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Oz said:

Your signature line is completely inappropriate! I could care less if it is a Rick James quote or not, foul language will not be tolerated on the forum. Since all of your posts are in this thread I am notifying you here so you cannot miss a PM. I am removing your signature on these 6 posts and expect you to delete your signature line in your profile NOW.

But they say that word on TV all the time bitch. Now this site is PG13??? It was and still is a joke since I won't be getting rich bitch. jajajajajaja

Ok, smart guy. I doh't take to clever people disrespcting anyone on this forum, especially a moderator. I'm giving you two weeks to think about your attitude. Get rid of your sig line and come back with manners, or the vacation will be permanent. You are now officially banned for two weeks.

This clever individual just bought two weeks to review his attitude and change his sig line. The next time he disrespects anyone on the board will be the last time.

It should be noted that I deleted two of his posts, both condescending in nature. That doesn't fly here.

Harold just did you a big favor by seeing this before I replied. Below is what I was getting ready to post and do.

Oh my, you must be so proud of yourself with your whit and prose. I am not one prone to immediate, harsh, and permanent actions. However you have made your point ever so eloquently that you completely lack the skills needed to function within polite society, that I must acquiesce to your obvious intended wishes and ban you.

I care not what you see on your TV, but as long as I have been on this forum the doctrine has always been that we will maintain an atmosphere that anyone of us can have our mother or our children looking over our shoulder seeing what is written here without being offended or ashamed. That will not change if I am to be a part of it.

At this point it is not so much about the “words” you chose, but about your attitude. I believe your attitude is beyond reformation for a good number of years. Perhaps one day you will find it in your best interest to “grow up” despite what number of years you may have obtained.

Unfortunately for you, you have a problem that you wished to have fixed for you. Through your immature behavior you have lost that opportunity. You found the best place on the internet when it comes to advice and experience in precious metals refining. My job is to keep it just such a place.


To the rest of the forum I apologize, as I will leave this thread as an example to others that consider taking such a path. Of course I will edit out the offending language.

After seeing Harold’s reply, you have a reprieve. I will leave it to Harold’s discretion as to editing your posts. If you have any desire to learn refining, shape up or ship out.

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