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I've seen first refine at that colour that's really impure - especially when refined from Beryllium components. I have learned the hard way not to assume that the lighter the powder the purer it is.

Like you I recover first. My point was that why would I recover from a pure source i.e. SS and then contaminate the reverse AR solution unnecessarily afterwards?
This must be the first time I've heard someone talking about calcining gold powder. What exactly do you mean? Do you know what calcining means?

g_axelsson said:
This must be the first time I've heard someone talking about calcining gold powder. What exactly do you mean? Do you know what calcining means?


I hadn't thought of that Goran. Bugger. Good point mate. 8) 8)
I see no reason not to use copper pins.Those are foils and would need a refine anyway.
Using reverse AR takes the gold into solution John. It doesn't touch the SS and leaves it clean. Effectively you have a small amount of very pregnant AuCl in a large quantity of Nitric. Contaminating the Nitric doesn't really serve a purpose.

Edit- why do I ALWAYS type Ag for Au- -- thanks ~Martyn for pointing it out!
I have spent many years refining silver and I know that silver will react some with nitric. Which means at least some silver has been dissolved prior to the addition of water.Since almost all stainless has some iron no matter how small the quantity ,I can't help but think it has at least a little contamination .If that is the case and it will need re refining ,then I see no reason not to put those expensive chemicals to use.If you are a learned refiner it should be no problem to deal with some copper.

As far as Mod's process.I spent 2.5 hours watching his ingenious process on Skype one day.I was so impressed that I set it up the next day ,and used it with great success.As a matter of fact I use it quite often now.
Once mod explained the logic of his process it was very easy to understand why it worked so well.Thanks mod for sharing.
I agree with Jon (spaceships) Why would you want to add other metals into a already clean gold chloride? If you added pins to the solution you would be adding, copper, nickle, lead, tin and gold foils. With the solution being mostly HNO3, the main problem would become the tin forming metastannic acid, locking up the foils, creating a nightmare to recover.

Even if you are a world class refiner, that just don't make any sense.

Edited, the other problem that might arise, depending on the amount of copper introduced, is the gold that is already in solution may start to precipitate back out as black powder creating an even bigger refining problem if metastannic acid does form.
Guys - slow down & think a bit - there is more then one way to skin this cat --- part of that depends on if you are processing your own material or material for a client (& even if its for a client it depends on what material he gave you) the other part depends on what kind of material you have in your recovery/refining line up/circuit (if its your material)

We use copper to recover (cement) values all the time so (if you are working on your own material) why not use copper (or brass) plated material to use up the free nitric - the result is your gold cemented back from (reverse) AR - AND - gold foils (its now recovered gold form BOTH products - & you didn't need to use fresh acid to get your foils) filter it & go for the refine on the recovered gold --- just be sure you are using CLEAN brass & not bronze - a "little bit" of tin is not going hurt a thing - a lot of tin is going to make a mess - so keep the bronze &/or large amounts of solder out of it - also keep gold plate or filled sterling out of it (due to the Ag/Cl problem)

When I do gold filled for my coin dealer buddy I first sort the SS (watch bands & eye glass frames) from all the other (& kick any GF 925 to the side) the bands & frames go to reverse AR - the reverse AR is then used to remove the base metals from the rest of HIS batch --- some times I need to use more nitric to rid all the base metal - some time I need to add some copper to finish cementing the gold - ether way the end result is all the gold from the batch recovered in a filter ready to go for refining

This batch (14.5 lbs) all SS & for a client dictates recovery (can't mix with anything else)

So you have options --- de-Nox nitric - sacrifice base metal (cementing) or use a reagent that will precip directly from free nitric solution

Its like when I use gold plated pins as my collector metal for smelting IC bonding wire from the ash (or SMDs or incinerated filters) --- why run 2 different processes when I can run one

one more comment --- Jerry (modtheworld44) has in fact come up with a process "that works" - he is using it - he explained it to me & I understand it - he showed it to JHS by way of Skype & John is now using it - its "as fast" as nitric which makes it way faster then AP & does not use a lot of chem - he got kicked off Kens forum for posting "miss information" --- what a shame - Jerry as not as dumb as some think - keep in mind Jerry is the one that came up with the H2O cell for striping silver plate

Jerry may come up with some "totally crazy ideas" but he thinks & works them through - sometimes they fail - but twice now he has come up with "new" methods that work

(quote by JHS) As far as Mod's process.I spent 2.5 hours watching his ingenious process on Skype one day.I was so impressed that I set it up the next day ,and used it with great success.As a matter of fact I use it quite often now.
Once mod explained the logic of his process it was very easy to understand why it worked so well.Thanks mod for sharing.

