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I've been smashing rocks for a year now and have a pretty good tech.for isolating the incapacitated gold from solfide rich ore.
However I haven't melted any of the product or sold any yet ,want to tho.


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I've been smashing rocks for a year now and have a pretty good tech.for isolating the incapacitated gold from solfide rich ore.
However I haven't melted any of the product or sold any yet ,want to tho.
Please describe your process.

And where are your assay?

Edit to add sentence
First thing is obtaining the sulfide rich rock.Once you have that crush said rock untill most of it is beach sand size.Now pan out the material using soap untill water is almost clear.Next combine in a glass container with one part vinegar three parts H2o2 and a table spoon salt for every cup of liquid,it doesn't have to be exact with the salt. stir the mixture.add low heat and wait 48 hours stirring every 3 to 4 hours and adding H2o2 to compensate for add half part acetone stir and wait 12 rost untill no smoke comes out . return material to the salutation add more vinegar and more H2o2 wait 24 hours and rost again .now float out the ultra fine gold.
Can you guys help me with the smelting or can I sale what I have as is .I'm limited to a propane torch and am not kidding when I say I'm about to starve to death out of gas stuck .
First thing is obtaining the sulfide rich rock.Once you have that crush said rock untill most of it is beach sand size.Now pan out the material using soap untill water is almost clear.Next combine in a glass container with one part vinegar three parts H2o2 and a table spoon salt for every cup of liquid,it doesn't have to be exact with the salt. stir the mixture.add low heat and wait 48 hours stirring every 3 to 4 hours and adding H2o2 to compensate for add half part acetone stir and wait 12 rost untill no smoke comes out . return material to the salutation add more vinegar and more H2o2 wait 24 hours and rost again .now float out the ultra fine gold.
Where did you find this process ?

I hate to tell you but vinegar, salt, and hydrogen peroxide probably would not dissolve all of your base metals in several months if at all, let alone a few days.

You have only created a a toxic mess and you do not have any pure gold with that ridiculous excuse of a refining procedure so wherever you learned that from don't look there for refining information unless you like wasting your time.

There's no reason to try to melt whatever you have because it is certainly not pure gold.

Please don't think that I am being rude because I am not, we have people posting here all the time believing that the YouTube video they watched was actually showing them how to refine gold and honest think that we are a bunch of arrogant jackasses when they are told otherwise.
You have came to the right place to learn how it's really done but you have quite a bit of learning to do first.

Did you have your rocks assayed to make sure that they have gold or other precious metals ?

Unless you can crush your rocks and pan metallic gold then you will not know that you have any gold at all because you cannot look at a rock and decide that there's any precious metal in it.

Obviously you can tell visually sometimes if you have a rock that has the potential to have gold but you can not know for sure without a assay and there's some rocks that will kill you or make you extremely sick if you put them in any kind of acid.
First thing is obtaining the sulfide rich rock.Once you have that crush said rock untill most of it is beach sand size.Now pan out the material using soap untill water is almost clear.Next combine in a glass container with one part vinegar three parts H2o2 and a table spoon salt for every cup of liquid,it doesn't have to be exact with the salt. stir the mixture.add low heat and wait 48 hours stirring every 3 to 4 hours and adding H2o2 to compensate for add half part acetone stir and wait 12 rost untill no smoke comes out . return material to the salutation add more vinegar and more H2o2 wait 24 hours and rost again .now float out the ultra fine gold.
Do you know if your rock has Mercury, Arsenic or Cadmium in it?
Have you ever had it tested?
My guess will be no.
What do you do with your waste?

I'm surprised that amongst all the correct processes to find out there,
most of you new guys find some obscure mostly non functional processes that create a massive amount of waste.
Let me guess, Youtube again?

The Vinegar Salt mix creates a very weak HCl that can have some effect on a few base metals, carbonates and such.
Much cheaper with HCl. But NO acids belong to these processes.

You are starving you say, but then my advice is to drop the rocks and use the little you have for food.

If the rocks are Gold bearing Sulfides they have to be crushed fine and roasted
(Heated until they glow red for some time, a hour or so).
This will take care of the Sulfides.

So now park your stuff and read what I give you, it will cost nothing and will increase your knowledge.

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum:
2. Then read the safety section of the forum:
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum:

Suggested reading:

Forum rules is here.
To get rid of sulfides the two best ways are roasting in open air with a fan blowing the liberated sulfur dioxide away from you or slow additions of 30% hydrogen peroxide on low heat going very slow so as not to overflow...very reactive...until there us no more reaction this oxidizes the sulfides. This dies not dissolve any of the base metals etc.
You must after this dry a sample and get it tested. You need to know what you're dealing with before you ever add acid to anything like this or any ore.there can be all kinds of ugly elements that can harm you physically or the environment if not properly handled and that can lock up or steal any precious metal that nay be there. Always test an ore before doing anything so you know what you're dealing with or it can get you killed.
To get rid of sulfides the two best ways are roasting in open air with a fan blowing the liberated sulfur dioxide away from you or slow additions of 30% hydrogen peroxide on low heat going very slow so as not to overflow...very reactive...until there us no more reaction this oxidizes the sulfides. This dies not dissolve any of the base metals etc.
You must after this dry a sample and get it tested. You need to know what you're dealing with before you ever add acid to anything like this or any ore.there can be all kinds of ugly elements that can harm you physically or the environment if not properly handled and that can lock up or steal any precious metal that nay be there. Always test an ore before doing anything so you know what you're dealing with or it can get you killed.
The best way is roasting

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to oxide sulfides will release lot of fumes
that is highly toxic.
too dangerous.
and the amount of waste solution is high.

