I´m new and i need help

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I am also new and have been reading my butt off. It took me awhile to stumble onto your site. I have also donated to lazersteve's site and will donate to this site soon.
I have 4 to 5 hundred gold ram strips, a pound and a half of fingers I cut off of video cards and modems, about 5 pounds of a variety of cpus. I will try to attach some pictures.
Should I go ahead and cut off the fingers on the Ram? I bought the $55 Shor kit and guess I will only use what I can and follow the directions I get from you guys. Something told me to wait and not jump into the Shor directions. Plus it is cold here and felt that a warmer climate may be best for me and the process I choose to try.
So if anyone can start me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I have read half of Hoke's book and skimmed over the papers from the forum..
Guess I will submit this and see how it goes.
VanGold 007.jpgGold 006.jpgGold 004.jpg

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