
Gold Refining Forum

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If somebody doesn't have the time to study how to do refining right,I can't see how they have the time to refine at all.Studying and doing your homework,so that you know all the safety concerns is very important.
Some people were meant to just be a middleman,and buy and sell gold
without even trying to refine it themselves.

The best is seeing "lurkers" show up after studying and doing all their homework and showing that they have graduated the forum with gold
to show for it,in their first post.Emmjae is the latest,but there were a few others,that prove it can be done.Everything is here,and in Hoke's book to get anybody started in refining.

If someone needs to ask a question every time they run into a problem,I think that is only an accident waiting to happen.Or at least add complications,or loss of gold by not understanding the basics before jumping in,not knowing the next step.Or even having stannous to know where their gold is.

There are so many people that get here to find that refining is too hard,too dangerous,or whatever reason they bail out.How is anybody supposed to know who is serious enough to keep with it,until they show some initiative and prove that they have been studying.For the experts to answer questions over and over for someone that may quit tomorrow doesn't seem right to me.I didn't refine anything until I was here for a few months.Steve's videos gave me the confidence and guide me through with no problems.

Steve and others here have so much patience that if they were doctors they would be millionaires.Oh yeah that would be "patients",but their patience and willingness to help others make them one in a million.And we have a few of those here.We have about 15,000 members here with a few one in a million type people here,what are the odds of that?

The experts here are what makes this forum so great,I think they deserve a break from the questions that could easily be researched with the search button or by reading Hoke's and other books that can be downloaded.

Your comments have not gone unnoticed, Jim, and, for them, I thank you.

I, for one, am becoming weary from those that insist they be spoon fed, yet refuse to follow the most simple of instructions, preferring, instead, to do what they want to do, not what works. When it goes south and they finally come to terms with the fact that they don't know what they're doing, they then expect someone to bail them out. Given the opportunity, I'd see to it that people like that would enjoy a short stay on this forum. They are doing nothing more than muddying the water for those that wish to learn.

One thing is very important for readers to understand.

None of us here on this forum owe you anything. We are here for reasons of our own choosing---some (like myself) with no hope of making a profit, nor with that objective in mind. We are here to help those that need help in pursuing a quest to learn to refine precious metals. They are expected to do their share of the work----with guidance from those of us that have experience. If they think that, somehow, they are entitled to special treatment, that they need not read, nor follow instructions that are provided, they will come to understand that they are not welcome here. I'll personally see to it that they do not enjoy their visits. There is one new member that is on thin ice with me now. Had he run his stupid mouth publicly, I would have banned him immediately. He chose, instead, to insult me by PM. That accomplished one thing, and one thing only. He wore out his welcome. Now all I need is a reason to ban him. It's only time, and he'll be gone. Wise people do not bite the hand that feeds them.

Henceforth I am going to be far more critical of those to which I try to provide help. If any of these criteria are not met, they need not apply. I refuse to try to help anyone that is unwilling to do their fair share of trying to learn.

Hoke's book must be read before asking questions. Otherwise, the questions that are asked are most likely not worth asking. Reading Hoke acquaints the novice with the fundamentals of refining, and does it in clear, concise English. I see no reason for me to recite that which is already in print.

I am not interested in trying to help anyone that has no clue about testing procedures. So long as someone else answers such questions, the individual responsible will continue to be clueless. I have no interest in becoming an enabler. I will point you to the water. It is you that must drink.

I will henceforth refuse to discuss refining on any level with ANYONE that does not have stannous chloride at their disposal, and a means to insure that it works. Why should I? They can't tell me the things that are required to make informed decisions, so why should I waste my valuable time guessing? All that does is make me look foolish when I'm wrong.

Read Hoke, folks, and read Hoke until what she tells you makes sense. Learn to test. Invest a few bucks in a spot plate and the necessary chemicals to make testing and standard solutions. It's the same as buying a ticket to a performance. Can't get in without one, and, without them, you can't know where you are, or what you are accomplishing.

