i give up ( and im usually not a quitter)

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As i read your about your situation, only one approach comes to my mind. Which is:
Source your scrap.
Dismantle and Seperate it.
Cherry pick only high yield components (fingers, CPU's and such) if you still want to do some recovery for profit.
Find a buyer here on the forum and sell him the boards.
buy/get more scrap.

Like Pat, i think that chemically processing whole boards (with very few exceptions), is reserved for hobby, not business.
You would be far better served doing things this way so your turnaround is always fast and your overhead kept low.
goldpete said:
patnor1011 said:
You may be confused regarding values. You talk about boards. What do you want to recover from not populated boards. Do you talk about boards or fingers?
Boards plating (if any) is super thin. It will go off board in form of powder. How much do your nitric cost? How much do your waste disposition cost? You will still have tin in solution no matter how much do you scrape out. Maybe if you treat board in hot HCl before AR or Nitric then you might eliminate most of tin but question is - does amount of flash plating warrant cost of acid, chemicals and time spent trying to recover it?

Can you upload pictures of board you are talking about?
ok im going out on a limb here and ill probably get a negative response , but please try and see my point .
im as broke as someone can possibly be . computer parts and cell phones cost me nothing , and acid is relatively cheap .
ive tried everything to make ends meet , i cant work , im dissabled . and i have to do something about getting some money soon . this is my only hope.
im not a clever guy , i was useless at school , so alot of what im reading is over my head , but im trying , i really am.
im not after sympathy , i know everyone has sob stories .
i just need help .
im doing the best i can and im really trying to learn and to understand whats right and how to make this work
Pete if I may here, there are people here on the board that will process your material for a fee. If it were me and i was having this much trouble and in your situation I would look for someone here to process for me until i could learn what i was doing better. Just a though man.

Do not give up, as you said you’re no quitter, but I would stand back and take another look at the big picture, you are trying to recover and refine gold, you have just begun and are not quite sure of how to do it, you keep running into problems and have to ask for help, this may get you out of one bind but you can barely catch your breath before you run into another problem, it all sounds so simple, surely all you do is mix a couple of chemicals and wind up melting pure gold bars, why are you having troubles?

I agree with patnor, do not quit before you even start, you have jumped into the middle, If I were you I would go back to the starting point, reading Hoke's Book, get your chemicals out and work on the getting acquainted experiments, get a good grasp of the basic principles, then also carry this type of experimentation on into what you learn from Laser Steve's website (and the forum), the processes he shows there, experiment with small batches of known processes and use clean high grade scrap and your chemicals, following each procedure step by step (do not experiment on changing the process, but experiment using the exact process, keeping other variables out of your materials or your reactions, so that when it works and you get a good grasp on the process you can use that process in recovery or refining, you will know what worked and have a better idea if something is different why it will not work and what steps you need to take to make it work, working with clean memory foils is a good place to learn the basics of the copper chloride leach and dissolving and precipitating gold, the material is relatively free from other metals that can give you trouble, and following what you learn from laser Steve's information he provides, you can get a good understanding of the principles, with studying Hoke's you also learn how to deal with other metals or reactions when you run into them later, work on one process before going to another, understand it well, this process after you learn it can also help you to understand another process you may study later, work like a scientist keep notes, work with a clean lab, learn the reaction working with experiments on small batches, and known materials with a fairly good idea of what to expect and why, spend time studying.

Do quit going the wrong way trying to recover and refine before you even learn (do not try and fly that airplane until you get some flying lessons, and asking help "how do I fly this thing" after you already took off from the ground is not going to help you make a smooth crash landing).

Do not give up, but start back at the beginning and do it right this time (you have learned more than you know up to this point, you have learned that it is not as easy as you thought, you are also beginning to see how much there is to this and that you need more understanding, take this knowledge back to the starting line, get some flying lessons in, and I bet we shall see you soar like an eagle when you are ready to fly.
jeneje said:
goldpete said:
patnor1011 said:
You may be confused regarding values. You talk about boards. What do you want to recover from not populated boards. Do you talk about boards or fingers?
Boards plating (if any) is super thin. It will go off board in form of powder. How much do your nitric cost? How much do your waste disposition cost? You will still have tin in solution no matter how much do you scrape out. Maybe if you treat board in hot HCl before AR or Nitric then you might eliminate most of tin but question is - does amount of flash plating warrant cost of acid, chemicals and time spent trying to recover it?

