The place I turn in TVs knows exactly what I do. For CRT type TVs they are simply a collection agent for a recycler that wants only the CRT glass, although that facility also sends on to others the balance of the recycleable or reusable materials to other processors. The only reason I reassemble the the shell is for them to ship the stripped TV to the CRT recycler. That facility wants the CRTs intact. The best way to do that is to have the CRTs in the original housing. When CRT TVs and monitors are turned in to the first facility they are immediately put on pallets for shipping. Shipping unprotected CRTs can cause all kinds of problems for crews involved.
Before I accepted any old electronics for disassembly, I checked with scrap yards, direct recyclers, collection points and a host of others to determine where different components should be turned in for maximum return or, in the case of CRTs, minimal loss, without violating any laws or acceptance rules.