I will no longer humor anyone that asks for my assistance. They will do exactly as they are told, in the precise way they are told to do the exercise. Otherwise, when the results are not in keeping with what is expected, I have no clue what has transpired. I have far better things to do with my time than to humor an individual that has no clue and insists on pursuing some hare brained idea.

the best thing about forums is that people can choose to reply or not to reply... my post was not directed to any of the admins or MODs i was not forcing anyone to reply to this post... i have taken the time to read things and to watch dvds accidents happen when you are in the momment for your first time with no one to watch over you... i make a mistake here and there because im learning... i go back to this forum to try and reread how to solve my problems if i cant find a link that says exactly the errors i have made i ask a question to try and find someone that made the same errors... no where in my post does it say MOD or ADMINS hurry and answer.... it is not easy to read something for 5 minutes and have someone bang on your office door just to forget what you previously read.... thanks to steves DVDs ive had better chances of learning and understanding inbetween phone calls and chaos at the office... i find refining to be very enjoyable it gives me time to myself and its not a RUSH RUSH hobby i can sit back and watch how things happen..
You just need to chill out a bit.Don't worry about making excuses for anything,just chill out a bit.Have you read Hoke's book?Have you read any of the forum handbooks?Printed them out to read when you get a chance?

Accidents happen for many reasons,not just "when you are in the moment for your first time with no one to watch over you".Accidents in this hobby can be fatal,to you and others around you.You need to understand everything you are doing before you do it.

So please stop explaining about your busy life disturbing you while you are trying to learn refining.That happens to everybody,deal with it.

i have read a lot and did research... i spent months reading different ways others refine.. i didnt find this forum on purpose it was found while researching... ive bought DVDs off ebay and other websites and even from steve... but when everything is actually in front of you it is different... and when dvds and different books are telling you different things... its not exactly easy to know right froim wrong... like i said it is just a hobby and i find it to be really fun.. and enjoyable when i post something on here there is NO NEED for anyone to answer if they dont want... if how ever you do reply with a good answer.. theres a chance i may reply with another question... or i may figure it out and continue
woolf, even if I could answer all the questions, someone came up with, I would not be helping him by doing that. where I can help him is to make him ask questions, lead him to the place that he can find answers, then keep him interested and wanting to know more.

you already have the spark of wanting to know the answer.
you already have been given the best possible source to find those answers you seek.

so do you need more help in what questions to ask?
sorry if I answered all of your questions you would not learn, yes you will get that question answered, but you would also miss a world of information that you would gain from searching and studying yourself, which would also lead to more questions.

please do not wear out your welcome by trying to get others to do the work for you, that will not help them or you, keep asking questions, but find the answers already given, and you will find better answers at that, as each question can have several answers, and finding the answer will answer questions you would never dream of.

I hope you will do your homework so that you too will help to answer questions, helping others,
you have HOKE's book and the forum, here to help, but do not expect Hoke or the forum to lead you blindly, uncover your eyes and get to studying. you will find it very rewarding, for me that is one main aspect of this hobby is learning.
Woolf said:
the best thing about forums is that people can choose to reply or not to reply
You've missed the point. If you scream wolf (no pun intended) enough times, your scream goes unnoticed. You ask questions that have answers that you should already know, and you would, had you approached refining in a methodical fashion. You do that by learning how things are done before you try to do them. It appears you haven't done that, then when things go south you expect everyone but you to provide answers.

No one was more busy than I was when I learned to refine. I was running a one man machine shop carrying defense contracts with critical delivery dates---that during the Viet Nam war. I also had NO ONE to turn to for help in learning. I managed to master the process by READING----lots and lots of reading. If I can do it, you can do it. It's all in print---especially here on the forum.

Want to quit chasing your tail? Stop listening to moronic suggestion you get from the internet. Every dog in town fancies himself a gold refiner and is all too quick to sell you information that would be overpriced if it was free. A good example is the stupid notion the e scrap can be processed strictly by AR. Does it work? Sure it does! Does it have issues? Damned straight---more than you can understand. But then you'd know that if you knew how to refine.

Start reading Hoke and stop playing with this stuff until you understand what the hell you're doing. I don't have time to babysit people (nor do others that have the knowledge)---especially people that think they have answers when they don't understand the question. No need to explain how busy you are. We're all busy. Too busy to screw around with issues such as this.

It's hard to get .999 silver with the presence of copper. It would be easier if get rid of the copper first.

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