OK - clearly a misunderstanding (on my part)
Per the bold print - when I read that - it sounded very much like you felt that what Southfork has been posting has no relevance to the things discussed on this forum & therefore asking the admin to question if Southfork should even be allowed to post here on the forum --- it sounded like you were asking the admin to ban him
That did not make any sense to me (that you would question if Southfork should even be allowed to post here) because though the forum is called "The Gold
Refining Forum" we discuss all aspects of
recovery & refining
Southfork is certainly doing recovery & to some degree refining - so it is certainly in line with things we discuss here every day
For what it's worth goldshark -
I have always had a great deal of respect for you & your contributions to this forum
I OFTEN hit the "like button" for things you post - hence my response when I read that (above quote bold print)
So I am sorry for this misunderstanding on my part