As a matter of my personal opinion - you guys need to stop being so hard on Jerry - he's really not the nut case he might come across as being once you really get to know him --- (well OK - maybe just a little bit of a nut case - but he is not a bad guy) :mrgreen: :lol:

He did give us the H2O silver stripping cell --- & he "might" even share this "new" process with us if you all weren't so hard on him

Sorry for hi jacking your thread Jerry (with the reverse AR thing)

I'm not being hard on Jerry, I'm asking pertinent questions Kurt 8) 8)

I'm genuinely intrigued!

kurtak said:
Guys - slow down & think a bit - there is more then one way to skin this cat --- part of that depends on if you are processing your own material or material for a client (& even if its for a client it depends on what material he gave you) the other part depends on what kind of material you have in your recovery/refining line up/circuit (if its your material)

We use copper to recover (cement) values all the time so (if you are working on your own material) why not use copper (or brass) plated material to use up the free nitric - the result is your gold cemented back from (reverse) AR - AND - gold foils (its now recovered gold form BOTH products - & you didn't need to use fresh acid to get your foils) filter it & go for the refine on the recovered gold --- just be sure you are using CLEAN brass & not bronze - a "little bit" of tin is not going hurt a thing - a lot of tin is going to make a mess - so keep the bronze &/or large amounts of solder out of it - also keep gold plate or filled sterling out of it (due to the Ag/Cl problem)

When I do gold filled for my coin dealer buddy I first sort the SS (watch bands & eye glass frames) from all the other (& kick any GF 925 to the side) the bands & frames go to reverse AR - the reverse AR is then used to remove the base metals from the rest of HIS batch --- some times I need to use more nitric to rid all the base metal - some time I need to add some copper to finish cementing the gold - ether way the end result is all the gold from the batch recovered in a filter ready to go for refining

This batch (14.5 lbs) all SS & for a client dictates recovery (can't mix with anything else)

So you have options --- de-Nox nitric - sacrifice base metal (cementing) or use a reagent that will precip directly from free nitric solution

Its like when I use gold plated pins as my collector metal for smelting IC bonding wire from the ash (or SMDs or incinerated filters) --- why run 2 different processes when I can run one

one more comment --- Jerry (modtheworld44) has in fact come up with a process "that works" - he is using it - he explained it to me & I understand it - he showed it to JHS by way of Skype & John is now using it - its "as fast" as nitric which makes it way faster then AP & does not use a lot of chem - he got kicked off Kens forum for posting "miss information" --- what a shame - Jerry as not as dumb as some think - keep in mind Jerry is the one that came up with the H2O cell for striping silver plate

Jerry may come up with some "totally crazy ideas" but he thinks & works them through - sometimes they fail - but twice now he has come up with "new" methods that work

(quote by JHS) As far as Mod's process.I spent 2.5 hours watching his ingenious process on Skype one day.I was so impressed that I set it up the next day ,and used it with great success.As a matter of fact I use it quite often now.
Once mod explained the logic of his process it was very easy to understand why it worked so well.Thanks mod for sharing.

As a matter of my personal opinion - you guys need to stop being so hard on Jerry - he's really not the nut case he might come across as being once you really get to know him --- (well OK - maybe just a little bit of a nut case - but he is not a bad guy) :mrgreen: :lol:

He did give us the H2O silver stripping cell --- & he "might" even share this "new" process with us if you all weren't so hard on him

Sorry for hi jacking your thread Jerry (with the reverse AR thing)


kurtak and JHS

Thank yall for the recognition and friendship you have provided me.I am lucky and grateful to know people like yall in my life time.

Kurtak I don't consider your post to be a hi-jacking,just a in depth knowledge lesson of a process you know and understand.You know me I'm all about learning new knowledge :mrgreen: . On another note,I re-thought that cell I came up with and will be testing the new idea today.I did some more research on the electrolyte I'm wanting to use.

Might be similar to your product Jerry?


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modtheworld44 said:
. On another note,I re-thought that cell I came up with and will be testing the new idea today.I did some more research on the electrolyte I'm wanting to use.


