g_axelsson said:
I'm sorry if this is going to sound hard, but I'm going to tell you what I think about the videos you showed us.
I agree with Eric, you don't say anything at all. I think I heard "that is what I'm talking about" ten times but never once did you tell us what you process is or give any proof of having produced any gold. I didn't see any testing of pregnant liquids to show the presence of gold before trying to "SMB'd it to ****". I heard AR once or twice, nitric once and hydrochloric a couple of times, but never said what you had in solution in the beginning of the video. You never told us how much material you started with and type of materials.
What I see is a real mess, this is the electrolytical version of throwing all your scrap into AR and then trying to do something with the mess. You will have all kinds of base metals in your solution, mixed with some mud containing hydroxides and cemented base metals... probably some oxides too.
Why can't you just write down the procedure you use in easy to follow steps in text, then it is easy to follow what you are doing. To go back and looking through half an hour of video to try to find a missing step mentioned somewhere isn't practical. It would take me hours, going through your videos to check procedures if it was there but in writing I could do it in minutes, comparing it to known procedures.
I'm sorry, but so far your process does not impress me.
Heres the list of stuff that was put through the GEOMOD cell,in my second post from top.
79grams assorted pins (motherboard,cellphone,connector)
about 30 grams Ethernet pins (forgot to weigh)
1pair gold filled eye-frames (forgot to weight)
11.5grams gold filled jewelery
2 ram fingers
and half of a hard drive platter (top coat was stripped in about 2minutes leaving behind aluminum base)
A 110 grams of gold plated pins, an unknown amount of gold filled, generously maybe 20 grams and 2 gold fingers from ram memories. Most gold will come from the gold filled. Let's be generous here and say you probably have 1/2 gram of gold here.
Ok you make some good points so let me try and explain the best I can for everyone.After I filtered the cell I put the powder in AR(poorman because I was running low on regular nitric),because this was my first time using poorman AR I used to much potassium nitrate.I didn't realize it until I went back and reread the post where Butcher gave us the three or four different recipes for it.So because I didn't realize it at the time I went a head and diluted the AR to about 2-1/2 gallons.Yes I'm aware now that this was to much,but this is what I did.The start solution was originally at the ten cup mark on my coffee pot.
Before trying to improve on a method you should know how the method works.
So then I started adding in the SMB and noticed that when it hit the AR it was instantly turning the off brown color of gold powder.Well I then stirred it and let it set for about four hours,then came back and added a little pinch of smb to make sure it had all precipitated out.When the pinch hit the AR I got more brown powder and decided to see how much more it would produce so in went the hole bottle .45kg of SMB.
That bottle should have been enough to precipitate a pound of gold, you had around half a gram. That's about 1000 times more than needed.
After it had all dissolved,the color change in Ar never happened but there became this brown mercky cloud all through it.So I decided to finally let it settle over night and then siphon it of down to the powder.When I got up the next morning and checked it, there was a thin layer of brown particles floating on top and the 3 gallon clear tote bottom was covered with brown powders and it still had that brown merckyness to the AR.
At this point it's a 3 gallon mess.
So I went a head and siphoned it down after I sprayed the brown layer down and collected the powders.I boiled them in hot water then when I put in the ammonia to get rid of the silver that I suspected thats when I really thought I messed it up.
As I started adding the ammonia it started changing to a royal blue almost purplish color.So I started filtering it off my powders and as the fluid filled my catch coffee pot the surface started to form these little broken apart silver mirrors.So when the ammonia was all filtered off, I added to shots of hcl to finish rinsing the powders and allow the ammonia to be acidified(the color changed to clear cloudy almost instantly.
So since the AR was going to be waste anyways I dumped the ammonia in it.My original plan from this point was to dry the filter with the powders and then scrape powders off filter and melt.
Powders in a filter is hard to get off. When doing refining correctly you can do all the steps from precipitating via washing and then drying in the same beaker.
Well when the filter dried there was hardly any powder there so my first thought was must have went through filter when poured the hcl on powders.So I melted the little bit of powder that was left in the filter and got 0.4gr which was slightly contaminated from my dirty crucible.
Never melt pure gold in a contaminated crucible, it contaminates the gold again. At this point I'm actually impressed that you got some powder that you could melt.
