Getting the mercury out SAFELY!

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Tinker Terry

Active member
May 16, 2013
I have read that there is mercury present in many computer parts. In chips and PCBs as well. So far the only way that I have found (thanks Hoke) to confine mercury is to distill it. So what if I put chopped up boards and chips in a stainless steel cooker with condenser attached? My idea is to put the chopped boards and chips etc in the pressure cooker in a bath of distilled H2O and Lye. Lye and heat seems to work well for removing fingers from board fragments. But I am aware of the danger of airborne mercury vapours being produced as well. So will the mercury vapors react with stainless steel? Can I use steel or stainless steel tubing rather than iron pipe? Remember my main purpose is not to refine the mercury but rather to gather it for later refining, keep it out of the environment and last but not least for health and safety. My end goal is a system that captures all reuseables from e-wastes. As well as recycling my acids etc by reusing/renewing them using electrowinning and filtering. .
I have read that there is mercury present in many computer parts.
Where did you read this?

The only part I know, is the battery could contain Hg.

Avoid it! Leave it to the big boys.
Where did you read there is mercury in chips and PCB:s?
Any reference?

The only place I have run into mercury is in mercury whetted relays and mercury oxide batteries from the seventies. I always collect it and turns it in as hazardous material.

The real safety issue lies not in the mercury i think, but in the fact of do you know what hot Sodium hydroxide mixed in water and place under pressure will do if it explodes? Hell just sodium hydroxide dissolved in water and heated is dangerous enough. You better respect it more so than acids when it comes to human flesh or your eyes. Not kicking you here just making you aware.
i do not recommend processing anything with mercury but if you must and health issues aside, use a retort. you can either buy one or make your own. remember, after using whatever you use, it will forever be contaminated and should be treated as such.
You are trying to invent wheel.

There is way to effectively process electronics and get paid for all metal they contain.
However it is not possible to do it in home, shed, garden, pressure cooker, lye bath....
You will not succeed and what you create will be mountain of hazardous waste.

If you plan to make money by collecting scrap, sorting it and then selling to highest buyer then yes you are in the money.
The second you start thinking about chemicals and processing you are moving from profitable venture in to hobby area. No matter how hard you will try you are not going to be able to effectively process, recover and refine everything.
There are companies which can do it for you for a fee.

I know you do not believe, you think that you can do it all yourself. No need to argue, you just need to try that.
I was in your shoes couple of years back. I am glad I stopped in right time.
There is one more problem with Hg. I don't know the laws in your country, but here there are a book shelf full of restrictions about storage, usage and transport, especially if you do it for professional business and as a private person you will probably not find anyone,who will buy it from you....rather they would take money for taking it as hazardous waste.
Tinker Terry said:
I have read that there is mercury present in many computer parts. In chips and PCBs as well.

As the others pointed out, use of mercury in electronics is very limited to a few aspects. I suspect the information you read somewhere was flawed and is misguiding you. While it's true you'll find mercury in some old batteries, reed relays and CCFL tubes, it really has no use in electronics such as your common computer.
Your best bet would be to study the different components that make up electronic assemblies so you can easily identify which have PMs, which pose a hazard and which are worthless..
Thanks everyone who responded. It appears that the information I got was flawed and my concerns unwarranted.
[quote patnor1011]
Boards are complicated matter. You cant just incinerate them. Way too much of toxic substances inside like flame retardants, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), cadmium, beryllium, chromium, radioactive isotopes, mercury, lead tin solder..... [End quote]
Further reseach (google search) leads me to the belief that mercury use in computers/electonics is confined to batteries and LCD screens (the backlight bulbs. There is also vague mention of mercury in older computers. I have some very old computers 8086 and 8088s as well as some old commodores. Some of the old computers I have date back to the 70s and 80s. Is there a chance that there may be any mercury contained in the chips or boards of these? Forewarned is fore-armed.
This ols pressure cooker still looks like a usefull bit of apparatus as it is well sealed except for the two openings in the lid, lockes securely and has a built in back suction relief valve. It should be usefull as a containment or something. Perhaps coating the inside surfaces with some kind of acid/fume proof paint or epoxy would make it more usefull. Any ideas or suggestions?
I have some old "mercury wetted relays" that I've been wondering what to do with. I don't want to spread contamination so I haven't broken them apart or removed them from their boards.

