its first time to me here and i need help

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I believe you are misunderstanding what engbody83 is saying.

We got off on to a complicated subject like talking tin theory, engbody83 was probably really confused by it, could you imagine what it looked like we were talking about, once Google translated it to Egyptian, trying to understand that, would surely Alienate the best of us.

I think everyone here is just trying to help you, were they can, do not get Alienated, by their response, you will later find these same people very helpful later.
mr solar plasma really am sorry i didn't mean you as i didn't read your reply good i mean Mr "mls26cwru" as his method in reply i didn't like so sorry again guys and i were hope to find help here that's all and i didn't like someone give me lesson in asking that's all
and i find mr butcher is very cute in his reply and i could understand and i need help from all but by good way without angry :p
Many times I do not have good bedside manners, and I just say what I think, I do not say things to anger, upset or hurt anyone, but if I see or smell something and I think it stinks, I say I think it stinks, I do not say it to hurt anyone, but if someone asks, how would they know if I did not tell them.

I also am not always right, what I think stinks may smell good to someone else.

We as people sometimes get upset easily when we do not hear what we want to hear, or we can get upset by someone's answer, or by telling us we are wrong, or are doing something wrong.

That person may just be telling us that to try to be helpful, to try to get us to see it, and learn to do it better, they may or may not be right, but if we do not get upset we may see better if they are right or what they say may be helpful.

I really do not see our members here trying to say things to be hurtful, (if we see this they are not members long), most of the time they are trying to be helpful, they may also not say things well, and just say they think it stinks, they may also be just trying to help.

We may not always like a members answer or comment, or it may not be useful to us, and this will happen from time to time, but it is best for us not to take it to heart, or get upset, and if we think it is of no use or not helpful, either say nothing or just say thanks.

We may later see that member was just trying to help, and we may find later what he says is very helpful to us.

All in all this forum has a great group of helpful people, I do not use other forums, but I do not know anywhere where you could put this many people together from all over the world, and everyone so willing to help each other, and for everyone to be as respectful as possible to each other, I think this is a great group of people we have here, and each and everyone of us make this forum what it is, and you all have made this a great forum, and a great place to learn, thank you all.

P.S. Please do not get mad when I say that thing stinks, I may be wrong it may smell good.
g_axelsson said:
butcher said:
... because once tin is in solution with gold, the gold changes back to metal being reduced in solution as colloidal gold metal particles, unable to be detected in a stannous test, already reduced to metal, but these tiny particles of gold colloid are charged with both opposite polarity's so they cannot be reduced and will not settle out of solution, so in essence your gold is trapped, removing the tin at this point would not help much.

... snip ...

The colloid can be broken if it is not too bad, other times basically evaporating to dryness and incineration is about the only option of trying to recover the gold.

I hope I haven't quoted you too much out of content. I just wanted to ask if it really is as bad as you propose. Tin dissolved in aqua regia is turning into metastannic acid and then it will not affect the formation of gold chloride. In the same way, if you have gotten a solution with colloidal gold and excess of HCl you could not have any oxidizer left, if you had it would turn the gold back into gold chloride until all the tin is spent, tin chloride can't reduce gold twice.

When tin chloride is reducing gold chloride into gold it is at the same time oxidizing the tin chloride into tin oxide, taking it out of further reactions.
AuCl3 + SnCl2 + H2O --> SnO2 + Au + HCL

So if you have a colloidal solution, just add a bit of nitric acid and it should turn back into gold chloride and metastannic acid. The only reason I see to incinerate is if there is so much metastannic acid that it will lock in the gold chloride mecanically, making it impossible to decant or filter off the gold.

I would like to do an experiment just to prove my method would work, but right now I don't have the time and place to do it. So I wonder, am I missing something obvious here?


I would like to see the results also. I can't explain it but tin steals gold. I'm not a smart man when it comes to the explaining of it in technical terms all i can to is state what i have seen by observation. I think Chris (cnbarr) has learned it the same way to. I would love to understand it more to help me be a better refiner.

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