So this turn of events took me back to the cloud mercky waste of AR,which by this time had settled some more brown powders.So since the cloudiness had not settled yet,I went and bought another 1lb bottle of bodine stump remover.When I got home I emptied the whole bottle in the AR waste and let it sit for another 24hrs.
As if the first pound wasn't enough. The mess is getting even bigger. HCl, nitrates, ammonia and a kilo of SMB.
This time though,when it became dark I went outside to my AR tote with a flashlight and shined it through the AR and gave it a good stir and low and behold I got tons of little reflections come back at me.So I went to bed and got back up 6hrs later to allot more powder.
This time I siphoned it off into 4-5 coffee pot loads each at 10 cup mark and hard boiled them for 2-4 hours until I could see lots of powder on the bottom.
I took the first pot and let it cool for about 15mins and then decanted as much solution as possible and then poured the rest into the next pot.I done all the pots this way until one pot held all the powders and then I boiled it again for 2hrs more.When the last pot was done I decanted as much as possible till there was probably 30-50ml of solution left with powders.Now when I was boiling these pots I kept hearing these loud popping noises like there was metal being bounced off the bottom and sides of the pot but just chalked it up to the hot plate since it does make noises some times.
That was steam explosions, probably under salts that were starting to dry up on the bottom. Why all the hard boiling?
After I decanted the final pot I done a panning swirl to check for possible chloride powders being mixed in.
How can you check for chloride powders by swirling the pot?
That's when I noticed the gold flakes for the first time and realized thats what I had heard bouncing around in the pots while boiling them.
You can't hear precipitated gold bouncing in the pot, the gold is a powder, not small nuggets.
So I got me a big glass anchor hockings pie pan dumped the 30-50mls in it and done another panning swirl to make sure that I wasn't seeing things,and sure enough I wasn't.I got my electric griddle (I use strictly for refining purposes out)and started evaporating the rest of the solution and because I was in a hurry to get to the gold that I was seeing I used rubbing alcohol to speed up evaporation(which worked by the way).
I think there is a possibility to create explosives when mixing alcohol and dissolved metal salts, especially as you had used ammonia in the solution.
The powder turned three colors when it dried(yellow with white film was gold,white was alcohol residue and probably some chlorides and brown?). Me and GEO have concluded that the brown must be some type of chloride/sulfate.So I scraped the powders from the dish and melted them.I used a dremmel and sanded out as much of the contamination as I could from my crucible(Yes I now Know thanks to Geo how to handle this problem next time),but it didn't get enough out so when I tried melting it all the metals got locked up and to try and free them I came up with the not so bright idea of adding the 0.4grs from the first melt and locked it up too.So I heated it red hot and then moved the glob around with a fork and sprayed it with my water bottle a couple times to make it break up some.Then I proceeded the grind the glob into a powder using a silverplated spoon and the crucible as a make shift pestle&mortar.From there I found several small pieces of metal plus the 0.4grs I had added to it,once the glob was powdered I made another small batch of AR and hence the small pot you see in the new videos and I did do three stannous tests,two of which you saw in the video not once but twice.
So now is the first time you test with stannous.
The white cap with the black purple stains.The third one was the first test done on a q-tip which I only showed those to Geo before he suggested I use something white to do the tests on,hence the white cap.Now after I done the first test and I let the AR cool,it started to form crystal so I filtered the crystals out twice and right before I did this I done the second test but first using the cap(bottom of cap in video)then after I filtered I done third test but second using cap(top of cap in video). So in-between the time it took me to make the 3 and 4 video,I took and SMB'd the small pot of AR to death and heated it to get the nice little bit I got and I siphoned off some more powders from the original AR batch and boiled them to get the gold flakes that you see in the videos.I'm still working on the final result so please be patient hoping to finish that up today or at least be able to show you some of the results in the form of a button.
I don't know if I want to know how much SMB you used this time, if two pounds of SMB wasn't bad enough, I wonder what you consider is "SMB'd the small pot of AR to death".
I'm going to post the two pictures that I sent GEO so you can see the first stannous test and see the crystals that formed in the second small pot of AR.If you have decided to read this far THANK YOU!!