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Maybe people have heard me say it before, but if you didn't hear it Butcher is 100% correct in the fact that this forum is monitored. I have played a game of cat and mouse here on the forum for quiet awhile with somebody i have yet to identify. They are good at what they do and i know this because i'm good at what i do. They have went out of their way to let me know they was watching while i was watching them. They like the game and so do i. I wish i could say more, but ....... Matter of fact if your reading this Hello !
Thinking of all the threats today, I don't think such monitoring is that bad at all. It's a balance between individual freedom and public safety. If this helps them to get some really evil or misguided individuals, - they are welcome. I believe their best jobs will not be publicised in the media or at least will be hidden in short articles.
Yeah............ I'm good protecting my own safety and don't need people telling me what's good for me or in my best interest and against my will. I won't sacrifice my personal god given rights and liberties for the sake false security. Does anybody really feel safe? Safe from whom? WHO is the real threat against against your liberties? Oh by the way look what happened in my neck of the woods this weekend. I guess that's not a problem because off duty officers who VOLUNTEERED to help out a non government private entity conduct private research and that was under written by a Fed gov agency, supported by another government agency, but used the words "we ask for volunteers to submit DNA". Police officers in uniform with side arms, driving official government cars sitting in the road with theirs lights on and enacting traffic stops for DNA, but it's all legal because they were off duty government officials who were volunteering their time as " Private citizens". This is a test to see how tolerable you are to this and then the next thing you know society accepts it as policy and their goes god knows what rights after that. Worse tv show ever on tv was that show "COPS" Why???? Because the public got comfortable with see people rights violated in front of them on National TV and it was cool to watch. After awhile it become the accepted practice of it happens and that just the way it is syndrome.
I'm going to leave this alone because this could become political and that's against board policy.

I'm not buying it !!!!!!
I will not begin to say How I feel about this issue, as what I would have to say would definitely get political, if I spoke my thoughts on this subject they would most likely ban me from the forum for breaking all of the rules.
solar_plasma said:
Thinking of all the threats today, I don't think such monitoring is that bad at all. It's a balance between individual freedom and public safety. If this helps them to get some really evil or misguided individuals, - they are welcome. I believe their best jobs will not be publicised in the media or at least will be hidden in short articles.

I will provide my own personal security as well as that of those who are close to me, i have too much invested to leave it to someone who can not be trusted :mrgreen: And as for MY thoughts on them, yeah, nobody wants to hear my rant tonight...


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Please turn off your computer and go outside and lie face down on the ground with your hands inter laced.
Someone will assist you as soon as an agent becomes available. :mrgreen:
i believe the only people tested actually did sign a consent form and was paid $10 per mouth swab and $50 per blood sample. it is still an invasion of privacy and is one step closer to a national DNA data base to keep track of everyone.
But you can thank the police and security organizations,that you never will be forced to use those automatic guns. And in fact, in most real situations you will not have the time to use them. Imagine we would be pushed back to stone age by a global desaster like a large meteroite impact, that would mean anarchy. No police, no safety. You can't be awake all the time. Easy solutions are seldom good solutions. I come from a country, which has a bad history of "easy" solutions.

Our world and society is not perfect, but it's the best we can get and straight that one, we have merited. If this one is too political, it's ok to ban me, but I have to say what has to be said.

Don't get me wrong, I respect your point of views and if I was an american, I might see it the same way.,d.dmQ&cad=rja

In Firefox, you can search the pdf for mercury by using Edit/Find/mercury
solar_plasma said:
But you can thank the police and security organizations,that you never will be forced to use those automatic guns. And in fact, in most real situations you will not have the time to use them. Imagine we would be pushed back to stone age by a global desaster like a large meteroite impact, that would mean anarchy. No police, no safety. You can't be awake all the time. Easy solutions are seldom good solutions. I come from a country, which has a bad history of "easy" solutions.

Our world and society is not perfect, but it's the best we can get and straight that one, we have merited. If this one is too political, it's ok to ban me, but I have to say what has to be said.

Don't get me wrong, I respect your point of views and if I was an american, I might see it the same way.

This is my last comment on this topic. The reason everyone here (America) is so touchy about their rights being trampled can easily be found in Germanys history. BTW, the weapons pictured are not automatics, the NFA weapons stay in the safe and only a few know they are here.
Thank everyone for all the valuable input. BTW those guns (which everyone in the www now know you have) are pretty much all classified as restricted weapons here in Canada, where it is illegal to own without being registered, and it is not permitted to take them out of the closet basically without acquiring further permits. Even if you live out in the wilderness, miles from the nearest neighbour it is illegal to take them out and shoot in your own yard.
If the politicians had their way about it they would be illegal here to. Here in the south you can still throw it in the front seat and go off to the chert pit to pop of a few 100 rounds. You will even find the good old boys down at the country store showing off their guns and comparing sizes while talking about Nascar. :mrgreen:
The south has a culture well versed in guns and their heritage. Now if you tried this in other parts of the country you would be meet with swat just for it being seen.
LOL, try doing that in Massachusetts! I might get arrested/fined just for looking at that picture of those guns!
The problem i have with the media and politicians regarding guns is this, the rifles i have pictured are no different than a ruger 10/22 in its rate of fire and its capability to engage multiple targets in a short period of time. In fact, i am more efficient with the 10/22 than any other weapon i own and noone seems to look at it as a dangerous weapon.
I hear ya. So many people, so misinformed, so much paranoia, so many stupid impractical useless laws. Keeps the politicans in the gravy train, and gives the media something to report. Nobody considers knitting needles dangerous weapons either but they will kill you as surely as a bullet. Enuff politics or we'll all get banned here.
Still wondering why they have to do some monitoring? Everything gets more and more restricted, medical drugs, arms and CHEMICALS (in order to come back to our topic). Why? Because there are always people, who overdo. I don't want to say, that you overdo, - but I could get the impression by those posts, if I wasn't that tolerant.
Whenever politics, religion or topics such as these come up, everyone knows "I am right" even if others just wish to argue the point, even though they know "I am right" and "they are wrong", so it seems there really is not much reason to go into these discussion except to ague the point, and since the person with the name is "I" is always right and every one already knows it, we see there really is not much reason to keep discussing except to argue a point unnecessarily.

In the above comment you can put your name in the place of I.

Where I live I hear these guns being fired quite often around me, they are very popular around here, and people fire them almost daily (even at night) freely on their own property, or in the woods around here, sometimes it sounds like a war zone, it really does not bother me, around here most everyone is armed, I feel much safer here than I would in some city or place where the honest law abiding citizens would not be, or could not be armed, or did not carry a gun with them, and were only the criminals, and governments were armed.

If you feel safe where you live and are happy with your gun laws great, (if not then take that up with your government), there are other places where you can discuss your religion and political issues, and argue your points, but this is a gold refining forum, the topic here is not religion or politics, so lets get back to discussing gold.

We all already know you are right with what you believe.
That's a very good point, every you and every I is right from their respective point of view. Entirely seen it gives a facetted picture, the truth lies in the relativities of those facettes. That's why nothing is what it seems to be on the first view. This is not as banal and trivial as it seems to be. I'd like to be back on topic, too, so this is something I try to be aware of in chemistry, hazmat accidents and refining: nothing must be what it seems to be on the first view.

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