your honest opinion please

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butcher said:
Yield results are often controversial. Generally it's because the individual has unreasonable expectations, and may not willing to listen to reason.

After a brief email to this other party.
Which at this point I have no reason to believe is nothing more than an honest person, and refiner, and someone who tried to be a friend to help someone out, is being falsely accused of wrong doing, and having a good name drug through the mud with this innuendo.

As an outsider to this problem, there is not much of a way that I could be of much help to resolve the problem of these two members, or know everything this is all about.

If you cannot solve this problem between you and your former friend, or are unwilling to face the truth, that is one thing, Yield results are often controversial, I do not what the case is for this disagreement in yields is or which party is the problem side, or if there is some other underlying problem here, that has little to do with this gold in question,.
I do not know if anyone was cheated or not.

It is beside the point as far as I am concerned. Yield results are often controversial, not everyone will agree when two parties do business together or friends do business.
But this stink on the forum, which has caused problems. I am determined to make sure it goes away, one way or another, right or wrong, I will do what I think is best to get rid of this smell if it continues.

Enough of this nonsense.

Lets break out the Febreze and Arm&Hammer! :lol:
Maybe i missed something but the compaint is about the purity not the yield. I believe he was told that the purity was to be at least 22k not what was returned.
yar said:
Maybe i missed something but the complaint is about the purity not the yield. I believe he was told that the purity was to be at least 22k not what was returned.

thank you for seeing this correctly.

i have been warned my the mod's over this even though some of the mod's themselves have told the entire open forum that

"if there is a problem to come out and say it in the open" (which i have done)

twice i have been told that i would be banned, but i will be banned for listening to the mod's suggestion ?!?

i see nothing that i have done to be in the wrong, i paid someone to recover gold from my escrap because i was told i will get 22k to 23k fine gold back

it seems that this was not the case and once again i am forced to be in a situation where my privilege of being a member here may be revoked
this is a open & honest complaint.

if the mods wish to ban me so be it, ban my IP, ban my MAC address, pull the batteries out of my laptop. if this is the way this forum works then that is wrong 100% wrong.
This thread is a great example of how NOT to resolve a problem.
It started off with veiled suspicions and whining. Forum members opinions were sought without knowing the purpose, even though the OP had a plan. I view this as attempted deception.
Finally the matter became finger pointing and outright blaming of another forum member without appropriate evidence. Fortunately, the forum member who is being blamed have had the good sense to be quiet and respectful.
In a previous thread, it was advised that if there is a problem between forum members, just post the facts in a clear and concise manner. The inappropriate use of veiled derogatory remarks and innuendo is quite unsettling to say the least.
I am in agreement with Butcher; something smells very fishy and based on the format and presentation of the issue, I am beginning to look at the wind direction. How's that for innuendo?
To those involved, I say : Guys, get on the phone, talk this over and clean this mess up before it gets out of hand. Govern yourselves appropriately.
This forum has a far more important purpose.
spaceships said:
Necromancer, I thought you refined yourself?

no i do not, i dabbled a small bit & that is all, finding somewhere to work on recovery is very tough i have to sneak outdoors at 1am with my portable camping stove & nitric, and find a not to windy park. not very fun

i have started over the last few days to recover my scraps on my own, i have learned enough about ceramic cpu and plated pins to do that on my own

the MLCC were something i could do in a bucked & hide in my shed
Aristo said:
This thread is a great example to of how NOT to resolve a problem.
It started off with veiled suspicions and whining. Forum members opinions were sought without knowing the purpose, even though the OP had a plan. I view this as attempted deception.
Finally the matter became finger pointing and outright blaming of another forum member without appropriate evidence. Fortunately, the forum member who is being blamed have had the good sense to be quiet and respectful.
In a previous thread, it was advised that if there is a problem between forum members, just post the facts in a clear and concise manner. The inappropriate use of veiled derogatory remarks and innuendo is quite unsettling to say the least.
I am in agreement with Butcher; something smells very fishy and based on the format and presentation of the issue, I am beginning to look at the wind direction. How's that for innuendo?
To those involved, I say : Guys, get on the phone, talk this over and clean this mess up before it gets out of hand. This forum has a far more important purpose.

i wish it was that simple. if it was "there would be no after smell"

i will just keep my mouth shut, and read from now on, no matter what happens
There are numerous issues between refiners and their clients in the past and it will continue to be so well into the future. I am sure yours is not unique to the point of being unresolvable.
Forum members can only draw inferences and make suggestions based on what was presented and how it was presented.
I can assure you that keeping your mouth shut is not a solution to the matter. You might be surprised at the results of clear and effective communication.
Keeping your mouth shut will likely cause you silent grief, possible loss of revenue and will have placed a black mark on the other contestant in the matter.
Make the effort to clean things up and make things right with the other guy. You are both valued contributors and appear to be intelligent enough to come to a common understanding in the matter. Also, there are resourceful members on the forum whom I am sure will not hesitate to help.
There are many on the forum that would trust Mike with their gold and I'm one of them. If it were convenient enough, I would send him some of my stuff to work with but shipping prohibits that from happening. If it's the quality that's the issue, send it back so he can refine it again.
I have edited the posts above, Edited the link pointing to a members name:
I see no facts that support such an accusation; I do see where readers have been lead to believe something without knowing the all of the facts, of what all has transpired.
And by ediing that you has 100% proven that yu dont use your own rules :
Harold_V wrote:
Absolutely correct. If anyone on this board is shafted by another reader, make damned sure you report what happened, and do it publicly. In doing so, do NOT lead the readers. Don't make any recommendations----simply state what transpired, leaving out your opinions. State only the facts, as you know them, and how you got the short end of the stick. No one is culpable when the truth I spoken.


