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In my reply to the OP I gave him in my opinion the best advice I could, stop and read.
We can give him answers but will he understand or get in even more of a mess or possibly hurt himself.
He admitted he was new to this and was processing using chemicals and a process he had no idea of the likely outcome or what was happening or why.
I refuse to help someone hurt themselves and not understanding will cause injury at some point or the person will lose heart because of constant failures.
It's not angst or self importance that makes me reply in the manner I do but the wish that any new member has at least a basic understanding, especially of the dangers, of the chemicals and processes we use.
If other members wish to encourage complete newbies to continue on their way stumbling in the dark not understanding the basics I cant stop them, I learnt the hard expensive way with no knowledge of Hoke or even a chemistry background, if I can show others an easier route to gain that knowledge I will show them it, and that route is here and it's free, you just have to read and study.
spaceships said:
Well he's got a point. There's way too much angst and self importance around here lately. Far too many arguments and pompous behaviour.

I'm surprised anyone new dares to ask any questions.

What he just said :) ^^^^^^^
AugieDoggie said:
spaceships said:
Well he's got a point. There's way too much angst and self importance around here lately. Far too many arguments and pompous behaviour.

I'm surprised anyone new dares to ask any questions.

What he just said :) ^^^^^^^

We encourage questions that's what the forum is here for but we do require members to at least study the subject so they can understand the replies.
Harold's simile of deciding to buy a grand piano and the next day expecting to be able perform a public concert is a good one, without study and plenty of practise it's not going to be very good.
Recovery and refining is a complex area of chemistry that I suggest no one knows it all.
If new members wish to just buy chemicals and make a toxic brew with values perhaps included because they can't be bothered to take advice, ie read and study, then let them carry on because I for one don't have the time or get paid to continually keep answering questions that have been covered many many times before.
If though a new member has started to read and study but can't understand a point I and many others will answer as best we can or point them in the right direction for them to discover the answer to that question and probably many more they didn't even know they had.

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