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New member
Aug 20, 2024
اخیرا یک رگه طلا Recently, I found a vein of gold at a depth of 6 meters in my grandfather's house, which has a large percentage of gold (according to the soil mechanics laboratory, this soil sample has the standard 853), and I was searching for articles and materials about I am separating its gold, you are doing me a great favor if you share your tricks with me.

بWith the guidance of one of my friends, I prepared hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfamic acid, and iron sulfate to separate gold, but unfortunately, in several steps that I followed the guidance of others, I still did not get the result. I did not arrive
I am very happy to be in the company of experienced people.
اخیرا یک رگه طلا Recently, I found a vein of gold at a depth of 6 meters in my grandfather's house, which has a large percentage of gold (according to the soil mechanics laboratory, this soil sample has the standard 853), and I was searching for articles and materials about I am separating its gold, you are doing me a great favor if you share your tricks with me.

بWith the guidance of one of my friends, I prepared hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfamic acid, and iron sulfate to separate gold, but unfortunately, in several steps that I followed the guidance of others, I still did not get the result. I did not arrive
I am very happy to be in the company of experienced people.
Welcome to us.
Adding acids to rocks or soil is almost like Russian roulette.
The next step may injure or kill you.
Get a full assay and determine from there the best cause of action.
Have you tried to crush and gravity separate it?

Here are some links to study:

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=19798
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/forums/safety.47/
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/threads/dealing-with-waste.10539/

Suggested reading:

Forum rules is here.
به ما خوش آمدید.
افزودن اسید به سنگ یا خاک تقریباً شبیه رولت روسی است.
مرحله بعدی ممکن است شما را مجروح یا بکشد.
یک آزمایش کامل انجام دهید و از آنجا بهترین علت اقدام را تعیین کنید.
آیا سعی کرده اید آن را له کنید و گرانش آن را جدا کنید؟

در اینجا چند لینک برای مطالعه وجود دارد:

ما از اعضای جدید خود می خواهیم که 3 کار را انجام دهند.
1. کتاب CM Hokes در مورد تصفیه ضایعات جواهرسازان را بخوانید، این کتاب مقدمه ای آسان برای مهم ترین شیمی در مورد پالایش می دهد.
در اینجا در انجمن رایگان است: https://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=19798
2. سپس بخش ایمنی انجمن را بخوانید: https://goldrefiningforum.com/forums/safety.47/
3. و سپس در مورد "برخورد با زباله" در انجمن بخوانید: https://goldrefiningforum.com/threads/dealing-with-waste.10539/

مطالعه پیشنهادی:

قوانین انجمن اینجاست.
I found a vein of gold at a depth of 6 meters in my grandfather's house, which has a large percentage of gold
What was your reason to suspect the soil contained gold? Was it visibly apparent looking at the soil? The reason it was suggested that you try gravity separation was because, if you were to pan a kilogram of gold that has come from a typical mine which has been crushed and blended, and assuming it was a relatively high yield of gold at about 1 ounce per ton, your 1 kg sample would only show you about 0.03 grams of actual gold. This is quite a small number to see by just looking at it.

But you mentioned the word vein, and a vein can have visible gold. So a sample panned to concentrate the gold may yield a bit more than 0.03 grams and that portion you separated by panning can be tested with acids.

How did you take a sample and how fine did you grind it? It is very difficult to quantify a find as to know how much it is worth even if the assayer told you there are X ounces per ton you have to determine the length and width of the vein to even approximate value. Typically cores are taken over an area to represent the area tested and the entire core is blended and processed. But in your case how did you even find this vein 6 meters under the ground?

Unless you have found a vein of ancient placer gold and there are physical nuggets, your acid approach will not work. First you need to determine the size of the find and quantify it before you indulge in acid recovery.
اخیرا یک رگه طلا Recently, I found a vein of gold at a depth of 6 meters in my grandfather's house, which has a large percentage of gold (according to the soil mechanics laboratory, this soil sample has the standard 853), and I was searching for articles and materials about I am separating its gold, you are doing me a great favor if you share your tricks with me.

بWith the guidance of one of my friends, I prepared hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfamic acid, and iron sulfate to separate gold, but unfortunately, in several steps that I followed the guidance of others, I still did not get the result. I did not arrive
I am very happy to be in the company of experienced people.
Just curious why you dug a hole 6 meters under his house. In the US, it is illegal to do such things, if it is a residence. That is a deep hole. Don't get caught, if such activities are illegal in your country. I do wish you luck though. Please explain the type of deposit you found, IE hard rock in a vein or replacement, or a placer (gravel) deposit. More info will give better answers.