And have to use lot of Hydrogen peroxide.

the cheapest way is roasting the sulfides in an Iron pan until is glow red.

after that You can panned the roasted sulfide.
some people that I Know crushed the roasted sulfide to be sure that will release all the gold.
if the the sulfide contains gold.

then panned the pulverize roasted sulfide.
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The best way is roasting
Great advice, but;
You write it as if you have done it many times and consider it completely safe.
Is that also the best way when arsenic, mercury, cyanide, asbestos, and more such unhealthy compounds are present in the ore?

Do the fumes released by roasting need to be cleaned or scrubbed? Are they perhaps toxic and dangerous, even more than H2O2 fumes?
Are there any safety precautions you would like to add to this advice for novice you tube copy cats?

The danger in providing step by step instructions, is that people will follow them without any experience or knowledge.
Have you filled in all the possible side track scenario's and what to do to prevent an accident or control the effects once occurring?
Be prepared to get sued. The parents of one particularly 'smart' kid can find your given instructions that led to his death and send a lawyer your way.

And please don't say: "i expect people to have a certain level of experience, you don't fly to the moon without training.... "
there are a lot of people who don't think enough or at all.

I've noticed this writing style in your messages a couple times now and decided to point this out. Write disclaimers or don't write instructions, is my advice.
The best way is roasting

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to oxide sulfides will release lot of fumes
that is highly toxic.
too dangerous.
and the amount of waste solution is high.

And have to use lot of Hydrogen peroxide.

the cheapest way is roasting the sulfides in an Iron pan until is glow red.

after that You can panned the roasted sulfide.
some people that I Know crushed the roasted sulfide to be sure that will release all the gold.
if the the sulfide contains gold.

then panned the pulverize roasted sulfide.

Which fumes are created by H2O2 on sulfides by the way?
Which fumes are created by H2O2 on sulfides by the way?
I'd guess the majority is SO2.
But you are right step by step might lead to dangerous situations.

And Minero is right in that the H2O2 route will not be a good one, but mainly because of cost.
No professional miner will use that if he can avoid it, way too expensive.
Great advice, but;
You write it as if you have done it many times and consider it completely safe.
Is that also the best way when arsenic, mercury, cyanide, asbestos, and more such unhealthy compounds are present in the ore?

Do the fumes released by roasting need to be cleaned or scrubbed? Are they perhaps toxic and dangerous, even more than H2O2 fumes?
Are there any safety precautions you would like to add to this advice for novice you tube copy cats?

The danger in providing step by step instructions, is that people will follow them without any experience or knowledge.
Have you filled in all the possible side track scenario's and what to do to prevent an accident or control the effects once occurring?
Be prepared to get sued. The parents of one particularly 'smart' kid can find your given instructions that led to his death and send a lawyer your way.

And please don't say: "i expect people to have a certain level of experience, you don't fly to the moon without training.... "
there are a lot of people who don't think enough or at all.

I've noticed this writing style in your messages a couple times now and decided to point this out. Write disclaimers or don't write instructions, is my advice.
My friend don’t put Your words in my mouth.

Maybe You confuse what i was posting
i post the dangerous of using that chemical.

Don’t think that i consider consider safe at all.
i read the post and I consider it very dangerous
so i reply to advice how dangerous is to use that chemical.

I’m a miner
My knowledge of chemistry is very limited .
i will do my best in advice ,base in my knowledge.

Yes i did it before
and it was a huge mistake.
Using Hydrogen peroxide to oxide sulfides is Not safe at all.
it will release very nasty and dangerous fumes,very dangerous to your health.

and is Not economical at all.
the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide use it to oxide sulfides is huge.
then You have to deal with the waste solution that is huge
so the return is Nothing, compare with the amount of money You will need to spend i buying the chemical and get rid of the waste solution.

i advice every one Not to do it.
is Not safe at all and it will kill You.

SO2 can poisoning Your and stay in Your body for a long length of time
and do the damage in Your body slowly .

