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Hey Richard, listen up, I'm not interested, you don't own the land, it's already claimed.
There are other tailing piles as well, get a clue.

Here's a PDF with the area that darksparks is so concerned about.
Neither he, nor I could get it, even if all of us were to still go after it as a group.

File removed by Harold
This dog and pony show needs to come to an end on this forum. Right now, what I'm thinking is banning both of you. If neither of you can provide what constitutes evidence that would stand up in court, proving which party is the crook, I'm thinking that's the best possible resolution.

In spite of the value received by some of the readers by contributions from others, when the disruption that results from their presence outweighs the benefits, something has to change.

At this point, I wouldn't mind readers lending their thoughts to this issue. I'm not asking for anyone to pick sides---that would make no sense, for none of us know the truth---all we know is what is being reported---and we have no idea of the agenda of either party. Just goes to show how some folks will stop at nothing where their hopes of striking it rich are concerned.

Ok, readers, how should we deal with this issue? Should we allow them to continue the debate publicly, or should we cut them off at the knees?

bilking a fellow forum member and using sly tricks to wrangle a deal that cuts the other out is a very serious issue.obviously Rick uses the forum to conduct some of his business and to me would seem to be the one with the most to lose in this. banning either would be very dramatic and send a clear message. dishonesty has no place here and protection of the forum members from would be scammers is a high priority. with that being said, unless one or the other of the two has lost money or any other valuable other than time on this, i don't think banishment should be an option. i do feel that since the deal was struck through connection with the forum then the forum (i.e. mods or Noxx) should bring it to an end on the forum and forbid it being brought up again. an old saying comes to mind about give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves. if this situation arises again there will be no doubt as to the guilty party.

just my opinion.
I totally agree Harold a resolution is needed and fast.
Perhaps both parties should be allowed one more post to either prove innocence or guilt in this matter, not you said, I said or he said but documented evidence. As we live in countries where you have to prove guilt not innocence perhaps that's what needs to be addressed, proof of intent or of deeds. To make the final judgement perhaps the moderators and a member well versed in the mining environment to advise could reach a decision, also lock the thread after both parties have stated their case and until a decision is reached.
nickvc said:
I totally agree Harold a resolution is needed and fast.
Perhaps both parties should be allowed one more post to either prove innocence or guilt in this matter.

Just move it to private email and other methods of communication than this forum. It brings a black cloud over GRF that was never tolerated from any other member. Let's get on with recovery and refining.
I absolutely agree with the concensous of the gentlemen commenting here, I will make this last statement, with the corroborative PM to Harold, and be done with this...

If I weren't so sure of the truth behind the things being said and done I would never have opened my mouth upon this, Mr. Pickle's 'advertising' section, putting him on the spot with such an obvious question as I originally asked him...

which was basically "Hey Rich, I haven't heard anything from you about any assay results from the materials sent to you - at your request, based upon your promise to produce your results - which were sent to you (I was, at that point, just informed by Richard's partner Joe Cavazos that he would not be sending me any of the paperwork he'd obtained from the BLM, and county recorder's AND Surveyor's office. My suspicions on why information on these assays wasn't forthcoming from Richard was actually quite confirmed with the blatantly falsified and blatantly accusational in format reply he gave to my question, as portraying me as someone with criminal intent, in his effort at damage control on what they were actually doing... which is exactly what I provided proof about directly from his own FaceBook page.) because of your PROMISE to do the work and provide your results... which PROMISE you still, to this day, have kept as a broken one.

Oh, by the way... that PDF file he uploaded Harold, is EXACTLY the information I asked for his Partner, Joe Cavazos, to send copies of to me that Cavazos acquired from those entities I previously mentioned. Thanks for supplying me with some of the paperwork Joe originally refused to send me Richard!

Harold, if I may ask this of you, can you please remove the PDF link, as the info there is sensitive to what I'm attempting to accomplish here. Thank you in advance.

