FrugalRefiner said:
Kurt, you made mention of rsparks "running a bad deal with a member" with denim, but if you review the thread, you'll find that denim finally realized the problem with his deal was his fault in not having given rsparks the correct email address, and he apologized to rsparks.
You are correct Dave, I did say that. But to me, I believe we have somewhat lost track of the reality that there is a pattern to this guys behavior.
When I initially had my run-in with him he was very difficult to deal with- poor communication. I did give him an incorrect paypal payment address once, but I also gave him the correct paypal address more than once prior to that. I did admit fault after realizing I had given him the incorrect address once, one time out of three times, I believe.
During my 'deal gone bad' with him, after some months of waiting, I was told by him that he had to leave the country on a mission- to South America somewhere I believe. I thought that was great- he was going to perform Gods work, for which I can surely wait!
After about three years he showed up again trying to sell some escrap, and I asked him then if he would be kind enough to send me the ten bucks he owed me out of the proceeds of this sale. I believe it was at this time that I gave him the incorrect paypal address- THREE YEARS AFTER THE ORIGINAL TRANSACTION!!! He also informed me at this time that the reason for his being awol was because he had to go to jail after receiving his third DUI, and not because of some bs mission! He lied!! Starting to see a pattern here?
Well, a couple more years pass and he shows up yet again trying to hawk some of his wares, and I posted trying to warn others about doing any business with him. Goran must have read my warning post as he asked me to pm him with the details and I did. It was during this posting to Goran that I realized I had sent the OP the incorrect paypal address. So I decided to accept all blame for my not receiving payment from him.
Well, unfortunately, I believe my admission must have given Glory the feeling that all indeed was good with this rsparks guy and he proceeded to get involved with rsparks in another ill fated deal. Apparently Glory has had the same kind of experience as I did with this guy- very poor communication, and lack of completion of the deal.
To me there is clear evidence of a habitual pattern here. No need to further convince me! It amazes me that the narrative of this "Glory deal' has turned to compassion for a guy who is clearly ripping people off, and for pouring adulation upon Glory for being the great guy he is. Glory is a great member who possesses fantastic human qualities. No one would argue that, but Glory's credibility is not the issue here. Rsparks credibility is!
rsparks- If you are out there and reading this, sorry I had to throw you under the bus, but I felt the truth had to be told.