how to convert mono atomic white gold into gold bar.. help please

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New member
Sep 5, 2024
I have stumbled upon a very strange gold ore... the xrf machine displayed 16.6% gold in ore sample after 1.simple wash, followed by 2. direct fire in furnace floor, 3. dilute cold hcl digestion for less than 2 hours.
the strange thing is that huge percentage of gold is unrecoverable and solutions bearing this ore usually shows no trace of gold using stannous chloride and even when stannous chloride test positive no recovery using smb can be made....but when the bearing solution is hcl/chlorine in the form of trichloro-s-triazinetrione is at ph 7.0 adding a 99% sulfuric acid to the pale green solution which tests negative for gold using SC disperse huge amount of heat and a very white powder in solution and the solution turns orange and tests positive for gold using SC.. and the white powder under xrf shows a 35% gold... non of which I could recover into metallic gold... have anyone encountered such a predicament...
I have stumbled upon a very strange gold ore... the xrf machine displayed 16.6% gold in ore sample after 1.simple wash, followed by 2. direct fire in furnace floor, 3. dilute cold hcl digestion for less than 2 hours.
the strange thing is that huge percentage of gold is unrecoverable and solutions bearing this ore usually shows no trace of gold using stannous chloride and even when stannous chloride test positive no recovery using smb can be made....but when the bearing solution is hcl/chlorine in the form of trichloro-s-triazinetrione is at ph 7.0 adding a 99% sulfuric acid to the pale green solution which tests negative for gold using SC disperse huge amount of heat and a very white powder in solution and the solution turns orange and tests positive for gold using SC.. and the white powder under xrf shows a 35% gold... non of which I could recover into metallic gold... have anyone encountered such a predicament...
Welcome to us.
How have you stumbled upon this terminology?
Mono atomic is per definition Gold in a particle size of one atom,
in the real world this won't happen as the Gold particles tend to clump together in clusters.

So I believe your XRF is at fault.

How did you find this procedure for dissolving thew Gold?

If Stannous gives a positive indication for Gold, it is definitively not mono atomic, as the color come from the distinct sizes of particles formed in the Stannous solution.

Here are some links for your further studies:
We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
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3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum:

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I have stumbled upon a very strange gold ore... the xrf machine displayed 16.6% gold in ore sample after 1.simple wash, followed by 2. direct fire in furnace floor, 3. dilute cold hcl digestion for less than 2 hours.
the strange thing is that huge percentage of gold is unrecoverable and solutions bearing this ore usually shows no trace of gold using stannous chloride and even when stannous chloride test positive no recovery using smb can be made....but when the bearing solution is hcl/chlorine in the form of trichloro-s-triazinetrione is at ph 7.0 adding a 99% sulfuric acid to the pale green solution which tests negative for gold using SC disperse huge amount of heat and a very white powder in solution and the solution turns orange and tests positive for gold using SC.. and the white powder under xrf shows a 35% gold... non of which I could recover into metallic gold... have anyone encountered such a predicament...
I believe you'll find that your 16% figure is 16% of the metal content that is registering with your XRF. It's not 16% of the sample overall.
I believe you'll find that your 16% figure is 16% of the metal content that is registering with your XRF. It's not 16% of the sample overall.
the xrf I used will recognize any unknown element to it registry as iron. that includes carbon, silica, sulfur...etc.
Welcome to us.
How have you stumbled upon this terminology?
Mono atomic is per definition Gold in a particle size of one atom,
in the real world this won't happen as the Gold particles tend to clump together in clusters.

So I believe your XRF is at fault.

How did you find this procedure for dissolving thew Gold?

If Stannous gives a positive indication for Gold, it is definitively not mono atomic, as the color come from the distinct sizes of particles formed in the Stannous solution.

Here are some links for your further studies:
We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum:
2. Then read the safety section of the forum:
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum:

Suggested reading:

Forum rules is here.
I found this terminology in the forum and it is why I joined.

I would appreciate your assistance in converting this gold to metallic gold.

I couldn't smelt it.
I found this terminology in the forum and it is why I joined.

I would appreciate your assistance in converting this gold to metallic gold.

I couldn't smelt it.
There is a reason this member was banned.

Any Gold or other metals dissolved in any liquid of preference will be in a state of an ionic salt.
When this is brought out of that state by either cementing (direct ion exchange)
or precipitation where a substance adheres to the non metallic part of the salt,
what happens is that the metal ion snaps up one or more electrons to fill its electron shell and thus bring it to a 0 valence state (ie Metal).
When this happens it forms clusters that eventually get heavy enough to precipitate out.
When we are testing with Stannous, what happens is the Tin change a certain amount of ions to metal atoms in clusters,
and this bends the light so we see the color we are used to see.
If there was such a substance as mono atomic metal it would be in metallic state and as such would dissolve in a flash and precipitate as any other metal of said species.

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