Harold, due to the sensitivity involved with this issue, please refer to the PM I have sent you that details the entire optional provided for this matter which will clarify what's really happening here. I ask for the forum folks to please excuse this non disclosure of extremely sensitive issue here, as I believe they would understand why discretion is needed in handling the information I am providing. Perhaps, after this matter resolves itself with my posted Notice of Location that will be fast tracked and legally binding by next Friday Harold will then feel it as an educational aspect within this post's context to supply the legal information that will clarify this issue for everyone - as well as most likely get other like minded folks motivated.

All I can say is, it's a good time to grow a set of balls, and go take what is now possible that can be yours... No matter who's money supposedly owns what... new laws have come into effect, and that means new opportunities.

As a matter of evidential nature concerning my accusations here, allow me to provide this thought provoking information which should at least get folks to understand why I know Richard's plans for "Nevada" are plans for the claim I am discussing here - and not "other mines" as Richard stated.

The paperwork I requested from Joe Cavazos was literally that... Paper. Someone had to actually SCAN that paper, and then format the SCANNED imagery into a presentable PDF format for Richard Pickle to have provided the information he did. I guess what needs to be shown here is that somebody felt it was important enough to go through all that trouble, to provide that paperwork into a presentable PDF format - a format which by the way, is EXACTLY what a person would use to secure capital from proposals sent to Venture Capitalist interests.

Smart move Richard. Not only are you publicly discussing this option with your connection on Facebook, but you've literally proven my point with showing us all here that the information on my claim location was important enough for you and your partners to formulate said documentation into this PDF solicitation.

JESUS... I sure hope that you were smart enough not to send it to Emerald, or for that matter that mining attorney Cavazos said he was discussing options with. PLEASE tell me you didn't!
I do NOT like the idea of FINAL say on the matter from each side.

I say they both shut up about it now.

Either one makes another peep, immediate and everlasting BAN.

My thoughts? You could call me an extremist, as if it were up to me, if you get caught stealing you should have a hand removed, get caught stealing again and lose the other and no SSI or disability, you brought it on yourself. I can't stand dishonest people (politicians come to mind) but I think this is a situation were we can seek the truth of the matter at hand and find the guilty party and get rid of him. But if we can't be absolutely sure, then they both can go on permanent vacation.

Since you ask for input from forum members, Here goes.

I see missteps on both sides.

For Darksparks: never let a stranger into your home, to include your unsecured property until you have full legal rights to said property. You now see why this is said.

For Richard36: Your reputation has been ruined in my opinion, for how I read into the way you and others have handled this situation. You were invited to assay and inspect this claim. Why do you have legal documents in your possession needed to lay claim to this property? That is Darksparks place to acquire those documents, unless you are trying to undermine his claim.

Remove the PDF of the claim location. Why did you post the location of the claim on a public forum?
Shows the real character of you.

To take a side, I chose not to.
To say this argument has no place on the forum. I say to needs to stop now.
Post the final results of the outcome of this situation when it is settled and the loser removes himself from the forum before Harold has to ban him.

Just the way I feel about this situation.
Tom C.
I spoke with Richard the rock man about having an assay done, asked if his would be recognized as authoritative. I was told they were not.

Since they are not authoritative his assays are of no value other than to generalize. the contents of a given ore or precious metals sample.

If your going to spend the money having an assay done, have it done right the first time by a recognized laboratory.
Patience, readers. There is method to my madness, based on a strong gut feeling I had long ago. With care, only one will be banned, which would be the right thing to do. No one should be victimized twice for the same offense.

It's hard for a skunk to hide its stripe. Given enough opportunities, a con man will almost always, without fail, show his true agenda. Given enough rope, they'll hang themselves. We're near that now.

For prospectors, this could be a very informative thread.

It is not all that unusual for poor or imcomplete communications to result in a lack of trust, to various degrees. When the lack of good communications is unintentional, problem can result even when both parties have honest intentions.

The need for good communications is multiplied when the subject has high value.