Jerry - don't do anything - until we talk on the phone again - I have something to point out you may not have thought of

I will call in an hour or two

Spaceships, if I ever get one of them I'll frame it but if I get a box full I might refine it :p

Good material to make a framed composition for bidding and devolve for a good cause, did I saw this before here.

In all my years in this world I have learned that the richest people on this planet are the ones that think out of the box.sometimes you have to see the tree,rather than the forest.
crazy sometimes = crazy like a fox.
kurtak said:
modtheworld44 said:
. On another note,I re-thought that cell I came up with and will be testing the new idea today.I did some more research on the electrolyte I'm wanting to use.


Jerry - don't do anything - until we talk on the phone again - I have something to point out you may not have thought of

I will call in an hour or two



Not to worry,I haven't set the cell up yet.I did just test the wire in HCL and it passivated like I expected it to.I'm going to go ahead and melt the wire into a anode and wait for your call.Thanks for the quick contact.

JHS said:
In all my years in this world I have learned that the richest people on this planet are the ones that think out of the box.sometimes you have to see the tree,rather than the forest.
crazy sometimes = crazy like a fox.


We so need a Like emoticon!!!! :mrgreen:

kurtak said:
one more comment --- Jerry (modtheworld44) has in fact come up with a process "that works" - he is using it - he explained it to me & I understand it - he showed it to JHS by way of Skype & John is now using it - its "as fast" as nitric which makes it way faster then AP & does not use a lot of chem - he got kicked off Kens forum for posting "miss information" --- what a shame - Jerry as not as dumb as some think - keep in mind Jerry is the one that came up with the H2O cell for striping silver plate

Just to be clear - in NO WAY - was I bad mouthing Kens forum with the above :!: --- Ken has a VERY good forum going as well - He &/or his forum Mods have the right to decide to ban a member just as happens from time to time here

I was simply making the statement that Jerry was banned - & that as a matter of my own personal opinion that was to bad because as much as Jerry can sometime be a bit off the hook - he also comes up with some good stuff

Ken --- SORRY if my first statement in any way sounded as if I was bad mouthing you &/or your forum - it was not my intent :!: you have a GREAT forum going :!:

spaceships said:
Might be similar to your product Jerry?


My guess is processor blocks from microwave server racks of a higher application field,such as military or Nasa. I'm probably wrong but that's my guess.Will you share what they came from please?Thanks in advance.

kurtak said:
kurtak said:
one more comment --- Jerry (modtheworld44) has in fact come up with a process "that works" - he is using it - he explained it to me & I understand it - he showed it to JHS by way of Skype & John is now using it - its "as fast" as nitric which makes it way faster then AP & does not use a lot of chem - he got kicked off Kens forum for posting "miss information" --- what a shame - Jerry as not as dumb as some think - keep in mind Jerry is the one that came up with the H2O cell for striping silver plate

Just to be clear - in NO WAY - was I bad mouthing Kens forum with the above :!: --- Ken has a VERY good forum going as well - He &/or his forum Mods have the right to decide to ban a member just as happens from time to time here

I was simply making the statement that Jerry was banned - & that as a matter of my own personal opinion that was to bad because as much as Jerry can sometime be a bit off the hook - he also comes up with some good stuff

Ken --- SORRY if my first statement in any way sounded as if I was bad mouthing you &/or your forum - it was not my intent :!: you have a GREAT forum going :!:

Thank you for clearing this up Kurt. Jerry can be and most times is a pain. I agree he has some great ideas, Jerry's problem, is most of the time he tries to put the cart before the horse. If, he would slow down some and allow others to help him before he makes claims of something new, He could work out most of the bugs.

I agree Kurt, Jerry is not Dumb, he plays Dumb. My question is Why???? All he has to do is be himself nothing more is expected from him. He has nothing to prove to anybody.

Jerry, I am not in NO WAY trying to be disrespectful here.

modtheworld44 said:
We so need a Like emoticon!!!! :mrgreen:

As of today (a couple of years ago) there is no more need to use [stt]fiscal[/stt] actual images for emoticons.
Just change database table encoding to utf8mb4 and you can use straight away any of those Unicode "characters", supposing database connection is initiated as utf and the software send UTF charset encoding to the browser.

Still nothing you can do modtheworld, just saying.


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