Before this gets out of hand might I inject some more reason into this please.

Harold's post was based around publicly reporting somebody who had ripped off another member. The key here is "publicly." This thread wasn't doing this, as it was far from open from the outset. It also didn't state facts, and there was opinion included as the thread evolved to the point where it became apparent that it was in fact a complaint.

Respectfully I think it could have been handled better Dave. That's my straight shooting Brit language mate and I know you'll take it as it was intended. i.e. Straight to the point and honest, without any games.


While this forum is not a government, it does have a governing body. When accusations are brought against a member whether it's a new member or one of the original few, it's up to them to keep the peace and it's not an enviable task. Sometimes even people who think that they are in the right are found to be at fault. I'm not saying that it's the case here but it does happen. After we as members have said our piece, it's up to the moderators to decide who's in the wrong. I for one am very proud to be in a forum that will not stand by and let one member gain an unfair advantage over another. necromancer, you had a similar thing happen awhile back and it didn't seem to turn out so well in your favor and that makes people doubt some of the claims you have made. I wasn't there and have no inside knowledge of the deal that went on but I can tell you that Mike's reputation as a refiner and as an honest person is on the line here. You should consider how this will reflect on you if it's found that you are making unfounded claims against him. Do keep in mind that the mods here are under no legal restraints like a court and when you accuse someone of something like this, you really need some hard proof because you are literally trying to destroy a mans reputation. This forum is many things to many people. It's a place of learning and coming together. It's like a town square where everybody knows everybody. It has a market for buying and selling and promoting oneself and their abilities. I seriously doubt that Mike would have tried to mislead you on purpose. What would he have to gain from it? The chance to be called a fraud? This forum has helped people become successful through teaching and contact with like minded people. I can't see Mike or anyone else that is serious about what they do jeopardizing their standing like this.

Most refiners require a minimum amount before they will do a toll refine. If they were charging 25%, the total outcome would have to be 4 OZT for the refiner to make an ounce. How can a refiner make profit when 25% of the total is only a few grams? Been there and done that and usually I was trying to help out a member who couldn't do it for themselves.

No good deed goes unpunished.

First I do not see where I have broken any forum rule.

I do not know all of the facts involved here, but I have heard more of them than the members on the forum have heard, at least I have had a chance to hear some from both parties, I cannot make a judgement in this matter, I am no judge, and I will not be one in this case.

But what I can do is try to see that this forum runs smoothly, and it is not used to smear a reputation with unfounded facts and innuendo, or that the forum is used as a weapon against other members for some personal reason, or any reason which cannot be founded in fact and truth.

We have not heard all of the facts, or the whole truth in this matter.
We may, or may not hear, or know it all.

When I carefully read the general warning so well written by Harold, and look at the way this case has been presented, I see where this warning was not followed, in fact the reason this warning was written I believe stemmed from this very case, and the way it was being presented.

With attacks and innuendo, not presenting all of the facts, or truths.

We have not been provided with all of the information needed, to be able to judge one party or the other, we have not been provided with all of the information needed to smear a mans reputation, and have his name posted as being accused as being a thief or liar, or harm his reputation with unfounded facts.

There are two people, former friends, who have done business together before, who may know better, what may be going on here, they can settle this disagreement between themselves if they choose to.

But they will not use the forum as a tool against the other.
seeing that the road to hell is paved with good intention.

#1 - i do apoligize to "everyone" for seeming to have missleeding information or intentions. my words are put in black & white text, not the spoken word
i am a 2 finger typer, my mind will not let me remember where all the keys lay without looking at them derectly. this also goes for written instruction.
vocal or visiual instruction will be remembered without fail

#2 - i have re-refined this button, (20.09g)

melted and poured into a stainless steel dish of water
boiled little gold balls & flakes in 25% water / 75% nitric
decanted, washed in water X3 & incerated.
washed in hcl X3, decanted, washed in water X3
remelted with borax
removed button & placed in hot delute sulfuric (1 part sulfuric, 10 parts water) till borax glass was removed
weighed again 17.96g, 2.13g lighter then original or about 10%

i will re-refine the other 10g button & the other 31.1g button

sorry no pictures as my camera on my phone is not too good. i took this button out today & sold it for $575.00 CAD
this will make for a nice gift & dinner for my wifes birthday.


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