Jason Bourne, any fact or all fiction

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Guesses and speculation can be made all day long as to what can really be accomplished by any of the agencies with the technology they have at their disposal.

IMHO no one with family or friends that are even close to knowing or have the security clearances is going to come out in an open forum and say what the technology is capable of doing.

4metals said:
Probably not, but from the references given there is enough to make an educated guess that my estimate of 10% of what was implied in the movie was way way too low!

And that's good enough for me.

There is that possibility. :mrgreen:
patnor1011 said:
Upon consulting google I learned that R&D are going on full speed in miniaturization of surveillance drones but they are supposedly nowhere near that beetle sized one from the movie.


Use the mechnics of a wristwatch to make it capable of flight (like a mini toy helicopter)
Add the remote access capabilities that your cellphone has, along with the mini "button camera" that fits into a screw hole.
Yeah, they're probably smaller than a beetle by now.
If they're not that small yet, here's how they can make one ^

Oh wait... "this is supposedly a rumor though" Just google insect size drone, there's alot of sites.


But, even with all the technology, the so called "UFO" pictures from nasa etc, are still fuzzy :lol:

Edit - switched a few words.
jason_recliner said:
It's funny how people get all tied up in knots that their government knows too much about them. But then they will readily hand over every minute detail about their lives to private corporations.
This is still my favorite point (and most relevant IMHO) in this thread.
upcyclist said:
jason_recliner said:
It's funny how people get all tied up in knots that their government knows too much about them. But then they will readily hand over every minute detail about their lives to private corporations.
This is still my favorite point (and most relevant IMHO) in this thread.

Yeah, especially since most of the private corporations basically are the government, or have their hand in controlling the puppet strings.
Anyway,on another movie note.
I was watching a "Terminator Movie" and it suddenly hit me.
A High-frequency Induction furnace.
You could hold and melt any of the T-Models.Why had I not thought of that before?
Much easier to construct than a time dilation device.LOL
justinhcase said:
myfalconry76 said:
Sorry quoted the wrong user. But that's how they keep things safe from jammers and emps. Tesla Tesla Tesla. They create a ionic faraway cage around their devices.
I think you may be talking about a "Faraday cage" as invented by Michael Faraday FRS. :wink:
Yeah it was auto correct! I know that the faraday cage was invented by Michael faraday. But the version that was created by ionizing the air around a object. Like say air force one. Is based on Nicola Tesla and his notes on ionization and conductivity that he wrote during his years building the wardencliff tower. A lot of people don't realize that Tesla and his work has given us everything from cell phones and satilite communications. And here. Some time later, Apple is the first one to get to market his wireless transmission of electric. As wireless charging capable iPhone. The government has been hiding Tesla's work for some time. Everthing from high frequency sound weapons to a actual so called death Ray. Top secret and not know. Is the missile defence system the USA has. They can crate a field of super heated ionized air that can detonate warheads as they reenter the atmosphear.
I am impressed with Nikola Tesla and how he saw the advantages of alternating current,but a lot of his ideas simply did not work on a larger scale.
My studies have been more around people like "James Clerk Maxwell" and "Heinrich Hertz" both laid down more fundamental theory but have been much less publicised.
a good scientist leaves you with precise instructions on how to replicate their work so that their theories can be proven by outside independent observers.
Has anyone ever looked at the capabilities of the “magnifier” app installed on androids, iPhones, and computers? It is supposed to be an app for helping people with disabilities but it could be used as a backdoor.
Some phones even have lidar. It used to be set where it could not be uninstalled from your phone but I’m not sure if that has changed yet.
I guess all of the hype about Tic Toc spying on us is also a function of our own phones. Now they need eyes on the screens to surveil us but with AI coming into it's own even the eyes will be replaced.

Bring back phone booths and land lines. Life was simpler!
"Smart TV's" have a camera and microphone built in. Connected appliances and vehicles are sending your in usage. Facebook is designed to map your actions and associates. Hardly spying if you willfully give up your information. Yet, IF the surveillance is so common, it would be impossible to break laws and not get caught.
Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft stock prices never really took a hit, due to .gov backing maybe?
It has been very well established since the invention of the telescope that what has been made available to the public was deliberately made leaps and bounds below the standard that national interest enjoys.
The Second World War amplified this trend and produced a spectrum of technologies and implementations that conformed to nearly neolithic standards in some extremes and almost science fiction at others.
In modern times, I would draw attention to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Almost entirely made on tooling originally intended for the C.I.A. graciously donated to NASA once they became obsolete.
The C.I.A. and N.S.A. probably have launched sixteen to twenty times the amount of hardware that was superior to N.A.S.A. over the last forty years, if anyone is counting.
If only our best scientists were working with the 3M dishes instead of the 2.4M hand-me-downs from the C.I.A.

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