I have seen some people, when a prospective deal has been shown to be non viable, merely stop communicating to the other person, considering that since it won't work out, it is not worth their time. I think this is a mistake, because it results in misunderstanding as to why the communication suddenly stopped. This could be the case here, but it indicates a gross lack of respect. But it also could be unintentional, since there is a third party involved.

When very high potential value is involved, any sign of ill intent is greatly amplified, and when accusations result from this phenomenon, it usually escalates rapidly, as seen here.

I have dealt in fairly high value, specialized computer products in the past. I found that the best way to maintain smooth relationships is to provide exact answers to any and all questions, plus anything else relevant to the deal, including all documentation. The best method in any deal is to be totally willing to prove any statements or claims about the subject or product. Lack of this willingness can be quickly interpreted to be shady, and the mood of the whole thing can change very fast, and go totally sour---even when it shouldn't.

Since this thing involves two forum members, and their reputations with other forum members, I think it would be appropriate to sort it out, in the open, right here in this thread.

To not do so would risk the unnecessary loss of one or both of these possibly valuable forum members, for no real reason.

A successful sort-out of this situation could provide other forum members with information about working with others on high value projects, which could at some point in the future be very helpful.

Truth is truth, and I don't see how exposing the truth in this matter could end up being harmful.

I don't think it should be just swept under the carpet and forgotten, just because it may be uncomfortable to sort it out. We are all mature enough to be able to see the results, and I think we deserve to know the full truth.

(Harold posted above, while I was typing....)
eeTHr said:
For prospectors, this could be a very informative thread.

It is not all that unusual for poor or imcomplete communications to result in a lack of trust, to various degrees. When the lack of good communications is unintentional, problem can result even when both parties have honest intentions.

The need for good communications is multiplied when the subject has high value.

I have seen some people, when a prospective deal has been shown to be non viable, merely stop communicating to the other person, considering that since it won't work out, it is not worth their time. I think this is a mistake, because it results in misunderstanding as to why the communication suddenly stopped. This could be the case here, but it indicates a gross lack of respect. But it also could be unintentional, since there is a third party involved.

When very high potential value is involved, any sign of ill intent is greatly amplified, and when accusations result from this phenomenon, it usually escalates rapidly, as seen here.

I have dealt in fairly high value, specialized computer products in the past. I found that the best way to maintain smooth relationships is to provide exact answers to any and all questions, plus anything else relevant to the deal, including all documentation. The best method in any deal is to be totally willing to prove any statements or claims about the subject or product. Lack of this willingness can be quickly interpreted to be shady, and the mood of the whole thing can change very fast, and go totally sour---even when it shouldn't.

Since this thing involves two forum members, and their reputations with other forum members, I think it would be appropriate to sort it out, in the open, right here in this thread.

To not do so would risk the unnecessary loss of one or both of these possibly valuable forum members, for no real reason.

A successful sort-out of this situation could provide other forum members with information about working with others on high value projects, which could at some point in the future be very helpful.

Truth is truth, and I don't see how exposing the truth in this matter could end up being harmful.

I don't think it should be just swept under the carpet and forgotten, just because it may be uncomfortable to sort it out. We are all mature enough to be able to see the results, and I think we deserve to know the full truth.

(Harold posted above, while I was typing....)

And this, eeTHer, is EXACTLY how I've felt about this whole issue from the gate, however, certain individual interests have been directing group concerns, while another individual insecurity has been moving things in directions that ultimately make progressional moves nearly impossible.

In a world of mice and men, the man is always the one who ultimately provides the proof in the pudding, of what they're all about, by not allowing fear to derail his goals, allowing hard work to hone his character, and continuing to face forward with Family foremost in mind. Lol, I have to admit that during the heat of my argument with Joe, knowing all too well that it was fear of the unknown, and/ or the bottomless crevass he was peering into at his discovery of how tall the RGW empire and it's capital embattlements were that was causing him, as well as Richard, to lose interest in continuing to proceed with our plans (which the BLM geologist we talked with at length CLEARLY outlined a course of action that would have given our fledgling group of mining go-getters the goal we sought after without fail - IMHO) - that I called Joe back after hanging up on him and told him that there were in fact two types of men in this world, men, and mice, and that he'd at that point proven himself to me to be a mouse. While he got pissed even more at my statement, I proceeded to hang back up on him mid stream of his reply to it.