I was thinking of making a retort to recover the mercury but would still have the problem of what to do with the mercury that was recovered.

Any suggestions?
shipping mercury is almost impossible because it is hazmat with certain conditions. from what i understand, its shipped in glass containers and it has to be shipped by certain certified carriers. you can try and find a local buyer who buys mercury. we have one locally but will not give clean prices no matter whatever it came from. if you can not find a buyer, you have two options really. reclaim the mercury and wait to find a buyer or send the boards to the chemical dump at the landfill.
This ols pressure cooker still looks like a usefull bit of apparatus as it is well sealed except for the two openings in the lid, lockes securely and has a built in back suction relief valve. It should be usefull as a containment or something. Perhaps coating the inside surfaces with some kind of acid/fume proof paint or epoxy would make it more usefull. Any ideas or suggestions?

No easy coating will work. Maybe if you'd chrome plating it. But I guess not.

Maybe it could be used to evaporate water from neutralized waste solutions?
Hey gold4mike, what Hokes said about using mercury to grab gold and then separating mercury from gold with a potato actually works and is still in use by placer miners in North Carolina. I met a few guys while vacationing down at Vein mountain close to Ashville. The one guy said that reclaiming from potato isn't hard at all, I thought he was crazy until I read it in Hokes book. He said he bought a small vile 20 years ago and just reuses it and pretty much has everything he started with.
I apologize, I should have been more specific. They said this is only for fine gold recovery from black sands. Out of the environment, I don't think they would use it by the river. I only mentioned it because it may be helpful, I have never tried this myself.
The use of mercury in mining is outdated, using it today would be like picking cotton by hand when modern farm equipment will do a better job, and collect more cotton much easier.

I live in a mining area, occasionally I see those new miners also who have no idea what they are doing trying to use mercury to recover gold, something they read about, trouble is most of them really do not even know how to properly use or prepare the mercury or the amalgam sheets to collect the gold, they will use old dirty UN-distilled mercury which really does not amalgam well with gold, and then many will do stupid things like trying to recover gold squeezing out excess mercury in the Chamois leather, and burn off the mercury from the amalgam wad in a potato, or skillet, putting toxic fumes in the air and condensing the mercury in surrounding area contaminating every thing around the site (the stupid old miner tricks), yes it will work, but so will getting off of your new combine and begin picking cotton by hand, trouble is the miners who do this have no clue of the danger they are putting themselves in, or they just do not care, what is worse they either do not know or care about all of the other people they can be poisoning by releasing mercury into the environment.

Over hundreds of years ago miners did dump tons of mercury into our streams and rivers, using it in sluice boxes, and on amalgam plates, and even in panning, much of that mercury is still in our streams and rivers still poisoning people today, one and a half century’s later.

Yes mercury is a natural element and can even be mined in some places where mountains even ooze the liquid metal from the rock, but in our river and especially in our air it is very dangerous, yes it has always been in our air and always will be, volcanoes, or forests fires can put tons of its toxic fumes into our air, where it can circle the globe about twice.

There is really no use for mercury in mining nowadays, there are such better and safer methods of recovery, their is no use for it in recovery or refining of precious metals, but sometimes in recovery they do have to deal with it, like in dental waste, but when we do we should only do so after having a good understanding of it dangers and how to deal with it properly, suggesting burning it in a potato is just plain nonsense and a deadly stupid idea, even worse than picking cotton by hand when you have proper, safe and modern methods, today, if it had to be done a retort properly used to distill and condense the mercury back to the metal can keep you from poisoning yourself and others.

