catalytic converter smelter (small and large amounts welcome)

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Decanning is a dusty process and that is often valuable dust as well as a choking dust. The vacuum unit connects to the decanning machines to collect the fines.

The double cone blender is for mixing to get a homogeneous sample for processing. Once there is a sample and the lot is quantified ( as I’m sure the OP here knows) there are pyrometallurgical routes and chemical
routes that different refiners use.

But, critical in the process, is accurate sampling of the powders the process up to the double cone blender provide. Something that some people on this thread didn’t seem anxious to acknowledge.
Excuse me I mis-spoke. The dust collection is an integral part of the decanning machinery. This type of machine can typically de-can 80 cats an hour. The material from here goes into the ball mill and in the system you referenced, from Istanbul, the powder is transferred from the ball mill to the blender to eliminate handling the fine powders.

The material is dropped from the blender into drums and sampled with a sampling tool called a drum thief. This tool is put into the full drum and it extracts a sample from bottom to top.

A drum thief is also called a grain thief as it originally was used to sample freight cars of corn I believe. It is a pointed tool which is a tube within a tube. Both the inner tube and the outer tube have matching oval holes along the entire length. The thief is twisted so the holes are closed and the tool is inserted into the powder. Then the inner tube is twisted so the powder pours in through the holes. It is then twisted shut and removed, effectively sampling the drum top to bottom. This is done for each drum and the samples are blended in a lab for assay. In theory the powders coming out of the double cone blender are homogeneous from the blending but the thief is an additional precaution.

The equipment shown in elementals attachment after the blending is a chemical leach method using a tumbler plant for the extraction.


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Important to also note is the amount of moisture a sample can absorb. If the lot is dry when weighed, then the sample is allowed to gain moisture weight prior to analysis, it will dilute the PPM on the sample, and thus decrease the net payable.
When a blended sample is removed from the blender and sampled, an accurately weighed portion of this is dried in a tared pan (usually overnight) and cooled in a desiccator and re weighed. The difference in weight is the moisture lost and it is applied to the entire lot to determine the settlement weight of the lot. This weight, times the assay result, is the content in precious metals of the entire lot.

This same sample (the sample without moisture) is the sample used for assay.

These days there are balances with infrared light which eliminate the overnight we old timers were used to making the moisture content determination in a matter of minutes.
Well I like said i wanted to reply to The guy ,that I now notice was banned ,so I agree, I don't know .als0 dont the reply go to the id i reply to? The error is two sided best I can tell thanx for reminding me .Alot these post are very old too it ok but if these guys not posting in 10 years .alot posters last only a few days i see also they reading through stuff thanx for now
Well I like said i wanted to reply to The guy ,that I now notice was banned ,so I agree, I don't know .als0 dont the reply go to the id i reply to? The error is two sided best I can tell thanx for reminding me .Alot these post are very old too it ok but if these guys not posting in 10 years .alot posters last only a few days i see also they reading through stuff thanx for now
You said nothing, just that you are very interested.
If you do not reply to a post it is not obvious who you are directing it to.

Edited spelling
If you expect to get some cats to refine from our members, you should tell us something specific about your capabilities. What type of instrumentation is in your lab, or how you turn this material around in 1 or 2 days. How do you sample small lots, as no refinery I have ever worked with will process a 5 gallon pail of de canned cats? Do you accept loose honeycomb or do you simply pay for intact converters where you can identify the model before decanning?

Sorry to say the "for safety reasons card" won't cut it here. You haven't even told us the name of your business. Here the cloak and dagger act doesn't get very far.
He's hoping someone will contact him directly and send him their cats . Probably never pay them. I mean really he'll accept just one cat? Come on bro😆
Hello, I have the ability to process small and large amounts ( Yes even 1 if that's all you have) catalytic converters for a fee or a percentage. My process I am able to recover 97 to 99.99 percent of all pgms contained within 1 to 2 days turn around time. Most of the time within the same day.
I have been in the smelting business for over 20 years. Anyone interested in my service, feel free to message me. I can offer a free first time service to anyone interested to build up a relationship.
I'm interested
Hello, I have like 50 or 60 pounds of catalyst free from their canisters and I would like to have them proc
My guess he is in the same situation as you.
He directed the question to someone that is no longer a member.
Every once in a while someone like the OP in this thread, Catalyticconvertersmelter, comes along and makes promises which seem to many members here too good to be true. This gentleman seemed to be that type of member. His resistance to give any details of processing or identify himself in any way while claiming to run jobs in such small quantities that the cost to recover will exceed the value of the converter. The reason I, and others questioned his claims was to deter members who do not have experience with shipping out a lot for refining from falling for this scam.

It is un-wise to read the first post of a thread, and think "wow, sounds good to me" and skip to the end and say sign me up. That is a recipe for failure. If there is one piece of information members can take from this thread is you should never blindly trust someone who will not answer basic questions about their process and facility.

I felt this post is appropriate now because after sitting idle for 2 years, this thread had 2 new members willing to trust the OP. I think it was Ronnie Regan who said "Trust but verify". Very applicable here.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

I think you will quickly realize that members who join and immediately solicit refining work rarely get recognized.

To give you the full benefit of doubt, why don't you take the time on this thread to introduce yourself, your company and most important discuss your process. I am not looking for the intricate details of cat refining but would appreciate something to help convince members that you can actually recover 97 to 99.99% of all PGM's contained.

Thank you, and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with you and your cat smelting operation.
I think the same way as 4metals,this forum is for refiners helping refiners--i do not think that you will get many clients.
I felt this post is appropriate now because after sitting idle for 2 years, this thread had 2 new members willing to trust the OP. I think it was Ronnie Regan who said "Trust but verify". Very applicable here.
Well said. As a point of trivia: President Reagan said it, but Sam Clemens (aka Mark Twain) said it before him. Words of wisdom, whoever gets the credit.