A question for the chemists

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I have 13.75-0-46 kno3, how would I make the electrolyte; i.e. how much of what liquid / acid to how much kno3? I'm assuming it goes in both the anode and cathode sides of the split cell.

Just dissolve in water. You can experiment, I just put some kno3 in a bottle with water and shake, when there is a little in the bottom that does not dissolve you have your electrolyte. You could try copper nitrate also, that is what the cell is based on, I just did not have any at the time so I started experimenting.

Thanks for everything James, I hooked it up and put in a little wire just to get my feet wet so to speak. Some ag plated crap, so no values to lose per say, but figured it would be fun to get the feel for it. Just out of curiousity, the silver would migrate over w/ the other base metals also wouldn't it. Guess I'll find out when the "dust" (lol) settles.

I really appreciate that kind gesture!!