Can you upload pictures of board you are talking about?
ok im going out on a limb here and ill probably get a negative response , but please try and see my point .
im as broke as someone can possibly be . computer parts and cell phones cost me nothing , and acid is relatively cheap .
ive tried everything to make ends meet , i cant work , im dissabled . and i have to do something about getting some money soon . this is my only hope.
im not a clever guy , i was useless at school , so alot of what im reading is over my head , but im trying , i really am.
im not after sympathy , i know everyone has sob stories .
i just need help .
im doing the best i can and im really trying to learn and to understand whats right and how to make this work
Pete if I may here, there are people here on the board that will process your material for a fee. If it were me and i was having this much trouble and in your situation I would look for someone here to process for me until i could learn what i was doing better. Just a though man.
good idea , thanks , its definately worth considering
butcher said:

Do not give up, as you said you’re no quitter, but I would stand back and take another look at the big picture, you are trying to recover and refine gold, you have just begun and are not quite sure of how to do it, you keep running into problems and have to ask for help, this may get you out of one bind but you can barely catch your breath before you run into another problem, it all sounds so simple, surely all you do is mix a couple of chemicals and wind up melting pure gold bars, why are you having troubles?

I agree with patnor, do not quit before you even start, you have jumped into the middle, If I were you I would go back to the starting point, reading Hoke's Book, get your chemicals out and work on the getting acquainted experiments, get a good grasp of the basic principles, then also carry this type of experimentation on into what you learn from Laser Steve's website (and the forum), the processes he shows there, experiment with small batches of known processes and use clean high grade scrap and your chemicals, following each procedure step by step (do not experiment on changing the process, but experiment using the exact process, keeping other variables out of your materials or your reactions, so that when it works and you get a good grasp on the process you can use that process in recovery or refining, you will know what worked and have a better idea if something is different why it will not work and what steps you need to take to make it work, working with clean memory foils is a good place to learn the basics of the copper chloride leach and dissolving and precipitating gold, the material is relatively free from other metals that can give you trouble, and following what you learn from laser Steve's information he provides, you can get a good understanding of the principles, with studying Hoke's you also learn how to deal with other metals or reactions when you run into them later, work on one process before going to another, understand it well, this process after you learn it can also help you to understand another process you may study later, work like a scientist keep notes, work with a clean lab, learn the reaction working with experiments on small batches, and known materials with a fairly good idea of what to expect and why, spend time studying.

Do quit going the wrong way trying to recover and refine before you even learn (do not try and fly that airplane until you get some flying lessons, and asking help "how do I fly this thing" after you already took off from the ground is not going to help you make a smooth crash landing).

Do not give up, but start back at the beginning and do it right this time (you have learned more than you know up to this point, you have learned that it is not as easy as you thought, you are also beginning to see how much there is to this and that you need more understanding, take this knowledge back to the starting line, get some flying lessons in, and I bet we shall see you soar like an eagle when you are ready to fly.
thanks for you great advice . i will stick to doing fingers and pins for now and save the boards for a later date.
i do eventually learn things , it just takes me longer than most people. thats why i hate to quit , i know ill eventually get there in the end.
you all are a wonderful bunch of people . i really appreciate everything people say on here. im just getting extremely frustrated when i try something over and over and over , even taking onboard peoples advice and it still fails. the stannous chloride is a classic example . ive tried it by the book , ive tried it the way people say and still no luck
butcher said:
You will get it, and when you do your going to thump yourself in the forehead with the palm of you hand, and say why did I not see that it is so simple.
lol im looking forward to that day
goldpete said:
the liquid that comes out is a nice gold colour and its at this stage that ive tried testing . then i add smb and let it stand.
each time the liquid has gone perfectly clear and i have fine dark dust looking residue on the bottom.

correct me if i am wrong, but shouldnt the dark dust be the gold? testing this 'clear solution' should produce a negative result with stannous?

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