I had a major ordeal with mercury since I have joined the forum, it cost me dearly, almost cost me my home and everything I have worked for my whole life, it even almost cost me my freedom, I came close to going to prison, had all kinds of EPA, DEQ, detectives armed federal agents and marshals come to my home waking me to search though my property, home, barn and lab, I still have about 20 pounds in the barn, and showed it to them, they used sniffing tools to search everything for mercury fumes including my home and shoes, I have never spilled a drop of it anywhere, so the only place their equipment detected mercury was when they asked me to open the storage bottle I had in the barn, no telling what kind of trouble I would have gotten into if that machine, would have detected a trace of mercury out side of the bottle anywhere on my property, they most likely would have condemned my property and charged me for a million dollar cleanup, if that machine would have as much as chirped.

I was guilty of stupidity, trying to mail a few pounds of mercury to another member who needed it in a mercury operated vacuum pump for his lab-work, I really did not think that much about it, I have dealt with mercury my whole life, had plenty I collected over the years, I could send him some to help him out, and even asked how to package it, what I did not know was the laws, and how serious of the trouble you can get into when it comes to if shipping mercury, well I packaged up 17 pounds, it was in the cold snow here at the time, but when it arrived at a heated UPS station, well as you know mercury expands, what I did not figure on, that it being a heavy metal liquid would expand and force its liquid out of even a tightly closed bottle cap, and out of the sealed plastic bag and out of a screwed shut plywood crate, spilling a dimes size drop of mercury out onto a conveyer belt in a hot UPS center, they shut down the UPS station, brought in Hazmat teams and air conditioning equipment, and law enforcement, UPS shut down the shipping center replaced all of the equipment in the station and UPS sued me for the Hazmat cleanup, replacing and re-machining all of the equipment in the plant, including upgrading the electrical and new transformers and other electrical equipment, the plants down time, disruption of shipping, and employees wages and so on…

I even had UPS detective call my local sheriff telling them I had guns and did not like cops, they wanted a sheriff escort out to my property, to ask me questions and these city detectives were afraid to come talk to an ole country boy, this call to the sheriff was also in my local news paper.

And if you do not think the government is not watching this forum, or has access to everything you have ever written on this forum, even in your private email or on the phone, think again, I know for a fact there were detectives on the forum, posing as members, even going so far as to try and set traps for members who were discussing mercury, even asking to buy some, and they had copies of my private emails and phone calls. I wouldn't be surprised if these government officials do not check out a few of the topics we discuss here on the forum like nitric acid, or selling gold and paying taxes.

Well I guess I just cringe when I see mercury discussed on the forum.
And I also cringe at the thought of some dumb miner burning mercury in a potato, for a tiny bit of gold which could have been acquired easier and better with another more modern method.
Thank you. butcher. I guess my thoughts of him being crazy was on the money. Like, I said, I have yet to do anything mentioned on the forum. Still not even sure if I will ever try but the information is great...Mike
And if you do not think the government is not watching this forum

Ofcourse they do. Think how many keywords in here fit to things, they have to keep an eye on, - though it will not be the most alarming keywords. And I guess of all forums they have to watch, this is the one, they love the most, because here they learn so much about chemistry and its dangers, which will make them even better to their work, than they (I hope and believe) already are.
LOL Butcher is famous! and come on, dime size amount?!?! It says : “It is our understanding that, somewhere along the line, some package broke open, spilling 16 to 17 pounds of mercury,”

And you know what they say, it it's printed on the internet, it's true!
It sounds like the annual Hazardous Materials Collection Day we have here, sponsored by the local chemical plants, is where these relays will end up.

I have no interest in turning my residence into an EPA Superfund site!
my father and i were panning on a GPAA claim in Georgia and i reclaimed well over a pound of liquid mercury by panning. the only thing i can figure is it was an old mining camp and either was very wasteful or had a bad spill. it was a place many people liked to vacation and fish. by using a round point shovel, i was able to collect that amount in a week. just thinking about it, i imagine i reclaimed very little of what was there. after straining through coffee filters, i did reclaim over an ounce of gold. of course, at the time it was worth less than $800 an ounce. as i have been told later, the entire area has since been stripped by local prospectors that knew of the find.

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