CPU Overview - Gold in the Chips

Gold Refining Forum

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Dec 29, 2009
Hi, it's a good forum ;)

but, to find something in the forum too much time is needed.

So I would like to build a quick summary of ingredients:

Typ --------------------- Gold mg (milligramm) /pieces

Intel 4004 --------------------- ???
Intel 4040 --------------------- ???
Intel 8008 --------------------- ???
Intel 8080 --------------------- ???
Intel 8085 --------------------- ???
Intel 8086 --------------------- ???
Intel 8087 --------------------- ???
Intel 8088 --------------------- ???

Intel 80186 --------------------- ???
Intel 80187 --------------------- ???
Intel 80188 --------------------- ???
Intel 80286 --------------------- ???
Intel 80287 --------------------- ???
Intel 80386 (i386 / sx) ---------------- ???
Intel 80387 (i386 dx) ------------------ ???
Intel 80486 (i486) --------------------- 33 ?
Intel 80487 (i486 sx) ------------------ 33 ?
I 486 OverDrive ------------------------ ???
Intel 80501 (Intel Pentium 1) --------- ???
Intel 80502 (Intel Pentium 1) --------- ???
Intel 80503 (Intel Pentium MMX) ----- 20 ?
Pentium Overdrive --------------------- ???
Intel Pentium Pro ----------------------- ???
Intel Pentium 2 ------------------------- ???
Intel Pentium 3 ------------------------- ???
Intel Pentium 4 ------------------------- ???
Intel Celeron ---------------------------- ???
Intel XEON ------------------------------ ???
Intel XEON 2 ---------------------------- ???
Intel Itanium 1 ------------------------- ???
Intel Itanium 2 ------------------------- ???
Intel 860 (Paragon) -------------------- ???
Intel 960 -------------------------------- ???
Intel ARM / XSCALE ------------------- ???

AMD - K5 --------------------- ???
AMD - K6 --------------------- ???
AMD - K10 -------------------- ???
AMD Athlon ------------------ ???
AMD Athlon 64 --------------- ???

IBM 6x86 --------------------- ???

Cyrix 486 --------------------- ???
Cyrix 586 --------------------- ???
Cyrix 686 --------------------- ???
Cyrix III ----------------------- ???

Gold-Fingers PCI/ISA------------------------------------0,8 - 1 Gramm Au / 1000 Gramm Fingers

Gold plated pins on Mainboard, cards, cd-rom ------0,002% Ag + 0,063 % Au

i hope, you can help to complete the list with types and gold ingredients.

its also simply for anybody.

You can get 0 mg Au/piece but also approximately 1000 mg Au/piece, of course you can know this just trying to remove Au from those CPU's.

teclu said:
You can get 0 mg Au/piece but also approximately 1000 mg Au/piece, of course you can know this just trying to remove Au from those CPU's

I do not know if that was “tongue in cheek” or intentional, but you speak the truth with this statement. A person could know the exact content of every CPU ever made and not be able to even come close to that in their recovery. Knowing the proper way to process the different types of CPUs is what will determine your yield more than anything else. It is much like panning for gold and about just as financially rewarding. Just because it is there does not mean you will see or get it. Even if you are successful in getting it, there is still a lot of work involved compared to the reward.


I do welcome you to the forum, but what you asked would not do you much good even if someone that had personally processed all of the components that you requested yields on was willing to give their data to you. It would serve little use unless you were already a very experienced refiner which would mean you would not be asking. Since this is your first day here look around a bit and ask a few questions about 1 item or 1 process and you will find many willing to help you. Electronics can be one of the most challenging things to get good recoveries from.
@ Oz

no, but there must be some information about the material contains


can you say me, wher i find the Holy Grail *lol*

Unfortunately it gets here with me no information from the refinery.
I just wanted to contribute a compact overview on the forum.

i have edit gramm to milligramm ;)
Guys,How about to take a look to the list of gold contents that it is posted in this wonderful Forum?

I am an honest thief...this list was first posted by a member so I downloaded it and I reposted a few months later.