I have to laugh at it now - after the fact...

Two days later, while I actually was posting my second reply to Richard within this very thread, Joe called me back and informed me that they were going to proceed with our original plans for the location in question, only they were going to do so without me, but that they decided that a finders fee was in order for my initiation of thier renewed effort to develop this venture and that it was my response to his offer that would determine whether or not that finders fee would become forth coming.

As you can imagine, My anger levels at that point shot clear off the chart. After I initially shot my thousand volleys of disdain at Joe's announcement I ultimately saw them making an effort at least to pay me off... so I recanted my disdain and told Joe to put their promise in writing and I would rest easy...

As you can clearly see, putting something in writing is something they're too afraid to do. Oh well... The statement made about taking strangers into your house and exposing yourself and your interests to such is once again a golden rule proven true... bringing to mind that old addadge that teaches us (we hope) that a fool, and his money, are quickly parted.

It really sucks however, when you've been proven the fool, when all you wanted to do is believe another man's words and intent...

I'm not afraid of big money, when I have case law precedents that would support my first steps out onto a scary thought... the big branch tree limb where the big boys play, and all of whom turn their heads and look... at the new comer who, as the Metropolitan Police Officer who Joe and I encountered our first day out at location stated, "Has the BALLS to go out, and take for themselves a piece of the American Dream". (I will never forget that officer's statement, as he in fact, was actually CONGRATULATING us for doing what we were doing...)

Anywho, Like I said, I fully believe a misunderstanding has caused this whole issue, however, IMHO, it's way better for ignorance to play it's part in preventing something from coming together while if it did... that same ignorance in turn would have created something that devestated entire families along the way, once it's ugly head rose itself and became the deciding factor while said families were teetering at the pinnacle... after so much uphill effort was achieved successfully to get them where they were.
Was this issue ever resolved? Was there an assessment made as to who was at fault? This is the first time I've read this thread and I found it while searching recommendations for someone to do assay work. Before contacting anyone I'd prefer to know how the moderators resolved this. I assumed from what was stated along the way, that a decision would be made and posted, but I didn't see any evidence of that.
Hello Goldhappy,

It was resolved off forum between all three of us. (Darkspacs, Joe, and Myself.)
Darksparcs even approached me by phone to work with him again.

I shyed away from it, but all is well.

It was simply a missunderstanding blown way out of proportion.
Send Darksparcs a message to verify this if desired.

I abandodned this forum as a result of the drama resulting from this instance, but a year has passed, and if everyone here would like for me to return, and provide the knowledge I have as I once did, I would gladly return as an active forum member.

Hello to everyone here who knows me and misses my presence.

Sincerely, Rick, "The Rock Man".
Let me be the second to welcome you back Richard, looking forward to reading your very informative posts.
Nice to see you again, we had a lot of people here with rocks and no clue what are they beside hopes of hitting the mother-lode. I too like to know what different minerals look like and will enjoy your advice to other readers. I am glad you all resolved whatever happened year ago.
Richard36 said:
Hello Goldhappy,

It was resolved off forum between all three of us. (Darkspacs, Joe, and Myself.)
Darksparcs even approached me by phone to work with him again.

I shyed away from it, but all is well.

It was simply a missunderstanding blown way out of proportion.
Send Darksparcs a message to verify this if desired.

I abandodned this forum as a result of the drama resulting from this instance, but a year has passed, and if everyone here would like for me to return, and provide the knowledge I have as I once did, I would gladly return as an active forum member.

Hello to everyone here who knows me and misses my presence.

Sincerely, Rick, "The Rock Man".

Great news! welcome back.