Zinc... I give up..

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I have been reading that you need pure zinc...well,you can use the zinc which is on spent batteries of Zn-C,this zinc is pure and you just need to get some spent batteries,take off their steel cover then you will see a grey cilinder,this is the zinc,take it off,wash it with tap water and melt it the way you need,shot or slab.

Prefer batteries made by Sony,Panasonic,Sharp,GE,Maxell...and try to avoid batteries made in China because these ones could contain mercury.

I have used this zinc to refine silver.

There are many tons of zinc waiting for you outside.

Best regards

Is there any reason not to use die cast zinc EMT Conduit Fittings? You do have to watch that you don’t buy aluminum die cast but I usually just see the zinc. The screws are usually steel so need removing before use. Here are a couple pics…
They are not pure zinc. I dissolve them to make a treatment for moss on our roofs. There's traces of copper in them. I would seek a different source. They could be contaminated with other elements I don't know about.

I had some set aside and wondered about the purity. If someone knows greater details I would be interested, as there are cases were the copper would not bother me, but that leaves the question of other contaminates that may.
Many alloying elements are included to improve mechanical and casting properties.


Dozens of alloy variations have been developed and are possible.
Lou I noticed you mentioned hot caustic soda to break the silca instead of HF, can you elaborate?
I was thinking CPU
would very high temperature (oxy-torch) then maybe dropping in ice water then boilng in caustic help before crushing help?
or change the SiO2 chemically ?
or once ceramic is (it just crush then burn to sand consistancy as I do now) gotta be a better way
Well so much for that, I sure don’t want aluminum in my reactions!
Thanks Lou, but I'm sure that you would agree that HF is a little too expensive to use for cleaning it up. I'll save it for further use that doesn't involve rh.
That sounds like a great idea. Be sure to keep me posted and count me in if your results are what you expect.


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