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Gold fingers, high grade eproms and ceramice cpus for sale

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anachronism said:
That's honest Dennis.

Being able to say sorry for being wrong, and doing it graciously rather than grudgingly is the mark of a man in my humble opinion.


Thanks Jon! I guess the old adage "Practice makes perfect" comes to mind :D Saying sorry, and meaning it, helps the soul, and reminds us that we are all humans and capable of mistakes.

Goran, Thanks for stepping in. If you had not, then I would not have went back through all the posts and PM's regarding this deal and found the possible reason for the payment failure. I was utterly convinced I was without any blame.

Sadly, my transaction regarding items offered on this thread has not worked out as expected.
I have been trying to work with this seller but so far to no avail. I gave up today and filed a claim
with PayPal. I hope the seller makes good on his offer but I think PayPal may have to help get
this accomplished. He has ten days to respond. I will keep everyone up to date on this one.

What he offered in this thread was:

8oz of e-proms all the same.
2.7 pounds of gold fingers from vintage 80 boards
Only a pound of ceramics left.

What I received was:

1.56oz of e-proms (including the weight of the Styrofoam they were shipped on)
1.112 pounds of gold fingers (missing 1.588 pounds of fingers)
Only a pound of ceramics left. (This one was about right)

Here are pictures of the items on the scale with the weights:
GRF eproms 4-5-17.jpg
GRF fingers 4-5-17.jpg
Sorry! I know what it feels like to be taken. I hope he does the right thing and resolves it with you!

Now I am glad he ignored my private message about the fingers.
Hmmm..... the plot thickens. Maybe I jumped the gun a little bit in my earlier post. Perhaps there was indeed some culpability on his part in our previous deal. I was hoping to give him the benefit of the doubt but I think I might have to revisit my position on that.

I have no intention of persuing his debt with me, but I do think that anyone thinking of doing business with this guy should think twice. His track record is dubious to say the least.

Glorycloud, sorry if my post convinced you to get involved with this guy.


Edited: Apology to glorycloud
It's day nine and no communication from the seller here or by email, telephone or smoke signals.
Day ten of PayPal's waiting period for a response from the seller is tomorrow.

Let's see what happens. 8)
Still nothing from the seller. Paypal wants to wait thirty days to "review".
Good night Irene! :roll:

Oh well, another week and maybe I will have a resolution one way or the other.
For now I would simply say in regards to this seller: "caveat emptor".
The saga goes on.....

Got fed up with PayPal and picked up the phone and called them since they seemed
to be doing nothing in their "resolution center". I'm ready to send it all back after
thirty days of no response from the seller or PayPal. In theory PayPal is contacting
the seller for a return address. We will see what happens from here.

Finally got a resolution from Paypal. I received a credit back for
this "deal". Never heard from the seller.

I will steer clear of future dealings with him. Sad.

Oh well. On to the next adventure in gold recovery / refining / resale. 8)
....only took like ten years..
Okay. Maybe not that long, but TOO long... Especially since the "seller" has been active on the forum since the charade.

...probably saw the pandemonium and made a new username shortly thereafter

Glad it all worked out for you in the end though, Glory.
Could have been worse...it could always, be worse!
I actually received a full refund for the entire lot. I would like to send the
seller payment for what I actually received from him. If he will contact
me by PM, I will send $$ to him for the prorated value of what was shipped
to me and do so gladly.

I await a response. If I don't hear back from the seller in 30 days, I will consider
the goods as a donation to SSMI as recompense for my "pain and suffering" from
having to deal with Paypal. 8)
That's the beauty of paypal, Glory. I have unfortunately learned harder lessons where even waiting didn't yield any positive results. I am a big believer in paypal even with all it's fees etc. Glad for ya mate!
glorycloud said:
I actually received a full refund for the entire lot. I would like to send the
seller payment for what I actually received from him. If he will contact
me by PM, I will send $$ to him for the prorated value of what was shipped
to me and do so gladly.

I await a response. If I don't hear back from the seller in 30 days, I will consider
the goods as a donation to SSMI as recompense for my "pain and suffering" from
having to deal with Paypal. 8)

Don't bother. Get real Glory. The guy was happy to rip you off.
Doing what's right is what is real for me. If he responds, I will pay for what he shipped.
To get a full refund and keep all the product, that's not right regardless of whatever
motives may have been at play (or not) by the seller.
It's not about being dishonest. eBay have closed the deal off and so have Paypal. You did nothing untoward or bad yourself but the guy knowingly tried to take you for a ride. If he gets the product back then he learns nothing because he can go and do it again so in reality sending it back isn't helping anyone. He's better off being out of pocket and possibly learning something than you enabling him to just carry on with his dodgy practises.

Just my 5 cents mate.

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