.

but i guess when they are $60,000 dollars in the hole they need to survive any way they can, even if that means pinching a little off the top and cutting the product
a little quote from Harold_V

Harold_V said:
Absolutely correct. If anyone on this board is shafted by another reader, make damned sure you report what happened, and do it publicly. In doing so, do NOT lead the readers. Don't make any recommendations----simply state what transpired, leaving out your opinions. State only the facts, as you know them, and how you got the short end of the stick. No one is culpable when the truth I spoken.


Edited the link pointing to a members name:
I see no facts that support such an accusation; I do see where readers have been lead to believe something without knowing the all of the facts, of what all has transpired.
Necro (Dave) you've been a member long enough to know that the button you have wasn't very pure. Regardless of how it was melted. I would take the advice of my betters on this forum and re-refine because frankly it looks quite contaminated.

You know the drill mate. Remove most of the rubbish and then you won't have to worry about the assay results people give you because you'll be sure of where you stand.

my concern is how much gold is really there ?

i will find out soon enough. anyone processed in total 22 lbs of random 386 / 486 ?
what was your total yield of gold and silver ? (please save me the search)

i won't include the other amounts of high grade escrap from vintage servers, cellular communications towers, medical equipment, R/F equipment & so on.

i know its a random total amount that will sway but what i have read here never added up to what i have been given in return. i am going to process 10 lbs of 386 / 486 myself, it will be my "very first" try at recovery. i have tried a small amount of ceramic IC's (there still in there original acid bath) and 3.5 lbs of mlcc which have been digested in HCL & H2O2 filtered well, dried to powder and stored for later recovery of the silver & palladium.

as someone that only seen here on the forum people posting there fine gold photo's (which are beautiful) the difference between 3n's, 4n's & 81% gold content is extreme.
386 and 486's can run as high as 3.6 grams per pound! At 22 lbs you should have gotten at least 66 grams. That's at a low yield of 3 grams per pound. I have run more than a few batches of 386's and the least I got was 3.5 grams per pound!

srlaulis said:
Did you get right with your refiner? If not, then I would like to know who you worked with, so I can avoid him/her.

no, i will not be trying to. here on the GRF we are all told that recovery is 99% & refining is 1%. they failed the 1%
there are also some other issues that i will keep to myself

Edited the link pointing to a members name:
I see no facts that support such an accusation; I do see where readers have been lead to believe something without knowing the all of the facts, of what all has transpired.
I have a PM to the other party, I would like to hear more of the other side of this story, something smells fishy, and this smell seems to have created a lot of problem on our forum, I would like to find out where this smell is coming from.
Yield results are often controversial. Generally it's because the individual has unreasonable expectations, and may not willing to listen to reason.

After a brief email to this other party.
Which at this point I have no reason to believe is nothing more than an honest person, and refiner, and someone who tried to be a friend to help someone out, is being falsely accused of wrong doing, and having a good name drug through the mud with this innuendo.

As an outsider to this problem, there is not much of a way that I could be of much help to resolve the problem of these two members, or know everything this is all about.

If you cannot solve this problem between you and your former friend, or are unwilling to face the truth, that is one thing, Yield results are often controversial, I do not what the case is for this disagreement in yields is or which party is the problem side, or if there is some other underlying problem here, that has little to do with this gold in question,.
I do not know if anyone was cheated or not.

It is beside the point as far as I am concerned. Yield results are often controversial, not everyone will agree when two parties do business together or friends do business.
But this stink on the forum, which has caused problems. I am determined to make sure it goes away, one way or another, right or wrong, I will do what I think is best to get rid of this smell if it continues.

Enough of this nonsense.
I've been on the other side of this and it's hard to explain to someone that what they have is all that there was. It's as simple as this, since you know what the starting material was and you know what you have back, use that as a basis of your next ventures. It's yield data in itself and to some worth more than the gold return. Do not try and base expected yields on other peoples work because no two refiners will recover the exact same weight from the exact same material unless they were set up the exact same way and even then the refiner themselves will alter the outcomes. I wouldnt be surprised if the same refiner doing different batches of the exact same material still came up with different yields.

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