SO2 (above 1 ppm) results in increased incidence of pulmonary symptoms and disease, decreased pulmonary function, and increased risk of mortality
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Yes i do roasting lot of times
but I know what i dealing with.

i know is dangerous if peoples don’t know what they are doing

the way i wrote it is the best safe way
because i notice some points in the process describe it that the person that it is a safety concern.

and if we where to talk in safety concern
in this forum we can found lot of ill advice and instruction on refining and smelting that any one can sued you guys
for the lack of safety advices.

there is thousands of info around about roasting
even in this forum,You can found a lot of info
about the subject in
step by step and it wasn’t wrote it by me.

my advice was a d always have been in safety first
i was advice about the use of chemicals for oxidizing sulfides that is a huge mistake.

and i don’t gave any personal advice to any person
it was a general advice of the dangerous of using that chemical.
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My friend
Maybe You confuse what i was posting
i post the dangerous of using that chemical.

I’m a miner
My knowledge of chemistry is very limited .
i will do my best in advice ,base in my knowledge.

Yes i did it before
and it was a huge mistake.
Using Hydrogen peroxide to oxide sulfides is Not safe at all.
it will release very nasty and dangerous fumes,very dangerous to your health.

and is Not economical at all.
the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide use it to oxide sulfides is huge.
then You have to deal with the waste solution that is huge
so the return is Nothing, compare with the amount of money You will need to spend i buying the chemical and get rid of the waste solution.

i advice every one Not to do it.
is Not safe at all and it will kill You.

SO2 can poisoning Your and stay in Your body for a long length of time
and do the damage in Your body slowly .

SO2 (above 1 ppm) results in increased incidence of pulmonary symptoms and disease, decreased pulmonary function, and increased risk of mortality
I think we have a language barrier here. I was referring to the roasting if you have done it before and what fumes are emitted during this process.
Then not all sulfides are the same. Not all ores are the same, so roasting should be advised with the highest possible proactive safety measures, you can scale down once you have proven the risks are not present> by assaying your ore and host rocks.

You can warn "don't breathe the fumes" but some craftsmen need to be explained that that also goes for neighboring kids and pets on the other side of your fence e.g.

Mostly i was trying to make you think about your advice and the way it's written.
My friend i forgot to write that i will fix it.
ty for remind me that.

This refining forum should be for adult only
No minors should be allows in the forum

that’s one thing to be consider
and put it very clear in the forum
only for adults.

Because refining and mining is Not
for minors

we dealing with many chemicals and No minor should be allows in the forum.

by posting that in the forum page
as a disclaimer
will save any member for any legal thing.

because any one can twisted any post
in their lack of knowledge and use it
in their own opinion.
and as they please it and get hurt by their own stupidity .
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My friend i forgot to write that i will fix it.
ty for remind me that.

This refining forum should be for adult only
No minors should be allows in the forum

that’s one thing to be consider
and put it very clear in the forum
only for adults.

Because refining and mining is Not
for minors

we dealing with many chemicals and No minor should be allows in the forum.

by posting that in the forum page
as a disclaimer
will save any member for any legal thing.

because any one can twisted any post
in their lack of knowledge and use it
in their own opinion.
and as they please it and get hurt by their own stupidity .
No minors allowed on the forum, but YES miners allowed in the forum? 😂

I'll share my experience as 51 year old backyard refiner who has been at this for only less than a decade, and who has only recently begun tinkering with a few ores - nothing magical happened to my brain when I turned 18 that caused me to stop making dumb mistakes. The first acid-peroxide recovery I ever did a decade back began in my GARAGE, and that was because I read a "how to recycle gold from old electronics safely" Wiki article somewhere before having found this forum. It was a very happy accident that neither my car nor my motorcycle was inside, or I would've wound up having to replace those, in addition to every craftsman tool that had been hanging on my pegboard.

It was when I searched for "how to recover gold safely" that I found this forum. Even at 40 years old, if it had been locked behind an age wall or a pay wall, I would've likely just moved onto the next website. It was precisely BECAUSE I came across goldrefinungforum and began doing some reading that I flew outside, dragged the Rubbermaid tub out of the garage and just put everything away for a year.

Editorially, the more I've read about ores and panned through a few batches of sand from the mighty-mill, the greater appreciation I've gained for the beauty of the ore in its natural state with the gold still locked inside. 😊

I'll stick to AP recovery from fingers and such, reverse electroplating small batches of milspec pins in a small cell, and happily keep adding the little lines of powder I've recovered so far to my ever-growing two blobs of pure gold, and the pieces I've found panning and prosoecting. It's tiny by many folks' standards, but it's infinitely more gold than I'd owned during my first 40 years alive. It may as well be worthless, though, as I can't imagine what it would take to induce me to sell it.


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Hello to the professors and hardworking people of this website. Please can anyone help me. I dissolved gold sulphide soil in aqua regia and precipitated gold with zinc powder along with some impurities.I roasted the sediment at 600 degrees, then I put it in nitric acid. The brown sediment remained at the bottom, and I melted it with air gas.I only used borax, when it was semi-solid, it formed a piece of yellow metal at a temperature of approximately 600-700 degrees, but when the temperature reached 1000 degrees, the moment it became liquid, its volume became smaller and smaller and the yellow glow disappeared, brown slag was formed and melted failed.Now, where was my mistake that I could not succeed? Was there an impurity deposit, or did I not use a good melting fluxes, or was it not gold?Sorry it took so long

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