Of course,the list is not completely accurate but helps a lot when you are going to buy microprocessors.

Behave yourselves

Palladium said:
glorycloud said:

He has come seeking the Holy Grail.


Oz said:
You are kidding, right?



He is not kidding. I am also interested in making/getting a chart like this.
About the fingers and pins - IMPOSIBLE! Mixed fingers & pins - mixed data ...
I've been thinking about this for a long time but I can not get enough cpus :(
If someone makes some tests - please do it for at least 75 pieces.
Here's a thought.

If you put a thumbnail photo next to each type, it would help member's identify the different processors that are being discussed.

The problem though is that there are several socket types for most of them and they all have different yields.

That might be more useful in the data section as a reference.

nigthmare_2002 said:

its a good idea ... but how to create a table in the forum with pics and data?

moderator can help ?

Do some searching and you will be amazed at what you will find here. You will need to put some effort in to your endevor of finding information. (Forgive me Harold for the spelling).

This was posted by another user here on the forum not sure who.

View attachment Gold content list in CPU chips.xls
thats very good ;) thank you

have you tested this ?

but, not all cpu's on the list :(

maybe we can complet this list here.

nigthmare_2002 said:
thats very good ;) thank you

have you tested this ?

but, not all cpu's on the list :(

maybe we can complet this list here.


If I remember right I pulled it off of a post by Lasersteve (correct me if I'm wrong) and I assume it was from tests that the author had done.
Juan Manuel Arcos Frank said:
BINGO!!!!!!...this is the list I was talking about.

Yes, this is the document. The question is "Is it precise?". In my oppinion the gold content is very exceeded. And because few people will share their data do some tests. Buy at least 75 cpus of a type. This way the losses (if any) will be a small % of the gold yeild.

Good luck!
plamenppp said:
Juan Manuel Arcos Frank said:
BINGO!!!!!!...this is the list I was talking about.

Yes, this is the document. The question is "Is it precise?". In my oppinion the gold content is very exceeded. And because few people will share their data do some tests. Buy at least 75 cpus of a type. This way the losses (if any) will be a small % of the gold yeild.

Good luck!

Potential loss in refining is not caused by amount of processed material but by other factors as process, equipment, skills etc... I would not recommend anyone fairly new in refining to process large volumes just for sake to get yields as they will be dissapointed. We will never know exact amounts of gold which can be extracted from various types of e-scrap as they differs in age, usage, type, condition...... /you can get 100 CPUs exactly same type but they will be of different "wear & tear condition", factory, production dates/ That is why nobody is going to tell that Pentium Pro will yield 1.1245g of pure gold - becouse one might yield 0.6 and another exactly the same type 1g. Most of data information are like from x to y where result depens of your skills, technique, labware, condition of processed items, quality of chemicals and so on. No I dont want to discourage anyone in pursuing knowledge of what will yield this or that. It took me while to realize that this is very different area of refining. Lets take fingers for example. We are familliar with term "close cut fingers". What is close cut to one person is not too close to another one. If one person leave 1mm of board where plating ends Jack might leave two and Joe might cut that close that there is only plating in it. This means that Joe needs more ram sticks to his pound of fingers than Jack but his yield will be much higher than Joe`s and two of them can argue that his yield is correct and it cant be true what the other one claim.
I am perfectly happy with lower end of range from x to y that shows me that I am on good way and that is also pushing me to check my methods, habits, materials to achieve better results. Somewhere was written that there is 1 gram of gold in Pentium Pro. That doesnt mean that everyone who will process that CPU will get that gram of gold. Some people will get gram some will get only half of it...
The only thing we know for sure is that gold is there, and becouse of this forum and everyone who actively participate we know how we can get it home...
I agree, I agree. Therefore one should take 75 piecese of exactly the same cpus - same model, same MHz, same year. They must be cleaned very well from the heat paste. I will collect Pentium I cpus since now, because I have about 10 of them. Unfortunately, they are different - mostly MMX.